满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— I am terribly sorry. I have dropped yo...

— I am terribly sorry. I have dropped your phone.

— ________. Look, it still works.

A. That’s a good idea    B. You are welcome

C. What a shame    D. It doesn’t matter


D 【解析】句意:——我非常抱歉。我把你的手机掉地上了。——没有关系。看,它仍在工作。That’s a good idea.那是一个好主意。You are welcome.别客气;What a shame多么羞愧!It doesn’t matter.没关系。根据I am terribly sorry.可知对于别人的道歉,应说没关系。故选D。  

Fewer and fewer people spend time reading. There were only 49% of adults in the US ________ visited a public library last year.

A. who    B. where    C. when    D. which



Jacky Cheung is going to give a concert in Huizhou. It ________ next week.

A. is held    B. was held    C. is holding    D. will be held



________ we have done! We feel proud as we can do something to help children in need.

A. What a great work    B. What a great job    C. How great job    D. How great work



Unless everyone ________ actions to stop pollution, the environment problem may become worse.

A. take    B. takes    C. took    D. will take



— When did you begin to live here, Ann?

— I ________ in this town since I ________ ten.

A. have lived;was    B. live;was

C. have lived;have been    D. live;have been



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