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A nice day out for the whole family! Co...


A nice day out for the whole family! Come and see our beautiful birds, huge mammals (fl乳类), lovely marsupials (有袋类) and reptiles (爬行类)… in our zoo!

Scientists will give wonderful lessons about animals every Tuesday!

Don’t miss it!

1.Where can visitors see kangaroos and tortoises?

A. Area A and Area B    B. Area A and Area C.

C. Area B and Area C.    D. Area C and Area D.

2.Visitors can have lessons about animals on ______.

A. Sunday    B. Tuesday    C. Thursday    D. Friday

3.Which of the following animals can visitors see on Saturdays?

A. Crocodiles.    B. Parrots.    C. Tortoises.    D. Koalas.

4.On Sundays, which is the best order for visitors to see as many animals as possible?

A. tigers-camels-koalas-kangaroos

B. tigers-koalas-camels-kangaroos

C. tigers-koalas-kangaroos-camels

D. tigers-kangaroos-koalas-camels

5.If Millie and her parents visit the zoo, how much should they pay?

A. $127.    B. $145.    C. $155.    D. $172.


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C 【解析】本文是一篇关于动物园的广告。主要介绍了动物园的主要动物,展览时间以及门票等。 1.题意:参观者在哪里可以看到袋鼠和乌龟?根据广告可知A区有Koalas(树袋熊)和kangaroos(袋鼠),B区有crocodiles(鳄鱼)和Tortoises(乌龟);C区有tigers(老虎)和camels(骆驼);D区有Parrot(鹦鹉)。结合题意和选项可知选A。 2.题意:_________游客可以上关于动物的课。A. Sunday 星期天; B. Tuesday星期二; C. Thursday 星期四; D. Friday星期五。根据广告的第一段倒数第二句Scientists will give wonderful lessons about animals every Tuesday!(每个星期二,科学家们都会上几堂关于动物的精彩的课!)结合题意和选项可知选B。 3.题意:在星期六参观者可以看到下列哪种动物?A. Crocodiles.鳄鱼; B. Parrots. 鹦鹉; C. Tortoises.乌龟; D. Koalas.考拉。根据A区域koalas showtime(展出时间):1:30pm-3:pm except Friday(除星期五以外下午1:30至3:00)可知在星期六参观者可以看到考拉;选D。 4.题意:星期天,哪一个是最好的路线,让游客看到尽可能多的动物?根据广告可知:(1)koalas showtime(展出时间):1:30pm-3:pm except Friday(除星期五以外下午1:30至3:00);(2)kangaroos(袋鼠)展出时间(showtime):3:30 pm-5:30 pm except Friday(除星期五以外下午3:30至下午5:30);(3)Crocodiles(鳄鱼)展出时间(showtime):10:00am-11:00am.(周一至周五上午10点到上午11点。);(4)Tortoises(乌龟)展出时间(showtime):9:00am except weekend(周一至周五上午9点。);(5)tigers(老虎)展出时间(showtime):11:00am-11:30am except Friday(除星期五以外上午11点至上午11:30);(6)camels(骆驼)展出时间(showtime):12:30pm-1:20pm except Friday(除星期五以外下午12点半至下午一点二十。);(7)Parrots(鹦鹉)展出时间(showtime):9:00am-5:30pm except weekend (周一至周五上午9点到下午5点半。) 由此可知星期天展览的动物koalas(1:30pm-3:pm),kangaroos(3:30 pm-5:30 pm),tigers(11:00am-11:30am)和camels12:30pm-1:20pm。故最好的路线先看老虎,再看骆驼,接着看考拉,最后看袋鼠。选A。 5.题意:如果米莉和她的父母去动物园,他们应该付多少钱?根据最后一栏Ticket Prices可知成人票(adult $55)55元,儿童票($45);所以米莉和她的父母共需付款55*2+45=155(元)。结合题意和选项选C。


Nadia Comaneci, a famous gymnast (体操运动员), was born in Romania in 1961.

When she was doing cartwheels(侧手翻)on the playground at the age of 7, a PE teacher saw her. He told her family that she was very good and advised Nadia to train in the capital of Romania. Although it was a long way from her home, Nadia went because she loved gymnastics (体操).

After that, she trained hard and took part in lots of competitions. In 1975, she was named as one of the Athletes of the 20th Century.

In 1976, Nadia went to the Olympics in Canada.  She was so fantastic in the competition that everyone waited for the score, a high score. But the scoreboard showed 1.00!

Everyone was surprised. There wasn’t a sound for a moment. Then a voice came, “Ladies and gentlemen, Nadia Comaneci… 10!”

The audience (观众) cheered very loudly. So what happened? Well, when the scoreboard was built, no one thought a score of 10.00 was possible. The decimal point (小数点) was in the wrong place! In fact, the scoreboard only had three digits (数位) to show scores, such as 9.50 or 9.85 at that time.

In the 1976 Summer Olympics, Nadia Comaneci scored a perfect 10, which was thought impossible before. From then on, she was looked as a hero. In 1984, she got retired (退休的).

1.Nadia was named as one of the Athletes of the 20th Century in _______.

A. 1961    B. 1975    C. 1976    D. 1984

2.At first, the scoreboard showed Nadia got _______ in the Olympics in Canada.

A. 10.00    B. 1.00    C. 9.50    D. 9.85

3.In Paragraph (段落) 5, “Everyone was surprised” because _______.

A. she was fantastic in the competition

B. there wasn’t a sound

C. she got a score of 10

D. the score was too low

4.Put the following into correct order according to the passage.

Nadia went to the Olympics in Canada.

A PE teacher saw her doing cartwheels on the playground.

Nadia went to the capital to train.

She was looked as a hero.

A. ②③①④    B. ③①②④    C. ③①④②    D. ④③①②

5.This passage is probably a ______.

A. news report    B. notice    C. novel    D. life story



—Excuse me, I wonder ______.

—Yes, it’s near the bookstore.

A. where we will go for the holiday

B. if there is a lost and found office

C. when she will give me a call

D. how we can go to Hong Kong



—______, there must be life on other planets though none has been discovered.

—I agree with you. The universe is so large after all.

A. To my surprise    B. To be honest    C. In my opinion    D. Again and again



I’ve read through this book several times, but I will read it ______ so as to get better understanding.

A. more bravely    B. less easily    C. less confidently    D. more carefully



In some countries, people ______ download (下载) music from the Internet without paying, because it’s against the law.

A. wouldn’t    B. needn’t    C. mustn’t    D. couldn’t



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