满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.Emma每天都练习弹吉他。可是昨天他没有练习。 Emma ________...



Emma __________ the guitar every day. But he _________ ___________ yesterday.


---When _______ he _______? ---_______ 1980.


When he ______ the classroom, he ______ a watch on the ground.


Why _______ you _______ TV last night?


Sarah and I_________last winter.


1.practicesdidn’tpractice 2.wasbornIn 3.cleanedfound 4.didn’twatch 5.went skiing 【解析】 1.practice the guitar练习弹吉他。根据every day可知此处用一般现在时,主语Emma是第三人称单数,故谓语用第三人称单数,故为practices。根据yesterday可知此处用一般过去时,表示没有练习,修饰实义动词practice用助动词didn’t。故此处为(1). practices (2). didn’t (3). practice 。 2.be born出生,询问出生时间,用一般过去时,主语he是第三人称单数,故谓语用单数was born。表示在某一年,用介词in。故此处为(1). was (2). born (3). in。 3.clean the classroom打扫教室,find a watch发现一块手表,此处叙述发生过的事,故用一般过去时,故为(1). cleaned (2). found。 4.根据last night可知此处用一般过去时,watch TV看电视,表示没有看电视,用didn’t watch TV。故为(1). didn’t (2). watch 。 5.go skiing去滑雪,根据last winter可知此处用一般过去时,故为went skiing 。


1.I am a little ______ ( tall ) this year than last year.

2.There are ________ ( much ) teachers in our school than in their school.

3.Look! How carefully they _______ ( listen )!

4.My mother tells us _______ ( not play ) in the street.

5.______ you _______ ( meet ) your friend Tom on the way to school yesterday?




1.New Year's Day is on J_________ 1st.

2.----What do you want to be when you grow up, Tom?

-----I want to be an a________, because I like plays.

3.Shakespeare wrote many famous p_________ and plays.

4.----When did your parents m_______?

-----In 1986.

5.The Greens m_______ to china, because Mr Green found a job in china.



Many young people in China know about Celine Dion, a famous Canadian pop singer. She sang the song “My heart will go on” for Titanic (《泰坦尼克号》).

Celine Dion’s hometown was in Montreal Quebec, Canada. She was the youngest of the fourteen children in a musical family. Her large family form(组成) a singing group. They traveled and played folk music(民间音乐). They were famous in their hometown. Celine’s mother wrote her first song for her, and she reocorded it with her brother when she was tweleve years old. Then a local rock manager named Rene Angelil was interested in them. (A)He asked Mrs Dion taking her two children to come to his office. Later he gave strong support (支持) for Celine. (B) in 1994, they were married.

As a singing star, Celine Dion won many prizes (奖) and soon became popular all over the world. She sang at the opening of (在……的开幕式上) the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, in the USA. In 1997, she made the whole world hit (使全世界为之一震) with the song “My heart will go on.”


(1)Many ____ people know about Celine Dion.

(2)Celine’s parents and large family formed a ____.


Celine Dion won many prizes and soon became popular in the world.






(1)How many people were there in Celine’s big family?


(2)Who gave Celine Dion strong support?




In 1942, Stephen William Hawking was born in Oxford, England. His parents’ house wasn’t in Oxford. It was in the north of London. But at that time, people thought Oxford was a safer place to have babies because of the Second World War (第二次世界大战). Stephen’s father was a good doctor. His mother didn’t work. In 1950, when Hawking was eight years old, his family moved to St. Albans, a town about 20 miles north of London. At eleven, Stephen went to St. Albans School, and then went to Oxford University in 1959. There he wanted to study maths, but maths was not available (可得到的) at University. So he studied physics(物理). In 1988, Stephen’s greatest work (著作) A Brief history of Time was published (出版). And the people all over the world began to know the greatest physics —Stephen William Hawking.

1.Stephen William Hawking was born in ____in 1942.

A. New York    B. London    C. St. Albans    D. Oxford, England

2.Stephen’s father was ____ but his mother didn’t have a job.

A. a good teacher    B. not a doctor    C. not a teacher    D. a good doctor

3.Stephen’s family moved to ____ and he went to school when he was ____.

A. St. Albans, eight years old    B. St. Blbans, ten years old

C. Oxford, eight years old    D. Oxford, ten years old

4.Stephen went to St. Albans School when he was ____ years old.

A. ten    B. eleven    C. nine    D. welve

5.Stephen became a famous person for his book A Brief history of Time______.

A. in 1942    B. in 1950    C. in 1959    D. in 1988



J.K. Rowling is the writer of Harry Potter. It is one of the best-sellers (畅销书) all over the world. She was born in Bristol on July 31st, 1965. She has one sister. She is two years older than her sister. They loved listening to their father’s bedtime stories. They loved the stories about magical (魔幻的) world best. Rowling wrote her first story when she was six years old.

In 1992, Rowling began to write the first book about Harry Potter. In 1997, she finished the book. It was a great success. And film came out in November, 2001. Now Harry Potter series (系列) are popular. In this series. Harry is only an ordinary (普通) boy: polite, friendly, brave(勇敢) and clever. So when children read about Harry, they also want to be like him. That’s why Harry Potter series are so popular.

J.K. Rowling is very happy with the success. She says she will go on writing children’s books.

1.J.K. Rowling is the ____ of Harry Potter.

A. reporter    B. student    C. singer    D. writer

2.She was born in Bristol on ____ 31st, ____.

A. June, 1965    B. July, 1992    C. July, 1965    D. June, 1997

3.Rowling wrote her first story at the age of ____.

A. 12    B. 9    C. 11    D. 6

4.In 1997, Rowling ____.

A. began to write the first book Harry Potter

B. finished the book Harry Potter

C. began writing the first story

D. began to write children’s books

5.Rowling’s sister is ____ than her.

A. younger    B. older    C. three years older    D. two years older



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