满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据“老四饺子店”(Laosi Dumpling House)设计一份广告。 1...

根据“老四饺子店”(Laosi Dumpling House)设计一份广告。

1. 饺子品种齐全,个儿大味美。

2. 现有两种特价水饺,蔬菜的2元20个,牛肉和蔬菜的5元20个。

3. 欢迎光临本店,地址:和平大道234号,电话:0373-2256。


We have all kinds of delicious dumplings at Laosi Dumpling House. Here, the dumplings big and nice. Now we have two great specials. Special 1 has only vegetables and is just 2 RMB for 20. Special 2 has some beef and vegetables and is just 5 RMB for 20. Welcome to our dumpling house. Our address is 234 Heping Avenue. Our telephone number is 0373-2256. Thank you for coming. 【解析】作文要求写成一份广告的形式,时态为一般现在时态。首先短文必须符合广告的特点:选用简明易懂的常用词,广告用语须通俗易懂,使读者尽快得到信息。“Welcome to…,Thank you for…”等句型在餐饮服务性行业的广告语中会经常出现。写作内容要围绕三个写作要点提示去完成,不能漏掉任何一个细节,特别是水饺的种类,价格,饺子店的详细地址以及联系方式一定要交代清楚。  



candy bowl short luck beef and potato


1.--What do you put in your birthday cake。Tony?


2.Ann likes_________noodles.

3.I'd like a small_________of rice.

4.Eggs are a symbol of life and good________

5.The restaurant is________of fish today.





We have some_______ _______in the House of Dumplings.


________ ________bowl of noodles would you like?


I’d like a_______ _______of noodles.


May I_______ _______ _______?


What_______ ________noodles do they like?




1.My brother_________(do)his homework every evenin9.

2.Look!They_________(swim)in the river now.

3.Would you like________(have)a large bowl of noodles?

4.I like________(tomato)very much.I eat them every day.

5.Many Americans like________(China)food.

6.Tom would like two________(bowl)of noodles.

7.Would you like something__________(drink)?

8.I’d like_________(have)a cup of tea.

9.There are lots of________(potato)in the supermarket.

10.The sun is shining like the________(sun)days.




1.I'm hungry.I'd like a l________bowl of noodles.

2.What s_______bowl of noodles would you like?

3.They would like eggs and t_______

4.I need ten c_______for my brother’s birthday.

5.There are more than 200 countries in the w________

6.Chinese like________(饺子)very much.

7.Would you like a glass of orange________(果汁)?

8.I'd like to have some________(粥).

9.May I take your________(点菜)?

10.Make a wish and________(吹)out the candies.




1.big(近义词 ) ______

2.young(反义词) ______

3.same(反义词) ______

4.tomato(复数) ______

5.I would(缩写) ______

6.luck(形容词) ______

7.wish(复数) ______

8.wind(形容词) ______

9.candy(复数) ______

10.country(复数) ______



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