满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Cindy Smith is a ______star. And she lik...

Cindy Smith is a ______star. And she likes ______salad.

A. sport vegetable    B. sports vegetables    C. sports  vegetable    D. sport vegetables


C 【解析】试题分析:Cindy Smith是一个体育明星,她喜欢蔬菜沙拉。体育明星是sports star;蔬菜沙拉用vegetable salad。通常情况下名词用作形容词修饰后面的名词都只能用单数形式,但sport是个例外,表示运动用品只能用复数sports来修饰。故选C。  

I have a baseball,____I like sport.

A. and    B. then    C. or    D. but



--Is this your English book?

----No,Ask Lily,she is looking for ______

A. mine    B. his    C. hers    D. yours



--Happy birthday!


A. That sounds good    B. You too    C. You’re welcome    D. Thank you



Mike has ____basketball and likes playing it after____supper.

A. a   the    B. / the    C. a  /    D. the  /




1.A. same    B. late    C. table    D. hat

2.A. help    B. me    C. these    D. she

3.A. five    B. price    C. nice    D. big

4.A. go    B. note    C. clock    D. home

5.A. must    B. excuse    C. but    D. mum

6.A. now    B. know    C. how    D. brown

7.A. hear    B. near    C. pear    D. clear

8.A. cake    B. card    C. close    D. rice

9.A. whose    B. when    C. where    D. white

10.A. meat    B. easy    C. great    D. tea



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