满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

A: Hi, Tom. (46) 1.? B: I’m going to th...


A: Hi, Tom. (46) 1.?

B: I’m going to the gym.

A: (47) 2.?

B: I’m going to take part in a basketball match there. Could you please go there to cheer me on (为……加油)?

A: (48) 3..

B: That’s great. Do you enjoy playing basketball?

A: (49) 4.. But I can’t play it very well.

B: You need more practice.

A: You’re right. (50) 5.?

B: It begins at three o’clock.


1.Where are you going 2.What are you going to do there 3.Of course/Sure 4.Yes, I do 5.When does the match begin 【解析】 1.句意:你要去哪?根据答语“I’m going to the gym.” 我要去体育馆。判断问句是询问要去什么地方,故答案为Where are you going? 2.句意:你打算在那儿做什么?根据答语“I’m going to take part in a basketball match there.” 我打算去那儿参加一场篮球赛。可判断原问句是询问去体育馆做什么。故答案为What are you going to do there? 3.句意:当然可以。根据答语“That’s great.”判断,接受了对方的请求,故答案为Of course/Sure. 4.句意:是的,我喜欢。此句是对问句“Do you enjoy playing basketball?”的答语,结合后面的句子“But I can’t play it very well.”判断,应该是比较喜欢,故答案为Yes, I do. 5.句意:比赛什么时间开始?根据答语“It begins at three o’clock.”可知,问句是询问篮球比赛是在几点钟开始,故答案为When does the match begin?



    Miss Wu:Can I help you?

  Li Gang:Yes,I'd like to return this book,please.

  Miss Wu: 1.

  Li Gang:No,I couldn’t read it.I had a hard time reading a few pages, and then I decided to give up.

  Miss Wu: 2.

 Li Gang:It wasn’t the language It was the words。They are too small for me.

  Miss Wu: 3..What call I do for you then?

  Li Gang:Well,Pd be glad if you could find me another book.

  Miss Wu: 4.

  Li Gang:Yes,but one with bigger words.

  Miss Wu: 5.

  Li Gang:Oh,Oliver Twist.This one is fine.And the words arc much bigger.Thank you very much

 Miss Wu:You’re welcome.



___you called me ,I_____ through a newspaper.

A. While / looked    B. When / was looking    C. When /looked    D. While /was looking



— I had a fight with my brother this morning.  

     — _________

A. That’s nothing    B. Great!You are right.

C. You should say sorry to him.    D. You shouldn’t talk to him first.



His right leg was hurt badly.The doctors ______.

A. cut off it    B. cut them off    C. cut it off    D. cut off them



She is only a child, so there is no need ______ her so much stress.

A. give    B. to giving    C. to give    D. giving



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