满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.These _________ (mountain) are very h...


1.These _________ (mountain) are very high. They are difficult to climb.

2.Their _________ (wife) stay at home and look after the children.

3.________ (final), all of them got to school on time.

4.—What do you think of the story?        —I think it’s _________ (real) interesting.

5.Li Lei runs ________ (fast) than any ontehr student in our class.

6.The god can turn _________ (him) into many things.

7.The little boy became _________ (interest) in the movie as soon as it came out.

8.Spring Festival is the __________ (tradition) Chinese festivel and we can have a good time with our parents and relatives.

9.I only ate three __________ (piece) of bread this morning and i feel hungry now.

10.Look at the _________ (wonder) house. How beautiful it is!


1.mountains 2.wives 3.Finally 4.really 5.faster 6.himself 7.interested 8.traditional 9.pieces 10.wonderful 【解析】 1.mountains 句意:这些山太高了。它们太难爬了。有these修饰,故此处用复数名词,故为mountains。 2.wives 句意:他们的妻子待在家里,照顾孩子们。根据谓语stay是复数形式,故主语用复数形式,故为wives。 3.Finally 句意:最后,他们都按时到校。此处修饰整个句子,故用副词,故为Finally。 4.really 句意:——你认为这个故事怎么样?——我认为它是真的有趣。修饰形容词interesting,故用副词,故为really。 5.faster 句意:在我们班李磊跑得比其他任何同学都快。根据介词than可知用形容词fast的比较级,故为faster。 6.himself 句意:那位神仙把她自己变成了许多东西。此处的主语the god把自己变成了东西,故用反身代词himself。 7.interested 句意:那部电影一出来,那个小男孩就对它感兴趣。be interested in对……感兴趣,故为interested。 8.traditional 句意:春节是中国的传统节日,我们和父母和亲戚玩得高兴。修饰名词短语Chinese festival,故用形容词,故为traditional。 9.pieces 句意:今天早上我只吃了三块面包,我现在感到饿了。有数词three修饰,故此处用复数名词,故为pieces。 10.wonderful 句意:看这座壮观的房子。它多么漂亮啊!修饰名词house,故用形容词,故为wonderful。 点睛:根据句意,结合词性,短语,句型,时态,语态和主谓一致,用所给单词的正确形式填空。例如小题9,句意:今天早上我只吃了三块面包,我现在感到饿了。有数词three修饰,故此处用复数名词,故为pieces。

Miss Brown is one of        teachers in our school.

A.popular          B.more popular

C. most popular    D.the most popular



It took us much time ________ the mountain.

A. climb    B. climbed    C. to climb    D. to climbing



My mother is _______ busy _______ she can’t cook for us at noon.

A. so; that    B. such; that    C. too; to    D. as; as



—_______ happened _______ him last night?

—He fell down and hurt himself.

A. How; with    B. How; to    C. What; with    D. What; to



The twin brothers are very lazy. ______ of them are good at English and other subjects.

A. Both    B. All    C. Neither    D. None



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