满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

One afternoon, Kate and her brother Bob ...

One afternoon, Kate and her brother Bob went out to play.Kate was eight, and Bob was ten.“Let’s go to the bridge and we can see fish in the river.” said Kate.

“I don’t know…” Bob said.“Mum told us, ‘don’t go on the bridge.’ She said it’s dangerous.”

Kate said, “I am not afraid.Are you?”

They walked onto the bridge and began looking for fish in the river.The bridge was a train bridge.Trains went over the bridge three times a day.

The children were standing in the middle of the bridge when they heard a loud noise.“A train is coming!” Bob shouted.“Run!” He ran to the end of the bridge.He was safe.

Kate ran, too, but she fell.The train was coming fast.Kate ran towards Bob.She fell again right on the train tracks(铁轨).There was no time to leave.She had to lie down between the tracks.A few seconds later, the train went over the girl, but she was not hurt at all.She stood up and said to Bob, “Don’t tell Mum! Don’t tell Mum!”

At last their mother found out about the story.She was angry because they went on the bridge.But she was happy that Kate was all right.

1.Bob and Kate were     .

A. twins    B. brothers

C. sisters    D. brother and sister

2.One afternoon they went to the bridge to see     .

A. their mother    B. fish

C. the train    D. the river

3.When the train came, the children were     .

A. in the middle of the bridge

B. at the end of the bridge

C. on their way to the bridge

D. away from the bridge

4.Where was Kate when the train was going over her?

A. She fell again right on the train tracks(铁轨).

B. Kate ran towards Bob.

C. She had to lie down between the tracks.

D. She stood up and cried.

5.When their mother knew about the story, she was     .

A. happy    B. angry

C. sorry    D. both angry and happy


1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D 【解析】试题分析:本文讲述了鲍勃和妹妹凯特不听妈妈的话去火车桥上,结果火车来了,由于凯特跌倒,她急中生智躺在两个铁轨中间,从而躲过火车的故事。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 考点:本题考查故事阅读类文章。

Welcome to Student Success,the radio programme that helps students study.This morning we will talk with Jenny,John and Anna,the three top students in English from No.1 High School,about how they study.

Jenny:I study by reading the textbook every night.I make lists of words I don’t know.Then I make flashcards(抽示卡)from the lists and go over them.I like to study by myself at home.It’s quiet there.

John:I study best with my friends.We get together in the park after school.Sometimes we use flashcards.At other times, we practise talking in English.It helps me a lot.

Anna:I ask my teacher for help.She always gives me tapes to listen to.Sometimes I read aloud to help practise pronunciation.And I listen to radio programmes like this one,too!You can say that I learn by listening.   

So they have three different ways to study and they all work.Our next programme is about language learning.

1.Students Success is a       

A. book about how to learn English

B. television programme

C. radio programme

D. DVD about language study

2.Jenny likes to study         

A. in the park    B. in the library

C. with her friends    D. by herself

3.        studies English by practising talking in English.

A. Jenny    B. John    C. Anna    D. The reporter

4.Anna’s teacher always gives her      to help her study English.

A. books    B. tapes    C. CDs    D. cards

5.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The three students are all weak in English.

B. The three students are all high school students.

C. Jenny reads the textbook every night.

D. Both Jenny and John use flashcards to learn English.



I am a reporter from Beijing TV station.I want to know What people like to ______.So I interviewed 100 people about it.Here is the______

Twenty people like to watch CCTV’s programmes,______the news channel,because they can know the______news in the world.About ten people prefer CCTV-3 programmes,because they______music and dancing very much.About fifteen people say that they like to watch the______channel.They can enjoy the most exciting movies at home.They______think it is the cheapest way to enjoy movies.Some old people

say they like operas most,_____,Beijing Opera,so they like to watch the opera channel.About five people______that they don’t mind which channel to watch.

So if our TV station wants to have a larger______,we should try to make the best programme.

1.A. sing    B. look    C. watch    D. hear

2.A. result    B. why    C. reason    D. cause

3.A. specially    B. especially    C. quickly    D. luckily

4.A. newest    B. fastest    C. worst    D. latest

5.A. dislike    B. study    C. love    D. work

6.A. sports    B. movie    C. song    D. news

7.A. also    B. too    C. either    D. yet

8.A. as well    B. because of    C. look like    D. for example

9.A. tell    B. say    C. speak    D. talk

10.A. reporters    B. readers    C. audience    D. presenters



This is my first time to come to Ji’nan.Can you        me        Daming Lake?

A. show,around    B. take,over

C. look,around    D. get,around



The boy is         the ant on the ground.

A. looking up at    B. looking down at

C. looking like    D. looking down



The man makes a living         teaching.

A. without    B. with    C. by    D. use



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