满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Fears are something we all have. You nee...

Fears are something we all have. You need to face your fears and to get over them. However, it’s easier said than d1.. Running away from your fears doesn’t make them leave. It just makes them b2. than ever. We’re never going to be completely fearless of everything we do, but we can at l3. be more fearless and confident.

What are the fears that scare(吓唬) you much? Check w4. they are and get them out in the open. Are they things like height or snakes? Are you a5. to talk to girls or boys? Are you so shy that you are fearing to say the wrong things? These are common fears that i6. your daily lives.

Before you can f7. them, you need to learn more about what makes you fearful of these situations. Communicating your fear is one way. Other people may be able to realize your anxiety(焦虑) b8. they know something you don’t.It could be from past experience, something that you could never forget and has made you fearful since then.

To face fears, you have to believe in something. It’s a very healthy way of letting you feel as if nothing can go w9.. When you feel that way, you may be able to think differently about your f10.. You will be able to believe that everything will be okay. Everything does end up being okay.


1.done 2.bigger 3.least 4.what 5.afraid 6.influence 7.face 8.because 9.wrong 10.fears- 【解析】本文叙述了恐惧是每个人都有的,如何战胜恐惧,短文给出了几条战胜恐惧的建议。 1.句意:说起来容易做起来难。根据than前面的said的形式,可知,than后的形式也应该用过去分词done。故答案为:done。 2.句意:逃离恐惧并不能使它离开,却可能使恐惧变得更大。根据than可知这里是表示前后对比,所以应该用比较级。不能使恐惧去掉,就可能变大。故答案为:bigger。 3.句意:我们至少要更无畏更自信。短语at least至少。故答案为:least。 4.句意:核查一下它们是什么。宾语从句:w______4______ they are这里缺少表语。what在句中作表语。故答案为:what。 5.句意:你害怕和男孩还是和女孩交谈?短语be afraid to do sth害怕做某事。故答案为:afraid。 6.句意:有一些常见的影响日常生活的恐惧。that引导的是定语从句,that在定语从句中做主语,先行词fears是复数形式,that后缺少的是句子的谓语动词。故用动词原形。故答案为:influence。 7.句意:在你面对它们之前,你需要了解是什么使你害怕这种情况。根据you need to learn more about what makes you fearful of these situations.可知,这里面对恐惧face fears。根据need to learn 用的是一般现在时可知,空格处也用一般现在时。故答案为:face。 8.句意:其他的人也能意识到你的焦虑,因为他知道你有不了解的东西。根据前后的关系,可知是因果关系。故答案为:because 。 9.句意:让你感觉好像没有出错,这是一个健康的方式。根据To face fears, you have to believe in something. 可知,要相信自己不会出错。短语go wrong出错。故答案为:wrong。 10.句意:当你感觉是那种方式的时候,你可能对你的恐惧有不同的认识。因为上文叙述的是关于恐惧的。根据You will be able to believe that everything will be okay. 故答案为: fears。 点睛:这类题型主要是要求学生在正确理解和把握文章的基础上通过分析完成空缺单词的一种考查形式。它不但考查了学生掌握词汇的程度,又考查了学生综合运用所学知识的实际能力,既考查了学生对语法、词汇、习惯用语、句型搭配等短语的运用能力,又考查了学生阅读短文的能力。考查形容词:如:2、5题;考查名词:如:10题,考查连词,如:4、8题;考查固定短语,如:3、9题。


Whether we are going to school or going to work, we are all sad to leave the weekend behind and go back to our Monday morning blues. But with the tips, you can get over those blues and face Monday mornings with a smile.

    Love what you do. If you love what you do, then you won't fear Monday mornings as much. Loving your job will make you look forward to the week ahead. Try to find something positive (积极的) in your workplace. It could be a friend, a partner, or the work you do in general. The important thing is to keep a positive attitude (态度) at work.

    Do what gives you feelings of comfort, while remembering your responsibilities for the day. This will help you cheer yourself up for the day ahead. If the clock rings and you still feel sleepy, stay in for five minutes. However, don't stay past five minutes, as it will only make you feel even lazier for your day. When you get up, make a cup of coffee and put on some music. This will help you feel energetic.

    Try to give yourself a little something extra. A good reward for Monday would be a treat you wouldn't have the rest of the week. On Fridays, plan a night out for films or dinner. This will give you a little break from the rest of the week. This way, you will know that even if you're working hard, you will have something good waiting for you at the end of the week.

    On Sunday night, go to bed early. Your mind will react (反应) quickly on Monday morning. If you wake up early, you will have more time to get ready for the day. Being stressed during Monday mornings is only going to add to your blues.

    Get yourself organized on Friday evening. Before you leave your workplace on Friday, you should take care of all the things you need , so you won't be so stressed on Monday morning. This way, you can start the week right.

Follow these simple tips and you will be able to beat those Monday morning blues soon.

          Some 1. on how to beat Monday morning blues

2. what you do.

·Love your 3. and you will look forward to the week ahead.

·Try to be positive when you are at work.

Do what gives you comfort.

·Stay in bed for 5 minutes extra makes you feel 4. on Monday morning.

· Make coffee and put on music when you get up, which will make you full of 5..

Reward yourself.

· To help you go through Mondays, 6. yourself to what you usually don’t have.

·Take a break on Fridays by going out for a film or dinner.

Go to bed early on Sunday night.

·If you do this, you will get enough sleep and your mind will react 7..

·Wake up early on Monday morning, and you will have more time to get ready for the day and stay away from 8..

Be 9. on Friday evening.

Take care of 10. you need  before you leave your workplace on Friday.






in a hurry so that two-week what different

Every summer Carol travels a lot by herself and visits new places. Last August she had a1.vacation, so she was on a tour of four countries in Europe. Europe was beautiful but her vacation wasn’t very nice. She was in each country only for three days. She visited too many museums and was always2.. After her vacation she was tired and bored. This summer she is going to spend her vacation in a3.way. She is going to travel to one country in Asia with friends and visit only one city. They will stay there for seven days and they are going to choose a city near the sea4.they can go swimming and have picnics on the beach.5.a happy journey it must be!




1.The time is too short. It’s      (possible) for Daniel to finish this work.

2.Mother’s Day is coming. He’ll use what he has      (buy ) his mother a new dress.

3.Take care, children. Don’t hurt      (you) when you play football.

4.I’m surprised that Gavin is 50. I thought he was      (young), for he seems to be in his thirties.

5.Are you satisfied with these      (sing) performances in the opera?




1.“Excuse me, can I take this seat?” he said to the young woman_______(礼貌地).

2.There are a lot of_______(老鼠) in the old house.

3._______________(安全) comes first.

4.There is a sweater _____________(悬挂) on the clothes line.

5.The radio says some wild wolves have to _____ (袭击) villagers because of the loss of living areas.



"Listen carefully to what I say,"  the time traveler said, "I shall tell you something that you will not agree."

"Why will we not agree?" I asked.

"Because the science and mathematics you know are not correct,"  he said. "You believe there are only three dimensions(三维空间)-length, breadth() and thickness."

"There is nothing to argue with that, "  the youngest member of our little group said.

"Exactly!"  the time traveler answered, "But there is also a fourth dimension - time."

"We all know about time, " another member of the group said. "Time passed."

"I do not agree,"  the time traveler said, "Length, breadth and thickness do not pass. They stay in the same place in space.  We move about them. I can prove that time is the same. It does not pass. We move in time the same way that we move in breadth, length and thickness."

None of us believed the time traveler, and we argued with him for many hours.

"If we could travel back in time,"  the scientist said, "We could do things to change the future."

"If we could travel forward in time," the doctor(博士) said, "we could do things that change our present."

The time traveler smiled, "It is clear," he said, "that there is only one way I can show you that I am right. We must do an experiment. Please wait here."

He left the room and soon returned, carrying what looked like a clock.

"This is a model of a time machine. It took me two years to make it," the time traveler said. "I want all of you to understand that when I start the machine, it will immediately travel in time and disappear from the present."

He turned to the youngest of all. "Give me your hand," he said.

The young man put out his hand. The time traveler took it and placed it on the machine. Immediately, there was a sudden wind, and the little machine disappeared.

I was certain this was not a trick, but the doctor was not so sure.

"Are you asking us to believe," he said, "that the machine is now in a different time?"

"Certainly! In my laboratory, a full-size machine is almost complete. As soon as it is complete, I shall send myself on a journey through time. Would you like to see my machine?"

"Are you serious about this?" the doctor asked.

"I have never been more serious about anything," the time traveler said, "Come."

We followed him to his laboratory. There, we saw the actual machine, not quite complete, but large enough for a man to sit in.

1.How many dimensions did the time traveler say there are?

A. Two.    B. Three.    C. Four.    D. Five.

2.How long did it take the time traveler to make his model time machine?

A. Two years.    B. Two months.

C. Twenty years.    D. All his life.

3.Which is the right order of what happened in the story?

a. The model time machine disappeared with a wind.

b. The time traveler came back to the room with a model time machine.

c. The members of the group argued with the time traveler for many hours.

d. The time traveler showed them a full-size time machine which was not quite complete.

e. The youngest man's hand was placed on the model time machine.

A. e c a d b    B. b c e a d

C. c e b a d    D. c b e a d

4.What can we infer(判断) from the passage about the time traveler?

A. He believed that they could move in time.

B. He was playing a trick on a group of people.

C. He sent the young man to the future in the model time machine.

D. He would possibly send himself on a journey through time.

5.What kind of story do you think the passage is?

A. A detective story.    B. A science fiction.

C. A romantic fiction.    D. A horror story.



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