满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.Tim ___________(break) his arm last m...


1.Tim ___________(break) his arm last month.

2.My sister is ____________(funny) than me.

3.Cindy always exercises ____________(two) a week.

4.The cartoon “Xi Yangyang and Hui Tailang” makes me ____________(relax).

5.Did you enjoy ____________(you) at Tina’s birthday party, my children?


1.broke 2.funnier 3.twice 4.relax/relaxed 5.yourselves 【解析】 1.broke 句意:上个月Tim断了胳膊。根据时间状语last month可知此处用一般过去时,故用break的过去式broke。 2.funnier 句意:妈的姐姐比我更有趣。根据介词than可知此处用funny的比较级形式,故为funnier。 3.twice 句意:辛迪总是一周锻炼两次。twice a week一周两次,故为twice。 4.relax/relaxed 句意:卡通片《喜羊羊与灰太狼》让我放松。make sb do sth让某人做某事,make sb+形容词“使某人感到……”,故此处为relax或relaxed。 5.yourselves 句意:孩子们,你们在蒂娜的生日聚会上玩得高兴吗?根据my children可知此处指的是你们,根据短语enjoy oneself“玩的高兴”,故此处用you的反身代词yourselves。 点睛:根据句意,结合时态,语态,词性,短语和句型,用所给单词的正确形式填空。例如小题2,句意:妈的姐姐比我更有趣。根据介词than可知此处用funny的比较级形式,故为funnier。


1.We took quite a _________ photos in Jingyue Park last summer.

2.I’m __________. Would you please give me some food to eat?

3.I like to help my mom with ____________such as doing the dishes.

4.A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your ___________.

5.I don’t like movies. So I hardly ________ go to the movies.



What will our life be like by the year 2100? It’s difficult for US1.(imagine).People2.(live)on the earth for so many years.It is becoming more and more crowded and polluted.Maybe people will live on the other planet Mars.Astronauts  3.(not be)to Mars yet so far.Let’s imagine what our life will be like on Mars.I think life on Mars will be better than4.(those)on the earth in many ways.People will have more space.Robots will do most of work,so people will have more time for5.(hobby).What’s more,there will be no school on Mars.Every student will have a computer at home.They can study,do their homework and take exams online.



Why not ____ your teacher for help when you can't finish _____ the story by yourself?

A. to ask; write    B. to ask; to write

C. ask; writing    D. asking; to write



_________ volunteers will give out leaflets to ask people to protect the wetlands.

A. Two hundreds    B. Hundreds of    C. Two hundred of    D. Hundred of



English isn’t as        as Chinese.

A. easy    B. easily    C. easier    D. easiest



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