满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Mr. Black was over fifty years old. He s...

Mr. Black was over fifty years old. He sometimes made some mistakes in his work, and he lost his work. So he had____time every day to do something. Then he often met his old friends under a big tree. They had drinks there and____anything they liked.

One day, some old men were sitting together again and talking about young people in this world. They all agreed that the old people were____than young people. Then one of the old____said that young men were stronger than old men.

____of them agreed that this was true,____Mr. Black didn’t. He said, “No. I am as strong now as when I was a young man.” His friends were surprised____what he said.

“Well,” said Mr. Black, “Near my house there is a big stone. When I was a young man, I used____to move it, but I couldn’t because I was not____I am an old man now, and when I try to move it, I still____So, I am as strong as when I was young.”

1.A. many    B. a lot    C. lots of    D. lot

2.A. talked for    B. talked to    C. talked with    D. talked about

3.A. clever    B. cleverer    C. cleverest    D. a clever

4.A. man    B. woman    C. men    D. women

5.A. All    B. None    C. Both    D. Neither

6.A. so    B. or    C. and    D. but

7.A. at    B. to    C. of    D. on

8.A. trying    B. try    C. to try    D. to trying

9.A. strong enough    B. enough strong    C. weak enough    D. enough weak

10.A. can    B. can’t    C. could    D. couldn’t


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.B 【解析】短文大意:这篇短文主要记述了一位老人的故事。他因为自己年轻时不能搬动一块石头,老了以后也不能搬动这块石头,来证明自己和以前一样强壮。其实这倒不如说和以前一样虚弱。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

—Do you think it will be cool tomorrow?

      .It has been hot for a week.

A. I hope so    B. I’m afraid so    C. So it is    D. Of course not



      is the population of your hometown?

—I’m not sure. Maybe five million.

A. How many    B. How much    C. What    D. How about



Yesterday, on my way to school, I saw a girl       sadly.

A. cries    B. crying    C. cried    D. to cry



—Have you cleaned the room       ?

—Yes, I have. I have       cleaned it up.

A. already; already    B. yet; yet    C. already; yet    D. yet; already



--- Will you carry the box for me, please?

--- Sure, ______.

A. no good    B. no problem

C. no idea    D. no way



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