满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I was walking home when it began to rain...

I was walking home when it began to rain heavily, so I was ________ wet.

A. completely    B. suddenly    C. recently


A 【解析】句意:我正在走路回家这个时候开始下大雨了,因此我浑身都淋湿了。completely 全部,完全地;suddenly突然地;recently最近。根据句意可知,it began to rain heavily,作者是完全地淋湿了符合情境,故选A。  

—I often feel       before exam.

—Maybe you should learn to relax.

A. pleased    B. nervous    C. surprised



—Judy won the tennis game last week.

—It's hard to ______ a girl with only one arm can play tennis so well.

A. expect    B. wonder    C. imagine



My friend has a sore______. I think she should drink some hot tea with honey.

A. throat    B. stomach    C. knee




请你以My Free Time为题,描述一下自己的课余生活。




My Free Time

I have a lot of things to do in my free time. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Dear David,

It’s nice to get your e-mail. Here’s h1. I spent my last summer holidays. First, I spent some time p2. computer games. Next, on August 4, I flew to Beijing w3.my parents. On August 5 and August 6, we v4. many interesting places in Beijing like the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. On August 8, we w5. the opening ceremony (开幕式) of the 29th Olympic Games in the Bird’s Nest (鸟巢). The 29th Olympic Games in Beijing were so s6. that all the Chinese people are proud (自豪的) of it.

On holiday I learned to swim and do the housework. I also r7. my lessons in primary school so that I can get r8. for my study in middle school.

How about your s9. holidays, Mike? I’m looking f10. to getting your e-mail.

Best wishes,

Yours, Li Hua



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