满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Take a look at the following ads! You ma...

Take a look at the following ads! You may find some useful information you need here!



Guitar lessons

Experienced musicians from Australia. Good at teaching kids for 5 years!

For more information, please visit Larrys web-site:www.music.com.au



Lost dog

Medium size , with brown spots and white short hair. Answer you when you call it David. Many thanks for sending it back.

Call Susan at 7328059.



Taxi driver wanted

Full time or part time. Experience and a good knowledge of the city are necessary. English is also a must.

Under 45 years old.

Call Mr. White at 5132683



Apartment for sale

Two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom.

Hot water:8:00—18:00.

Beautiful sights out of the windows.

E-mail:sdgt@ yahoo.cn

1.If you want to have a guitar lesson, you may_ .

A.call Susan at 7328059

B. surf the website: www.music.com.au

C. call Mr. White at 5132683

D. e-mail: sdgt@yahoo.cn.

2.Who is the owner of the lost dog?

A.Mr. White. B.Larry. C.Susan. D.David.

3.If you want a job as a taxi driver, you should .

A.be under 45 years old

B. know the city very well

C. be an experienced driver

D.all of the above

4.Which information about the apartment is NOT mentioned in the table?

A.It has a beautiful view.

B.It has hot water in the daytime.

C.It has three floors.

D. It has a kitchen.


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.C 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:该文中给出了吉他课、招聘出租车司机、出售公寓和寻找丢失的狗等四则广告。 1.B细节理解题。根据文中第一方框中的“please visit Larry’s website: www. music. com.”可知如果你想上吉他课,可以访问网站www. music. com。所以选B 2.C细节理解题。根据文中第二方框中的语句“Call Susan at 732-8059”可知那条丢失的狗的主人是苏三。所以选C。 3.D细节理解题。根据文中第三方框中的语句“Experience and a good knowledge(认识) of the city are necessary.以及Under 45 years old”可知如果你想得到当出租车司机的工作,你必须在45岁以下,必须有当司机的经验,必须对该城市了解,所以选D。 4.细节理解题。根据文中第四方框中的描述可知ABD都有,没有提到C,所以选C。 考点:考查广告布告类阅读。

My brother and I often fight with each other over small things. My father is worried about that. One day our father said to us     , “Tomorrow we will take part in the Ray Home Sports Day. Both of you must go with me. Perhaps you can     something from those children.” My brother      , “Dad, Ray is a home for physically(身体的) disabled children. What can we learn from them?”

“You will see,” our father said.

Our father works as a volunteer at Ray. The children there have problems with their hands, speech, hearing or     . Every day, he spends hours      them to move or exercise their legs or arms.

The following day, he took us to Ray Home. When we got there, we found a nice place to sit down. Finally the      began. There was a 50-metre race. All the runners were physically disabled. As the race started, all the children moved as fast as they could. Just then, one of the girls      . She began to scream(尖叫) at the top of her voice.

All the          children stopped to help the poor girl. Then they all held hands and finished the       together. My brother and I were      at this: the children weren’t interested in winning the race ---- they were more interested in helping each other to finish the race.

1.A.seriously   B.warmly           C.excitedly       D.sadly

2.A.take      B.learn           C.get             D.hear

3.A.laughed    B.talked          C.smiled         D.called

4.A.sleeping  B.eating           C.lying         D.walking

5.A.watching   B.hearing          C.helping         D.asking

6.A.class        B.sports           C.party           D.show

7.A.came first   B.came last      C.fell behind   D.fell down

8.A.healthy      B.kind             C.disabled      D.worried

9.A.work         B.plan             C.race            D.test

10.A.surprised   B.angry            C.lucky         D.pleased



Sigh and you sigh alone, cry and you cry alone, but smile, the whole world smiles   you. So what can smiles bring to you?

Smiles improve your appearance. A smile is an easy way     your looks. Just think about this: a person is sighing, a person is smiling--who seems to(看起来) have     looks?

Smiles make things right again     say much more than words can. If you make a silly mistake, say something wrong, or feel alone or     , a smile can make things right again. A smile lets other people     that you’re prepared to be open to them, and that you’re ready to help.

Smiles make you feel good. Even if you’re feeling     sad, put happy thoughts into your mind ,and just add a smile.     will make you cheerful .

Smiles make other people feel good. An open-mouthed smile shows that you’re friendly. And people feel comfortable to see a smile, no matter where they are.

Smiles bring you     happier life. Smiling     you happiness, friends, success, and a longer life. Now , are you ready to smile?

1.A.with         B.to          C.from          D.on

2.A.change      B.changes       C.changed      D.to change

3.A.good         B.well         C.better        D.best

4.A.or           B.but       C.and           D.nor

5.A.sad          B.sadly        C.sadden        D.sadness

6.A.know         B.to know       C.knowing      D.knew

7.A.little   B.a little     C.few           D.a few

8.A.They        B.Them          C.Its          D.It

9.A.a           B.an           C.the           D./

10.A.bring       B.brings       C.brought       D.bringing



---There are so many nice coat for young people, which one have you             , Sam?

--- The red one.

A. turned on        B. depended on

C. come on          D. decided on



What a poor boy, he is not             the box.

A.enough strong to carry            B.strong enough to carrying

C.strong enough to carry              D.enough strong to carrying



She             a basketball game from 7 to 8 last night.

A.was watching          B.watches

C.is watching             D.has watched



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