满分5 > 初中英语试题 >


目前,越来越多的孩子们利用周末和假期参加各种各样的课外辅导班。作为一名中学生,你怎么看待这一现象呢?请以“My opinions about after-school classes ”为题写一篇短文,内容须包含以下要点:

Do you think kids should take after-school classes?

Please tell us at least three reasons

What would you like to do in your free time?

要求:1.词数不少于80,提示词仅供参考; 2.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。


Many students go to take after-school classes now.They think they can learn exam skills and develop their interests and hobbies. Others think after-school classes give them some pressure and are not good for their health.Also, taking after-school classes costs much money.In my opinion, it’s just a waste of time and money. When I was in primary school, my parents sent me to different kinds of these classes, too. But later I realized I didn’t want to do that anymore. I began to spend more time on reading, doing sports and taking social activities. However, I didn’t fall behind any others in study.Now in my free time I often do sports. I am becoming more creative and confident than those who are always involved in taking after-school classes. 【解析】这篇作文要求我们以My opinions about after-school classes为题,说一下自己对学生在课余时间参加辅导班这个事情的看法。短文应包括的要点有:介绍很多学生参加课外辅导班的情况;你对这个事情的看法,需要说出三个理由;最后介绍一下你自己的空闲时间如何度过。写作时,要将题目给出的提示词和要点都用上,不要遗漏要点。注意文章的层次和结构,分配好各个要点的篇幅。注意英语表达和汉语的不同之处,从整体考虑,使用正确的词汇、短语和句型,句子之间使用恰当的连词或副词,增强文章的连贯性。 点睛:这是一篇优秀的作文,短文中作者根据题目的要求介绍了自己对学生参加课外辅导班这个事情的看法,并结合自己的实际情况,介绍了自己的空闲时间。短文内容完整,结构清晰,包括了题目要求的所有要点。文章中作者主要通过自己的经历介绍了自己对这件事情的观点,很有说服力。文章中还使用了比较丰富的句型,如They think they can learn exam skills and develop their interests and hobbies、Also, taking after-school classes costs much money.、In my opinion, it’s just a waste of time and money、But later I realized I didn’t want to do that anymore、However, I didn’t fall behind any others in study等。  



sweet , pick, she, when, minute, child, high, tall, sit, while, notice, anymore.



  One day, I took my two kids to the playground in our neighborhood. The1. I got there, my daughter ran to the swing(秋千)and asked for a push. While I was helping my daughter, I 2. another girl trying to make her own swing go high by herself. Her old grandma was 3.on the chair nearby and smiled at me.

  I gave my daughter one big push and then walked towards(朝,向) the little girl. I asked if she wanted me to give 4. a push. She smiled and said “yes”. For the next two hours, I pushed the swings and played with my two 5.and the little girl. When we went home, I was very tired. But my heart was flying much 6. than the swings.

  One day two years later, after a day’s work, I was a little tired. But I needed 7. up my kids before going home. 8. I was waiting outside the school, the little girl came over. She smiled at me9.and gave me a big hug(拥抱)before catching her school bus. When I watched her running away, I didn’t feel tired 10.

In life, the love we give others will find its way back to us with a big surprise.




  Do kids in small villages do chores at home? How about the kids in big cities? Last month we made a survey about kids doing chores at home. We asked 4,000 kids in China. Half of them come from big cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. The others are from small villages. We made a diagram(图表) according to our survey. Let's have a look at it.

  We can find out that kids from small villages do more chores than those from big cities.  Maybe it is because they live a harder life. We will give our advice to parents in big cities. We think parents in big cities should give their children some chores to do .We think it’s a good chance for teenagers to learn how to take care of themselves.

1.What is the survey about?


2.How many kids from small villages did they ask?


3.Is it true that the number of kids in big cities is more than that in small villages only in making the bed?


4.Why does the writer think parents in big cities should give their children some chores to do?


5.What kind of chores do you often do at home? One kind is OK.




Sport is very common in our daily life. We can find many people competing in sports. Why so many people love sports? 1.

Firstly, doing sports is good for our health. 2. On the one hand, swimming can make our blood circulatory system run regularly. On the other hand, swimming can make the muscles (肌肉) stronger.

3. We know that some sports are team sports. When playing sports with others, people must face the situation of getting along with others.

Thirdly, doing sports may be a good idea to make friends with a stranger. This is because you share the time and the fun with each other, 4.

5.Yes, that’s right. But the advantages(优点) of sports are more than its disadvantages. So let’s do sports together.


A. Secondly, sport is a way of communication.    

B. Here are some reasons for this.

C. Just take swimming for example. 

D. Some people may say it is easy to be hurt while doing sports.

E. And you can get satisfaction from the competitive sports easily.   




  It is difficult for the parents of every family to teach their children to be responsible(有责任的)for housework.

  Shatian School in Shanghai is making its students do housework for their parents.Third graders(…年级学生)must learn how to cook and clean,sixth graders do the laundry,and seventh and eighth graders cook balanced meals with 15 yuan.

  Many parents think it's a good way for children to try housework,but they don't know how to do it at home.With the following ideas,you really can get your children to help at home.

  If you want to make your children think that they can do everything quite right,please don't scold(批评)them but give them lots of praise at home.Talk more about what he did right,not about what he didn't do.If your child finishes some difficult work,give him or her a Sunday trip or a ball game with Dad as a reward

1.Who should learn to cook balanced meals with 15 yuan according to the passage?

A. A third grader    B. A sixth grader    C. A seventh grader

2.What should parents do when the children do housework?

A. Scold them when they are wrong.    B. Give them a lot of praise.

C. Tell them not to do difficult work.

3.From the passage we know that _________.

A. all the children like to do housework

B. all the parents don’t want their children to do housework

C. doing housework is the students’ homework in Shatian School

4.What's the meaning of the word “reward'’ in the passage?

A. 说明    B. 奖励    C. 惩罚

5.The best title of the passage may be _________.

A. Make Children Do Housework    B. How to Teach Children

C. Housework



  Helping others is easier than you think. You don't need to wait to become a rich man like Bill Gates to help the poor. You can become a volunteer, you can donate (捐献) your time, you can donate your old clothes and so on. And in doing so, you can become a better and happier person.

  Choose some people to support. For example, homeless people, poor children and so on. All of these are suitable (合适的).

  Decide what you are able to give. Yes! Sometimes it isn't only money——you can give away your time as a volunteer, you can donate your knowledge teaching poor children, you can donate your old clothes, you can donate food or you can share a meal with a hungry child.

  Tell people about it. Tell your friends or your children. Put it in your blog or on your website(网络). In this way, the good work you do will be multiplied (增加)!

1.People usually think helping others is _______.

A. easy    B. difficult    C. interesting

2.How can you help others if you are poor according the passage?

A. Donate your time.    B. Donate your knowledge.    C. Both A and B.

3.What's the meaning of the underlined word "homeless"?

A. 家境贫寒的    B. 无家可归的    C. 无依无靠的

4.Which is the following right?

A. You can only give away money to help others.

B. It’s difficult for the poor to help others

C. You can become a better and happier person by helping others.

5.What's the best title of this passage?

A. Help those who need help.    B. It is hard to help others.

C. Donate your time.



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