满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

作文 马上要升入中学了,每位同学都想尽快了解新朋友,请你自我介绍一下,说说自己的...





Hello, everyone. I’d like to introduce myself to you. My name is Lihua. I am 13 years old. I like playing basketball. I often play it when I am free. I like drawing, too. I learn drawing when I am young. My favorite subject is English and I am goot at it. I hope we can be good friends. 【解析】 试题分析:这篇作文要求我们做一个自我介绍,来认识更多的朋友。自我介绍的时候,应该要说明自己的一些基本情况,如姓名、年龄、电话号码等;还可以介绍一下自己的一些兴趣爱好,如喜欢什么运动,或者业余时间自己喜欢做的事情,或者介绍一下自己喜欢的科目、颜色或其他等等。通过分析可知,这篇自我介绍应该使用第一人称来叙述,用一般现在时态。写作时要注意符合英语的表达规范,内容充实、完整,条理要清晰。 写作亮点:这篇作文写得还是很不错的,作者经过仔细审题,以李华的身份做了一个自我介绍。短文中使用了正确的时态和人称,内容也很丰富、完整。作者注意了主语和谓语动词在形式上的一致,使用了正确的语法。这篇短文中,作者主要介绍了自己的姓名、年龄、兴趣爱好等,也加了一些评论性的句子给予补充,使整篇短文的意思更加完整。结尾很好,表达了要结交新朋友的愿望。 考点:提纲类作文。  


My name is Tom. I’m from America, but I live in China. I speak Chinese very well, but I often make mistakes with Chinese. Yesterday I went to a shop with my friend Lingling. I wanted to buy some cups. I told the shop assistant I wanted some “beizi”. She looked surprised and didn’t know why. Then my friend Lingling said, “Tom, are you going to buy something for your bed?”  “No, I’m going to buy something to drink tea.” I said. Lingling told the assistant about it. Then I knew I mistake. Lingling was kind and helpful.

1.Tom is an American boy. Where does he live now?

2.Where did he go yesterday.

3.What did he want to buy?

4.Who helped Tom?

5.What is Lingling like?




I _1._____(have) a very funny day on Saturday. I 2.______(go) to a park with Simon and his mum. We __3.____(take) sandwiches and we 4.______(want) to have a picnic. There 5.______(is) a big lake and there 6.______(are) lots of ducks. Then it _7._____(start) to rain. It 8.____(rain) a lot. We 9._____(run) quickly under a tee. We _10._____(don’t want) to get wet. Those naughty ducks _11._____(go) to our picnic and _12.____(eat) all the sandwiches! I 13.______(take) some photos for you.




( in , with, how much, at, of, out, about)

1.Helen Keller was born _____ 1880 _______ America.

2.He spent _______ 21 hours ______ space.

3.We are going to eat _______half past twelve.

4.Yesterday, I went to the park ______ friends.

5.I am looking _____ _____ the window.

6.There were lots ____ ducks.

7.Can you tell me ________ milk is there in that bottle?




1.Who gave it to you?                A. By car.

2.How can we go to the Stonehenge?    B. At seven o’clock.

3.When do you go to school?           C. My teacher gave it to me.

4.What are you going to learn?       D. I’m going to learn English.

5.Where are the ducks?                E. It’s nine o’clock now.

6.What’s the time now?              F. I’m fine, thank you.

7.How are you?                        G. They are behind the people.

8.Can you fly a kite?                H. Yes, I will.

9.Who is his dad?                    I. Sorry, I can’t

10.Will you make a cake?             J. He’s very famous. He’s Yang Liwei.




1.A. fall      B. carry    C. hold    D. party

2.A. heavy   B. wet      C. enjoy   D. funny

3.A. teacher   B. waitress  C. driver   D. work

4.A. buys    B. plays   C. claps     D. oranges

5.A. raining  B. going  C. playing   D. having



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