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请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。 If you lose 12...


    If you lose 12 times, will you just give up? Dale Carnegie, a pioneer in public speaking and self-development, kept trying. And he became famous by showing people how to be successful.

    Carnegie was born in 1888 in the central United States. As a son of a farmer, the boy had to get up at 4 a.m. every day to milk the cows. When Carnegie first entered college, he felt hopeless because of his clothes and ordinary (普通的) looks. His mother encouraged him, “Why not try to be better in other things instead of just dress and good looks?”

    Carnegie tried to be more active in college. He joined the debate (辩论) team. But one after another, he lost 12 times. The young man was so disappointed in himself that he even thought of ending his own life for so many failures.

    But soon Carnegie was seen practicing public speaking on the riverside. His hard work brought good results at last. In 1906, Carnegie won a famous speech match and became widely famous.

    The young man made his own words come true: “Believe that you will succeed, and you will.” In order to share his success, Carnegie started schools and wrote books. More than 50 million copies of his books have been printed in 38 languages. They are still helping people on the road to success.

Information Card

Carnegie’s father’s job


The person who gave Carnegie courage


The group Carnegie joined in college


The place where Carnegie did the practice


The age when Carnegie became famous





1.(A) Farmer 2.(His) Mom 3.The debate team 4.On the riverside 5.18/ Eighteen years old 【解析】本文主要介绍了Carnegie成功的过程。他通过不断的练习演讲,在1906年,他赢得了著名演讲比赛,开始出名。他说:“相信你会成功,你就会成功。” 1.根据As a son of a farmer, the boy had to get up at 4 a.m. every day to milk the cows. 可知Carnegie 的父亲是一个农民,故为(A) Farmer. 2.根据His mother encouraged him, 可知是他的母亲给他鼓励,故为(His) Mom 。 3.根据He joined the debate (辩论) team. 可知他加入了辩论组,故为The debate team。 4.根据But soon Carnegie was seen practicing public speaking on the riverside. 可知他在河边练习演讲,故为On the riverside。 5.根据Carnegie was born in 1888 in the central United States.和In 1906, Carnegie won a famous speech match and became widely famous.可知在1906年,也就是他18岁时,他出名了,故为18/ Eighteen years old。 点睛:认真阅读问题,根据问题内容在文中寻找答案所在的语句和段落进行阅读理解,归纳总结,写出正确的答案。例如小题2,问题询问谁给Carnegie鼓励,根据His mother encouraged him, 可知是他的母亲给他鼓励,故为(His) Mom 。


     Today, an increasing number of people are always looking at their mobile phones with their heads down. These people are 1.  the “Heads-down Tribe”. Heads-down tribe members now can be seen everywhere.

     There are more and more traffic 2. because lots of drivers use mobile phones while driving. In order to make drivers pay more 3. to driving, some new traffic rules have been made.

     As we can see above, using mobile phones may 4. traffic accidents. Also, more and more interesting and strange facts happen to the “Heads-down Tribe”. A man in America kept 5. his mobile phone on his way home. As  6. result, he knocked into a big lost bear. When he lifted  7. eyes from the phone, he was so afraid that he turned around and ran away as 8. as possible. Another fact is that we can often see people in the restaurant eating face to face but looking at their own mobile phones. It’s strange 9. they don’t talk to the ones who sit opposite to them during the meal. Some of them even have fun communicating with others on the phone.

     Mobile phones are helpful and necessary tools for modern life. Whether they are good or not depends  10. how people use them. Let’s be “healthy” users and try to be the “Heads-up Tribe”.



配对阅读  左栏是5个人的旅游需求或计划,右栏是7个景点介绍。请根据5个人的需求或计划与合适的景点配对。

1..Tom often hears about this beautiful sight from his friends. He decides to book a ticket and go there to see the fountain (喷泉)next week.

2..Zhang Lei has heard many stories of Peter the Great. He admires him very much and plans to go to St. Petersburg to get to know more about his great figure (形象).

3..Tina is an art student and she’s very interested in Russian arts. She would like to have a look at some paintings of old masters.

4..Bob has a surprising plan for this weekend. On Saturday afternoon he will take a ship to an island where he can see some wooden buildings.

5..Mr. White wants to go to a church tomorrow. He goes there because he’s very interested in the beautiful paintings in it.

A.The Bronze Horseman Statue is a part of Russian culture and a symbol of St. Petersburg. The statue (雕像) of Peter the Great can show this person’s great influence on the Russians.

B.The Church of the Savior in Moscow is a fantastic place for you to visit. The beautiful look may make your eyes brighten, and the paintings inside the church will make you say “Wow!”

C.Kizhi Island is an open-air museum of wooden buildings in Russia. These special buildings are made of wood only. Lots of visitors every year from all over the world come to visit.

D.Peterhof is beautiful and fun. You can go to Peterhof when the fountains are working during the day in summer. They are shut off in winter as well as in the evening.

E.The State Russia Museum holds one of the largest collections of Russia art in the world. Here you can view Russian art creations through the ages.

F.The State Hermitage Museum is one of the most important sights to see for any visitors. There you can see lots of different paintings of old masters.

G.Moscow is well known for its special architecture (建筑) that includes different historic buildings. Also, it is the capital city of Russia.





People sometimes say, “It’s raining cats and dogs!” when there is a heavy rain. Nobody has ever really seen cats and dogs falling from the sky, but there have been many reports of other strange things “raining” down. In 1956, the people of a town in the USA saw a small black cloud in the sky. It started to rain from the cloud normally, but only in a small area. The cloud then turned white, and fish started to fall to the ground. Most of them were still alive.

    During a storm in July 1901 in Minneapolis, people heard something falling from the sky that did not sound like rain. When they went outside, they found all kinds of frogs covering four streets.

    There are other reports of strange “rains” falling from the sky including worms (蠕虫), insects and snakes.

    Can these strange “rains” be explained by science? Scientists usually say that a tornado(龙卷风)has picked up the animals from a river or ocean, carried them for miles, and then dropped them somewhere else. But this does not completely explain all of them. On May 15th, 1890, in Italy, there was a rain of blood — birds’ blood. Scientists said that flying birds must have been torn to pieces by strong winds. But if so, why did only their blood fall from the sky, and not other parts of their bodies? And anyway, there were no strong winds that day!

1.What does it mean when people say, “It’s raining cats and dogs”?

A. Cats and dogs are falling from the sky.    B. It’s raining heavily.

C. Animals started to fall to the ground.    D. There is a black cloud.

2.Which of the following has not been reported as strange things falling from the sky?

A. Cats and dogs.    B. Worms and insects.

C. Fish and blood.    D. Snakes and frogs.

3.What does the underlined word “torn” mean in Chinese?

A. 破裂    B. 撕破    C. 切碎    D. 割破

4.Scientists’ explanation for rain of blood is that ________.

A. the tornado picked up the birds’ blood

B. flying birds were torn into pieces by strong winds

C. there were no strong winds that day

D. other parts of birds’ bodies did not fall with the blood

5.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. Strange “Winds”    B. Strange “Clouds”    C. Strange “Rains”    D. Strange “Animals”




Welcome to the Art Museum!

    You’ve just stepped into one of the world’s greatest collections of art, covering centuries of human creativity from all over the world. With thousands of works on show, you may wonder how to start your visit, so we are here to help. Click (点击) on the “don’t miss” list, and you’ll find introductions of the must-see works in our collections in different museum rooms. They are great choices to start if you are new to the museum.

    The overlook below shows a clear floor plan of the museum and its collections. Enjoy your visit and feel free to ask for help and directions at any point during your stay.


1.Tickets can be bought online at www.artmuseum.org/tickets or at the ticket office at $10 per person. Children under 16 can get a half price. Family package (for 3-4 people) is $18.

2.A guide can be arranged (安排) for you for $40 for a 2-hour tour, giving you introductions of the must-see artworks and the interesting stories behind them. But it needs to be booked (预订) 1 day before your visit at (212) 769-5100.

1.The passage probably comes from a(n) _____.

A. tour map    B. guide book    C. museum website    D. art magazine

2.In the “don’t miss” list for the Art Museum, we can know about the _____.

A. free paintings    B. must-see works    C. new collections    D. museum buildings

3.Which part of the museum shows Chinese art?

A. The “Bridge”.    B. Rice Building.

C. Michigan Avenue Building.    D. Mckinlock Court.

4.To visit the museum with his 9-year-old twins, Mr. Smith should at least pay ________.

A. $15    B. $18    C. $20    D. $40

5.We can know that the guide in the museum ________.

A. will show you around for a whole day

B. will guide you to see every artwork

C. can be booked when you arrive

D. needs to be booked on the phone




Today, it is a big problem for young graduates to get good jobs. It is said that there are thousands of different kinds of jobs in the world. Choosing the  __________ one is not that easy.

Finding a job is not the same as choosing a job. Many young people end up in a job, but they are not suitable for (适合于) it. Sometimes chance may  __________ a more important part than a decision. Here are a few steps to help you __________ jobs which you might enjoy after school or university.

First, it is important to realize what kind of person you are, which __________ you outstanding and helps you find out what you are interested in. There is a difference between an interest and a __________ . If you like art and enjoy looking at pictures, which is an interest. But if you can __________ a horse that looks like a horse but not a big dog, that is skill. Then ask __________ a question, “In the following three areas — skills with people, skills with information and skills

with things, __________ is your best skils?” After examining your skills, the next step is research. Try to __________ as many different kinds of jobs as possible. __________ , trust your own ideas and your own thinking! It is your own life, so just find the job you really enjoy doing.

1.A. left    B. right    C. true    D. real

2.A. take    B. play    C. have    D. choose

3.A. think about    B. think for    C. think up    D. think of

4.A. brings    B. helps    C. pushes    D. makes

5.A. question    B. hobby    C. skill    D. job

6.A. ride    B. feed    C. draw    D. find

7.A. yourself    B. themselves    C. himself    D. myself

8.A. what    B. who    C. when    D. which

9.A. find out    B. watch out    C. carry out    D. look out

10.A. Suddenly    B. Finally    C. Simply    D. Luckily



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