满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

“Sorry” is a word that people in Britain...

“Sorry” is a word that people in Britain often say in their daily life.

One day while I was 76.1. on the street,a young man ran by hurriedly,brushing(轻擦) against my handbag.He continued his way,but turned 77.2. and said “sorry” to me.Even in a rush,he didn't 78.3. to say “sorry”.One day,after I bought some bananas,the shop­keeper was passing me the change,but I wasn't ready for it and a coin dropped onto the ground.“Sorry,Madam.” he said 79.4. bending(弯腰) to pick it up.I was 80.5. why he said “sorry” to me.Another time,I stepped on a man's 81.6. at the entrance to a cinema.At the same time,we 82.7. said “sorry”.

Slowly,I got to know that when something unpleasant happens in daily life,the British don't 83.8.much about who is wrong.If someone is in trouble,a “sorry” is always 84.9..Perhaps that is 85.10. I seldom see people quarrel on the buses or streets in Britain.


1.walking 2.back 3.forget 4.while 5.surprised 6.foot 7.both 8.care 9.necessary 10.why 【解析】sorry这个词在英国人的嘴里经常出现,在各种场合,你都可以听到人们说这个词。有时候,即便他们并没有做错,他们也会说对不起。为什么呢?我们看看作者给出的解释吧。 1.句意:一天当我正在街上散步的时候,一个年轻人匆忙地跑了过去,轻擦了一下我的手提包。walk散步,是一个动词。这里while引导的是时间状语从句,空前有was,这个空应填现在分词walking,构成过去进行时态,表示过去正在做某事的时候。 2.句意:他继续他的路,但是回过身来对我说:“对不起。”back回来,是一个副词,这里turn back是固定短语,回过身来,转回来。根据上句话He continued his way可知,这个年轻人继续赶路,但是要转身对我说对不起,故填back。 3.句意:即使很匆忙,他也没有忘记说“对不起”。forget 忘记,是一个动词。根据上文and said “sorry” to me可知,那个年轻人对我道歉了,所以是他没有忘记。空前有助动词didn't,这里应填动词原形。 4.句意:他在弯腰把硬币捡起来的时候对我说:“对不起,夫人。”while当...时候,是一个连词,可以引导时间状语从句。这里是直接在连词while的后面跟了现在分词bending,就相当于while he was bending...这个从句。 5.句意:我很奇怪他为什么要对我说“对不起”。surprised惊奇的,奇怪的,是一个形容词,在句中做表语。根据下文Slowly,I got to know...可知,这里作者并不明白那个店主为什么要向她道歉,所以是感到惊奇,填surprised。 6.句意:还有一次,在电影院的入口,我踩到了一个男士的脚上。foot脚,是一个名词。根据句中stepped on...可以猜到,这个情景作者描述的是她踩了一个人的脚。故填foot。 7.句意:同时我们都说“对不起”。both两者都,根据句意At the same time同时可知,两个人同时向对方表示道歉。both指代的是作者和那个男士。 8.句意:慢慢地,我逐渐明白了当日常生活中发生了不愉快的事情的时候,英国人并不十分在意到底是谁错了。care在意,关心。根据上文作者举的例子可以看出,英国人很爱说sorry,即使不是他们的错,所以他们是不在意谁的错。故填care。 9.句意:如果有人有麻烦了,一句“对不起”是很有必要的。necessary必要的,是一个形容词。根据文意可知,英国人很喜欢说sorry,所以发生了不愉快的事情,这句话就是很有必要的。 10.句意:也许那就是为什么我在英国的公交车上或者是大街上很少看到人们吵架的原因吧。why为什么,是一个连词,在这里引导了一个表语从句。That is why...意思是那就是...的原因。 点睛:这篇短文作者用实际的例子给我们介绍了英国人为什么总是喜欢说“对不起”。文章的题材涉及了英国人的文化,对学生们来说有一点难度,但是因为短文里有很多具体的事例,所以这可以帮助学生们获得文章的主要大意。短文填空这一题型对于学生们来说是有难度的,它综合性地考查学生对词汇、语法、习惯搭配等的理解和运用,并在此基础上,考查学生的理解能力、判断能力和逻辑推理能力。做题时,首先要通读全文,掌握大意,并注意一些信息词,这些信息词对我们做题是非常有用的。接下来要结合文章大意,综合运用所学的词汇和语法知识,对每个空认真分析,仔细推敲。可以从以下几个方面入手:1.根据上下文语境;2.根据惯用法和习惯搭配;3.运用逻辑推理判断;4.分析句子结构,进行对比分析。最后要再读短文,检查答案。这个题目是短文填空里最难的,因为这10个单词既没有给出汉语意思,也没有首字母提示,也没有给出备选的单词。这就要看学生们平时的英语功夫如何了。例如第2小题,根据上句话He continued his way可知,这个年轻人继续赶路,没有停下来,那么他说“对不起”的时候,就应该转过身来,因此这里考查的就是短语turn back的用法。再例如第8小题,从上文作者给的例子,尤其是最后一个例子可以看出,英国人说sorry好像是一种习惯,他们并不在乎到底是谁做错了,想到这些我们就能知道应填动词care。

Just as in face­to­face communication,there are some basic rules of behavior that should be followed on the Internet.The basic rule is simple:treat others in the same way you would want to be treated.Imagine_how_you'd_feel_if_you_were_in_the_other_person's_shoes.

For anything you're about to send,ask yourself,“Would I say that to the person's face?” If the answer is no,rewrite and reread.If someone in the chat room is rude to you,you needn't to fire back.You should either ignore(不理睬) the person,or use your chat software to block their messages.Remember to respect the beliefs and opinions of others in the chat room.

________ Offer advice when asked by newcomers,as they may not be sure what to do or how to communicate.When someone makes a mistake,be kind about it.If you do decide to tell someone about the mistake,point it out politely.At the same time if you find you are wrong,be sure to correct yourself and apologize to those that you have offended(冒犯).询问别人诸如年龄和家庭情况等隐私问题是不礼貌的。Unless you know the person very well,and you are both comfortable with sharing personal information,or don't ask such questions.

1.In the chat room we must respect others'_________and _________.(完成句子)

2.When you find you make a mistake in the chat room,what should you do?(回答问题)





A. First impressions last longest.

B. Everyone was new to the network once.

C. The Internet has opened up a whole new world for us.

D. Even if you feel strongly about it,think twice before saying anything.






1.She_________(lay) her hand on my head.

2.The radio_________(spread) the news as soon as it happened.

3.Tom's pet dog was_________(die) and he was very sad.

4.There will be five_________(speak) at the meeting.

5.He has to make a_________(choose) between the two shirts.




1.She thinks that the city is too_________(拥挤的) to live in.

2.You must be very_________(耐心) with her,as she has been ill for months.

3.We have_________(发现) that he is quite careful in his work.

4.My hobby is collecting_________(邮票).

5.I found it difficult for parents to refuse children's_________(要求).




Dear Died,

Today I was at the shopping centre and I spent a lot of time reading the Father’s Day cards. But as I chose add read, and chose add read again, it seemed that not a single card said what I really wanted to you.

You’ll soon be 84 years old, Dad,and you and I will have had 56 Father’s Days together. I didn't think that you were too old. But the sad thing happened last week. I watched as you turned at the corner in your car. I didn’t realize at once that it was you because the man who was driving looked so elderly.

Fifty years ago this spring, we planted carrots together in a garden in Charles City, Iowa. This week, we’ll plant carrots together again, perhaps for the last time but I hope not. I don’t understand why planting carrots with you is so important to me. Well, I don't quite know how to tell you this, dad I don't like carrots.... but I like planting them with you.

I guess what am trying to say, Dad, is what every son and daughter wants to say to their dad today. Praising a father on Father's Day is about more than a dad who brings home, money or shares a dinner. It’s more about a dad deeply loving children who know everything and won't listen to anyone. It's about sharing. It’s about loving someone more than words can say, and I wish that it would never end.



1. Where did Jenny go today?

A. A garden.       B. A shopping center.

C. A cinema.       D. A hospital.

2.How old is Jenny now?

A. 84.    B. 56.    C. 50.   D.34.

3.What does the underlined words “the man” in paragraph 2 refer to (指)?

A. An old man.           B. A car driver.

C. Jenny’s father.      D. Jenny’s husband.

4.What can we learn from paragraph 3?

A. It's the last time for Jenny to plant carrots with her father.

B. Jenny and her father plant carrots together every year.

C. Both Jenny and her father like eating carrots.

D. Jenny would like to stay with her father.

5.What does Jenny talk about in the last paragraph?

A. Deep love for Dad. 

B. Best wishes for Dad.

C. The importance of Dad.

D. The beginning of Father's Day.



I often hear some students say English is difficult, and it gives them a headache. But English is very easy for me. I’m good at it. I’m very glad to tell you something about how I study English.

First, I think an interest in English is very important. When I learned English first, it was fresh for me. I was interested in it, so I worked hard at it. Soon we had an English exam and I got a very good mark. How happy I was! After that, I learned English harder and harder. Our English teacher often teaches us English songs, and the songs sound nice. I often think how interesting English is!

Second, I think English is a foreign language. I should learn it well in the following ways: Listen to the teacher carefully, speak bravely, read aloud and have a good vocabulary. Then practice again and again, never be tired. And I also have a good habit: Asking whenever I have a question. I must make it clear by asking our English teacher. How happy I am when I understand!

Besides this, I often read English stories, jokes and easy novels. They help me understand a lot of things. So to do more reading is an important way to learn English well. And I also write English diaries. English has become a close friend of mine.

1.Why do some students often “have a headache”?

A. Because they are easy to catch a cold.

B. Because it’s often very cold

C. Because they think English is easy.

D. Because they don’t think English is easy.

2.The writer tells us that we should be ________ in English if we want to learn it well.

A. kind        B. interested      C. angry       D. strict

3.The sentence “I got a very good mark” means ________.

A.I got a good way

B.I had a good idea

C.I did badly in the exam

D.I did well in the exam

4.The writer thinks English is interesting because ________.

A. English is full of stories

B. English is full of jokes

C. his teacher often teaches them nice English songs

D. of nothing

5.Which of the following is not the way the writer studies by?

A. Speaking bravely.           B. Writing to foreign friends.

C. Reading aloud.              D. Writing English diaries.



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