满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.When we talk to others,we should care...


1.When we talk to others,we should care about their_______(feel).

2.Would you please read the sentence________(loud)so that we could hear?

3.Who knows the________(high)of the tallest tower in the world?

4._______(not speak)with your mouth full of food and_______(be)polite.

5.Jim’s mother is ______(worry)about her little son.He got his arm hurt when he played basketball.

6.It’s a________(bore)story and I don’t like it.

7.All the workers are on the________(build)site.

8.The________(sell)of the shop is a little girl.

9.All the people are very busy with_________(tire)faces.

10.When a bus________(stop),the people rushed out.


1.feelings 2.1oudly 3.height 4.Don’t speakbe 5.worried 6.Boring 7.Building 8.seller 9.tired 10.stooped 【解析】 1.句意:当我们和别人交谈时,我们应该关心他们的感受。形容词性物主代词后跟名词形式,故答案为feelings,feeling为可数名词,要用复数形式。 2.句意:你能大声朗读这个句子以便我们能听到吗?副词修饰动词,故答案为loudly。 3.句意:有谁知道世界上最高的塔的高度是多少?所有格“the height of…”意思是“……的高度”,结合句意可知,此处填写名词形式height。 4.句意:不要满嘴食物说话,要有礼貌。祈使句的否定句以Don’t开头,肯定句以动词原形开头,此处and连接的前后两句同为祈使句,故答案为(1). Don’t speak (2). be 5.句意:吉姆的母亲担心她的小儿子。他打篮球时手臂受伤了。be worried about为……担心,结合句意可知,答案为worried。 6.句意:这是一个无聊的故事,我不喜欢它。bored一般修饰人,boring一般修饰物,故答案为boring。 7.句意:所有工人都在工地上。动名词用作定语,表示用途,building site建筑工地,故答案为building。 8.句意:这家商店的售货员是个小女孩。此句缺少主语,结合句意可知,此处用名词作定语,答案为seller。 9.句意:所有的人都忙得疲惫不堪。结合句意可知,此处是指人疲惫不堪,答案为tired。 10.句意:公共汽车停下来时,人们冲了出来。根据“the people rushed out.”判断前一个句子的时态也为一般过去时态,答案为stopped。

      people come to this famous city every year.

A. Million    B. Two millions    C. Millions of



       more knowledge,he attended many classes last year.

A. To learn    B. Learn    C. Learning



I saw the man       when I walk past his room.

A. drawing    B. draw    C. to draw



If you say something       English,please don’t do it       a low voice.

A. in;in    B. in;with    C. with;in



Her doctor said:“      work so hard.”

A. Stop    B. Don’t    C. Can’t



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