满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

"The first of June, and the King family ...

"The first of June, and the King family is going on holiday tomorrow! " said Meg. "I'm free for three months!"

"And Aunt March went away for her holiday today." said Jo. "Isn't life wonderful!"

"What will you do all your holiday?" asked Amy.

"I'll stay in bed late, and do nothing." said Meg.

"I have lots of books to read." said Jo.

"Let’s not do any studying, Beth...." said Amy. "Let’s play all the time and rest, as Jo and Meg are going to do."

"I will if Mother doesn’t mind." said Beth.

Mrs. March agreed to the plan and said they could try it for a week.

"But," she added, "I think by Saturday night you will find that all play and no work is as bad as all work and no play."

Next day, Meg appeared at ten o'clock and ate breakfast alone. It was a lonely meal and the room was untidy, because Beth had not cleaned it.

Jo went to the river with Laurie, then sat in the apple tree and read a book. Beth began to tidy things in her cupboard, but she got tired and left it half-done. She went to her piano, glad that she did not have to wash the cups and plates. Amy sat in the garden to draw, hoping someone would see her and say something nice about her picture. But no one appeared, so she went for a walk, got caught in the rain and came home very wet.

At tea, everyone said that it had been a happy but unusually long day. Meg, who had been shopping in the afternoon, now decided that she did not like the dress she had bought. Jo had a headache from reading too long. Beth couldn't find anything in her cupboard, and the rain had made Amy’s dress so wet that she couldn’t wear it to Katy Brown’s party the next day.

Mrs. March listened, smiled and said nothing.

The week seemed to get longer and longer with nothing much to do, and by Friday the girls were glad that it was nearly over. Then Mrs. March gave Hannah a holiday, and when the girls got up on Saturday, there was no breakfast ready, no fire in the kitchen, and no mother waiting for them.

"What has happened?" said Jo.

Meg ran upstairs, then came down to say that Mother was staying in her room to have a rest.

"She says we must look after ourselves today." Meg said.

"Good, I want something to do." said Jo.

Secretly, they were all pleased to have something useful to do again. Beth and Amy put cups and plates on the table while Jo and Meg got the breakfast, then Meg took some tea and an egg up to Mrs. March. The tea was too strong and the egg was burned. Mrs. March did not complain, but she laughed to herself afterwards.

1.Which of the following can best describe the girls' feelings when the first free day was over?

A. Sad.

B. Depressed.

C. Disappointed.

D. pleased but bored.

2.What made Amy give up drawing in the garden?

A. She would like to have a walk.

B. She wanted to go shopping with Meg.

C. She didn’t want to mess up her dress.

D. She didn’t get admiration as expected.

3.Which of the following can explain why Mrs. March agreed to her daughters' plan?

A. She wanted to teach them a lesson.

B. She didn't care too much about her daughters' plan.

C. She thought her daughters could live and learn as they liked.

D. She wanted her daughters to enjoy themselves during the holiday.

4.Which of the following proverbs can best summarize the main idea of the story?

A. Two heads are better than one.

B. He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.

C. All play and no work makes Jack a mere boy.

D. A bit in the morning is better than nothing at all.


1.D 2.D 3.A 4.C 【解析】女孩们将会有一个很长的假期,她们感到非常高兴,计划做自己喜欢的事情。但是一天结束之后,她们就感到光是这样玩,而什么也不做,也很无聊的。所以不玩只学习很糟糕,但是只是玩而不学习也是很没意思的。 1.推理判断题。根据文意可知,女孩们有了一个很长的假期,在假期开始的时候,她们可以做自己喜欢做的事情,如Jo went to the river with Laurie, then sat in the apple tree and read a book. She went to her piano, glad that she did not have to wash the cups and plates. Amy sat in the garden to draw但是从文章中的描述Beth began to tidy things in her cupboard, but she got tired and left it half-done.、But no one appeared, so she went for a walk, got caught in the rain and came home very wet可知,他们感到很无聊。故D选项最符合文意。 2.细节理解题。根据短文中Amy sat in the garden to draw, hoping someone would see her and say something nice about her picture. But no one appeared, so she went for a walk可知,Amy在花园里画画,她希望能有人来看她,欣赏她的画,但是没有人来,所以她就去散步了。由此可知应选D。 3.推理判断题。根据文中Mrs. March listened, smiled and said nothing.可知,March夫人对女孩们的计划什么也没有说,允许她们自愿的度过假期,她知道她们最终会感到无聊的,所以想给她们一个教训。故应选A。 4.主旨大意题。这篇短文讲述的是女孩们有了一个很长的假期,她们原本打算可以自由自在的度过这个假期,但是第一天结束之后,她们就觉得很无聊了。短文中有这样一句话I think by Saturday night you will find that all play and no work is as bad as all work and no play光玩不学习就跟光学习不玩一样的糟糕。故C选项最能概括文意。 点睛:这是一篇记叙文,通过记叙孩子们的假期,作者告诉我们光玩而不学习其实也是很无聊的。后面的题目考查了细节理解、推理判断和主旨大意题。题目有一定的难度,需要学生结合短文的大意和作者的写作意图去理解。例如第3小题,March夫人对孩子们的计划什么也没有说,其实她早就知道,孩子们原本的计划不会让她们感到高兴,她们会感到无聊的,她是想让孩子们自己体会到,给她们一个教训,所以应选A。

We can express thoughts and feelings and send sounds and pictures on our smart phones today. We also communicate by using programs like Skype and Face Time. We can't send tastes, smells or touch, of course. But scientists in Britain are trying to develop a way for smart phones to do just that.

Adrian David Cheok is a professor at City University in London. He wants people to experience communication using all of their senses. He said "In the real world, we can open up the glass, open the window. We can touch, we can taste, we can smell in the real world."

To give users a sense of taste, researchers designed two electrodes (电极)that are placed on the tongue. A chemical process creates different tastes through molecules (微粒)on the surface of the tongue. This chemical process sends electrical signals that convince the brain that a person is tasting something. They have already created sour, salty, sweet and bitter tastes.

"You put these two silver electrodes in your mouth, you put your tongue in between and then it stimulates electrically your tongue and you get a virtual taste perception in your brain."

A device(设备)called "Scentee" permits users to have the sense of smell. Scentee plugs into a smart phone and can spray tiny clouds of fragrances, including flowers, fruits and coffee. Professor Cheok says the person speaking can activate the device.

Scentee holds a container with about 100 different smells. The container must be replaced when all the scents(pleasant smells) run out.

1.Where could the passage most probably be taken from?

A. A news story.

B. An advertisement.

C. A science fiction.

D. A science magazine.

2.Which of the following is the right order according to the passage?

  a. Electrical signals are sent to brain.

  b. Two electrodes are placed on the tongue.

  c. The brain is convinced that a person is tasting something.

  d. Different tastes are created through molecules on the surface of the tongue.

A. a-b-c-d

B. b-d-a-c

C. c-a-d-b

D. b-d-c-a

3.What will be most probably talked about in the next paragraph?

A. The bright future of the smart phones.

B. How the sense of touch will be achieved.

C. The different attitudes towards the smart phones.

D. The advantages of the smart phones with new functions.



My father was 44 and knew he wasn’t going to make it to 45. He wrote me a letter and hoped that something in it would help me for the rest of my life.

Since the day I was 12 and first read his letter, some of his words have lived in my heart. One part always stands out. "Right now, you are pretending to be a time killer. But I know that one day, you will do something great that will set you among the very best." Knowing that my dad believed in me gave me permission to believe in myself. "You will do something great." He didn't know what would be, and neither did I, but at times in my life when I’ve felt proud of myself , I remember his words and wish he were here so I could ask, "Is this what you were talking about , Dad ? Should I keep going ?"

A long way from 12 now, I realize he would have been proud when I made any progress. Lately, though, I've come to believe he would want me to move on to what comes next: to be proud of , and believe in , somebody else. It’s time to start writing my own letters to my children . Our children look to us with the same unanswered question we had. Our kids don't hold back because they're afraid to fail. They’re only afraid of failing us. They don't worry about being disappointed. Their fear ---as mine was until my father's letter ---is of being a disappointment .

Give your children permission to succeed. They're waiting for you to believe in them. I always knew my parents loved me. But trust me:That belief will be more complete , that love will be more real, and their belief in themselves will be greater if you write the words on their hearts:"Don't worry; you'll do something great ." Not having that blessing from their parents may be the only thing holding them back.

1.We learn from the text that the author ______

A. lost his father when he was young

B. worked hard before he read his father’s letter

C. asked his father’s permission to believe in himself

D. knew exactly what great thing his father wanted him to do

2.What does the author tell us in the 3rd paragraph ?

A. Children need their parents' letters.

B. Children are afraid to be disappointed .

C. His children’s fear of failure held them back.

D. His father’s letter removed his fear of failing his parents.

3.The main purpose of the text is to       .

A. describe children's thinking

B. answer some questions children have

C. stress the importance of communication

D. advise parents to encourage their children



请阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

    I will always remember my first day at the University of Lagos. On arrival at the campus, I was expecting to be met by some tired students(as was practiced in my secondary school), ___ every student around was new like myself. I asked the way to the multi-purpose hall but no one could tell me. I asked a number of questions about issues(担心的事)that ____ me, such as where and how to pay my fees, the way to the dining hall and so on, but no ____ was offered. “So in the midst of so many people I am all _____ ” I thought to myself. The prospect(前景) was not ____ at all and all the pleasure I had felt at ____ into a famous university at seventeen began to disappear.

    Then as if ____ by an unknown force, I walked a little bit down the corridor in the direction of a notice board which some boys and girls were ____at. Because of _____of something to do, I decided to stop and look at the notice board. Yes! I happened on the ____ to all riddles that had ____ me since I set foot on the campus that morning. On the board there was a big campus ____, on which I was able to ____ the multi-purpose hall and all the other places. There were ____ details of various activities for freshmen and a comprehensive list of those offered admission into various courses.

    How enjoyable it was to see the light of knowledge, having been wandering(徘徊) in the darkness of _____. Even then I was not able to ____ the thought that though I could not be sure how much of the responsibility(责任)was mine, the fact that I didn't pay attention to the notice board had _____ caused my initial problems. I learnt from that incident(发生的事) ____ unforgettable that was very useful to me throughout my stay in the university, namely(即, 也就是)the ____ of reading notice board and handbooks if one is to be well ____ about places and events in the university.

1.A. but    B. and    C. so    D. for

2.A. interested    B. troubled    C. excited    D. surprised

3.A. view    B. advice    C. method    D. help

4.A. available    B. accessible    C. alone    D. afraid

5.A. helpful    B. cheerful    C. respectful    D. thoughtful

6.A. getting    B. entering    C. returning    D. welcoming

7.A. persuaded    B. reviewed    C. offered    D. driven

8.A. knocking    B. throwing    C. looking    D. shouting

9.A. lack    B. dream    C. rest    D. wish

10.A. way    B. key    C. place    D. door

11.A. inspired    B. encouraged    C. puzzled    D. frightened

12.A. notice    B. message    C. signal    D. map

13.A. list    B. find    C. land    D. load

14.A. also    B. always    C. only    D. just

15.A. disbelief    B. ignorance    C. joy    D. difference

16.A. tell about    B. speak of    C. get away from    D. under control of

17.A. clearly    B. nearly    C. naturally    D. relevantly

18.A. everything    B. nothing    C. anything    D. something

19.A. cause    B. importance    C. advantage    D. example

20.A. educated    B. warned    C. worried    D. informed



_____ they believe enjoying a sports team is a good way ______ new friends, I would like to attend community activities to widen my social circle.

A. As; to make    B. Although; of making

C. As if; making    D. As; making



To make the hall brighter, they have decided to ______ two more lights.

A. put in    B. put out    C. put on    D. put off



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