满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The sunshine shines the window into the ...

The sunshine shines       the window into the room.

A. across    B. to    C. through


C 【解析】句意:阳光透过窗户照射进房间里。“透过窗户”是空间穿越,用through。across指在平面穿过,如go across the street。故答案为C。 点睛:across/through区别 :两者都可作介词,都意为“穿过”,但是用法不同。 1) across 着重指从物体表面的一边、一面到另一边、另一面。表示“横穿、横过、横渡、横跨”的意思。例如: Look left and right before you go across the street.过马路时要左右看。 2) through 着重指从空间的一头穿到另一头,也就是说从一个物体的空间里穿过,表示“贯通、直穿、透过、穿过”的意思。例如: He passed through the hall.他穿过大厅。  

All the people look      because they are too busy.

A. friendly    B. carefully    C. tired



The newspaper wants       from the readers.

A. some advice    B. some advices    C. an advice



Don’t be       about the boys.They will be OK.

A. interested    B. worried    C. excited




1.Jack can make ordinary things sound interesting.

A. normal    B. different    C. same

2.I need some advice on how to solve this problem.

A. forms    B. moment    C. suggestions

3.Alex often disagree with me.

A. doesn’t leave    B. doesn’t passes    C. doesn’t agree

4.She was in a hurry to see her child because he hurt his leg.

A. is worried about    B. was glad to see    C. hurried to see

5.Tim went out the classroom quickly

A. slowly    B. very slow    C. very fast






BBC is one of the most famous radio1.in the world.It has its own offices in London and in many other parts of the country,even in the2.countries.

People can find out all the BBC programmes in the BBC’s magazine Radio Times.The magazine has much more readers than any3.magazine in Britain.BBC has a lot of radio channels(频道)and TV channels.There are all kinds of

4.on them.Some are for parents,and some are for5..Some are for workers and farmers,and some are for teachers and students.Some give main news and some give music or sports.You can choose what you like to listen to or to watch.



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