满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Here is a picture. The weather is terrib...

Here is a picture. The weather is terrible. It’s _____. The Li family are all at home. Mr. Li is sitting in a chair. He is very tall and a little bit heavy. He ____ a newspaper. He is ____ English teacher. He teaches very well. His students like______very much. Mrs. Li is sitting on the bed. She is of medium height and beautiful. She is watching TV. Mr. and Mrs. Li have a son and a daughter. Li Ming is at the desk. He______his pen pal in Canada. He is a______of No. 1 Middle School. He likes_____ soccer. His favorite______is P.E at school. Li Yan is their ______. She is only four. She has long straight hair. She is wearing a red dress. She’s sitting on the floor and  ______her cat. What a happy family!

1.A. sunny    B. cool    C. warm    D. rainy

2.A. reads    B. is reading    C. looks    D. is looking

3.A. a    B. an    C. the    D. /

4.A. him    B. his    C. her    D. himsel

5.A. is writing    B. writes to    C. is writing to    D. writing

6.A. teachers    B. teacher    C. students    D. student

7.A. play    B. plays    C. to playing    D. playing

8.A. sport    B. subject    C. book    D. place

9.A. mother    B. aunt    C. sister    D. cousin

10.A. playing    B. playing with    C. plays    D. plays with


1.D 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.B 【解析】本文介绍了李家一家人,他们的职业和在家所做的活动。 1.D 考查形容词及语境的理解。A. sunny 晴朗的; B. cool 凉爽的; C. warm 温暖的; D. rainy有雨的;句意:天正在下雨。根据前文的The weather is terrible.可知天气不好,因此表示正在下雨,故选D。 2.B 考查动词及语境的理解。A. reads 阅读; B. is reading 阅读;C. looks 看;D. is looking看;句意:他正在看报纸。read a newspaper看报纸,根据Mr. Li is sitting in a chair.可知用现在进行时, 故选B。 3.B 考查冠词及语境的理解。A. a 一个;B. an 一个; C. the 那个; D. /零冠词;句意:他是一名英语老师。English是元音音素开头,故用不定冠词an修饰。故选B。 4.A 考查代词及语境的理解。A. him 他; B. his 他的;C. her 她的; D. himself他自己;句意:他的学生非常喜欢他。根据主语his students可知此处喜欢的宾语是他,用代词him。故选A。 5.C 考查动词及语境的理解。A. is writing 写; B. writes to 写信给……; C. is writing to 写信给……; D. writing写;句意:他正在给他在加拿大的笔友写信。write to sb给某人写信。此处用现在进行时,故选C。 6.D 考查名词及语境的理解。A. teachers 教师;B. teacher 教师; C. students 学生; D. student学生;句意:他是第一中学的一名学生。根据of No. 1 Middle School.和His favorite___8___is P.E at school.可知他是学校的一名学生,有不定冠词a修饰,故用单数名词student,故选D。 7.D 考查动词及语境的理解。A. play 玩; B. plays 玩; C. to playing 玩; D. playing 玩;句意:他喜欢踢足球。like doing sth喜欢做某事,故此处用动名词playing,故选D。 8.A 考查名词及语境的理解。A. sport 运动;B. subject 科目; C. book 书本;D. place地方;句意:他在学校最喜欢的科目是体育。根据is P.E可知此处指的是科目,故选A。 9.C 考查名词及语境的理解。A. mother 母亲; B. aunt 姑妈; C. sister 妹妹; D. cousin表姐妹;句意:李艳是他们的妹妹。根据后文的She is only four.可知她只有四岁,因此是妹妹,故选C。 10.B 考查动词和动词短语及语境的理解。A. playing 玩;B. playing with 和……玩; C. plays 玩;D. plays with和……玩;句意:她正坐在地上和她的猫玩。根据宾语her cat可知表示和她的猫玩,根据She’s sitting on the floor可知此处用现在进行时,故选B。 点睛:根据前后文的语境,结合词义辨析,时态,语态,短语,句型和主谓一致,选出正确的选项。例如小题8,句意:他在学校最喜欢的科目是体育。根据is P.E可知此处指的是科目,故选A。

—_______. Is there a bank near here?

—Yes, there is one between the pay phone and the park.

A. Excuse me    B. I’m sorry

C. Can I help you    D. Hello



Little Tom likes hamburgers very much _______ his mother doesn’t.

A. and    B. or    C. because    D. but



My parents usually go to the _______ to buy some food and drink.

A. post office    B. supermarket    C. library    D. hospital



Sally ______ boating on Green Lake last weekend and had great fun.

A. goes    B. go    C. is going    D. went




— That_________good.

A. playing;is    B. play;sounds    C. play; sound    D. to play; sounds



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