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Like schools in China, American schools ...

Like schools in China, American schools begin in September after a long summer vacation. The first term is from September to January and the second is from February to June. Usually American children begin to go to school when five years old. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school.

But unlike middle school students in China, high school students in America take only four or five subjects each term. They usually go to the same classes every day and have homework for every class. After class they do all kinds of interesting things.

After high school, many students go to college. They may go to a small or a large one. They usually have to pay a lot for their higher education. So lots of students work after school to make money for their studies.

1.In America, summer vacation lasts(持续) _____.

A. one month    B. two months

C. three months    D. more than three months

2.Students only stay at school for about ___ years before they go to college.

A. five    B. six    C. twelve    D. fourteen

3.The word “college” means ____ in Chinese.

A. 大学    B. 公司    C. 研究院    D. 工厂

4.Many American students work after class, because they___.

A. want to see interesting things    B. have to help the other people

C. want to make more friends    D. have to get money for their studies

5.The article is mainly about ______.

A. the difference between schools in China and in America

B. schools in China

C. schools in America

D. America students’ school life


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.D 【解析】美国的学生生活是什么样的呢?跟我们一样吗?这篇短文作者给我们讲述的就是美国学生们的生活,跟我们有相同的地方,也有不同之处。 1.细节理解题。根据短文的开头Like schools in China, American schools begin in September after a long summer vacation. The first term is from September to January and the second is from February to June可知,美国和中国一样,暑假都很长,他们的第一学期是从九月到一月,第二学期从二月到六月,由此可知,暑假的时间是七月和八月,两个月的时间,故应选B。 2.细节理解题。根据短文第一段中Usually American children begin to go to school when five years old. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school.可知,美国的孩子通常是在5岁的时候开始上学,中学毕业的时候是17岁或者18岁,由此可知,他们在上大学之前在学校里呆大约12年。故应选C。 3.词义猜测题。根据划线单词所在的句子After high school, many students go to college.可知,这里说的是中学毕业之后,那么学生们就应该上大学了,因此college是大学的意思,故应选A。 4.细节理解题。根据短文第三段中They usually have to pay a lot for their higher education. So lots of students work after school to make money for their studies.可知,很多学生放学后都去打工,因为大学的费用都比较贵,他们要赚钱继续学习。由此可知应选D。 5.主旨大意题。这篇短文给我们讲述了美国学生们的生活,利用对比的形式,和中国的学生们的生活相比,有相同之处,也有不同之处。因此D选项符合文意。 点睛:这篇短文给我们介绍了美国学生们的生活,短文内容简单,贴近学生生活,因此对于学生们来说正确理解文章是很容易的。后面题目的设置也以细节理解题为主,只要从题目中找到关键词,定位到原文,就可以找到答案。例如第1小题,根据短文第一段对美国学生学期的介绍就可以知道答案。


Train No.



Departure Time

Arrival Time


















1.The train from Beijing to Shenyang leaves at         .

A. 5:05    B. 6:35    C. 8:35    D. 17:50

2.We have to spend      on the train if we go to Shenyang from Beijing.

A. 17 hours and 50 minutes

B. 24 hours and 25 minutes

C. 6 hours and 35 minutes

D. 11 hours and 15 minutes

3.If you want to go to Chengdu from Taiyuan, you can take the   train.

A. No.11    B. No.185    C. No.186    D. No. 271

4.The No.186 train arrives in Taiyuan at      .

A. 10:50 a. m    B. 10:50 p. m

C. 5:05 a. m    D. 5:05 p. m

5.It takes     from Tianjin to Beijing by train.

A. about two hours    B. half an hour

C. about an hour    D. more than two hours



What do you do at the weekend? Some people like to _____ at home, but others like to go ____ a walk or play football. My friend Jack works hard in a factory during(在期间) the ______. At the weekend, he always _______ the same thing. On Saturday he ______ his car and on _______ he goes with his family to a village by car. His uncle and aunt have a farm there. It isn’t a ______ one but there is always ______ to do on the farm. The children help with the animals and give them their ______ Jack and his wife help in the fields. At the end of the day, they are all ______ and Jack’s aunt gives them a big meal.

1.A. play    B. live    C. stay    D. enjoy

2.A. to    B. for    C. in    D. at

3.A. day    B. time    C. autumn    D. week

4.A. does    B. makes    C. borrows    D. has

5.A. watches    B. drives    C. sells    D. washes

6.A. Monday    B. Sunday    C. Saturday    D. Wednesday

7.A. small    B. big    C. hard    D. short

8.A. much    B. little    C. fast    D. far

9.A. clothes    B. places    C. food    D. water

10.A. clean    B. late    C. hungry    D. friendly



I bought ____ for my parents but I didn’t buy ____ for my son.

A. something, something    B. something, anything    C. anything, anything    D. anything, something



—What’s wrong with you?

—I don’t feel ____. I think I must be ill.

A. good    B. nice    C. better    D. well



---Sorry, I can’t work out this problem.

---Try again, please. It’s only ______ difficult.

A. a bit    B. a lot    C. very    D. much too



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