满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Do you think that living a hungry life i...

Do you think that living a hungry life is last century’s story? Well it may be this century’s headline.

     The world has growing worries about a global food shortage. Right now there are still 870 million hungry people in the world according to a survey of the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization. Children can’t escape this either. Around fifteen million children die of hungry each year.

    What’s causing food shortages? There are several reasons.

    There are now more droughts and floods. This is very harmful to farmers and their ability to grow food.

    Besides with the growing population feeding everyone becomes more difficult. There are a little more than seven billion people in the world. By 2050 the world population will be more than nine billion.

    Another reason is food waste. The average person throws away 50kg of food every year.

    How can we help with food shortages? The easiest way is to cut down on food waste.

    Next time before throwing away the food on your plate just think how much work has been done to make it. By buying less we waste less. This takes the pressure off producing so much food. And it helps to solve the problem of food shortage.

    You can also ask your schoolmates to join you.

    In 2013 researchers at Kansas State University in the US put up short anti-waste slogans(标语) in dining rooms “Think Before You Waste”. Guess what happened? Students wasted fifteen percent less food after that!

    The author of the study said “You don’t need a huge activity to make a difference.”



Reasons of food shortage


The growing population.



Waysof 3.__________


Ask the other students to join in your anti-waste work.

Your understanding of the last sentence.



1.More droughts and floods 2.Food waste 3.helping with food shortage 4.Cut down on food shortage 5.Stop wasting from ourselves and from tiny/little things 【解析】 试题分析:现在世界上还有870,000,000人在挨饿。食物短缺的原因有三:1.自然灾害;2. 人口不断增长;3.浪费严重。我们可以做到减少浪费,从我做起。 1.根据There are now more droughts and floods. This is very harmful to farmers and their ability to grow food.可知,食物短缺的原因之一是旱灾和涝灾。这对农作物是有害的。所以这里填More droughts and floods;另一个原因已经列在下面了:人口不断增长。 2.根据Another reason is food waste. 可知。另一个原因是Food waste浪费食物。 3.文中的How can we help with food shortages? 意思是ways of helping with food shortage。所以填helping with food shortage。 4.根据The easiest way is to cut down on food waste.最简单的方法是减少食物浪费。所以填Cut down on food waste。 5.You don’t need a huge activity to make a difference.的意思是你不需要一个大行动就会造成影响。与Stop wasting from ourselves and from tiny/little things.停止浪费从小事做起、从我做起。意思一致。所以填Stop wasting from ourselves and from tiny/little things. 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。


Have you ever lied to anyone?

Student 1: I tell lies sometimes because I don’t want ___1___ (be) criticized. For example, I didn’t do well in an exam once. In order not to let my parents ___2___, I told them I didn’t have any exams, so they didn’t scold (责备) me.

Student 2:___3___of vanity (虚荣), I lied once. I was on duty one day, but I was___4___, so I didn’t finish my work. When the teacher asked us  ___5___ anyone was late, in order to keep a good record, I didn’t admit (承认) that I was late.

Student 3: I used to lie to my mom sometimes. She always told me to have a little nap (午睡) in the afternoon, and I told her I couldn’t fall ___6___(sleep), but actually I read novels at that time. I lied because I wanted to have time to do what I want, ___7___of doing things I don’t like, even though they are good for me.

Student 4: I lie because I want to have privacy(隐私). I want my parents to give ___8___(I) enough personal space. I remember I went out with some ___9___ (friend) one day. In order not to make my parents ___10___(worry) about me, I told them I went to study with some good students, so they wouldn’t ask too many questions.



B. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。

     Do you have a pet? Are you 1.(对···感兴趣) in taking care of animals? Girls and boys who like animals may want to study to be animal doctors, They’re often2.(称为) “vets”. Many of them work in animal  3.(医院). Others may work on farms or at a 4.(动物园). Some study animal diseases and try to find  5.(方法) to keep the animals from getting 6.(生病). They do studied in  7.(医药) for animals, Vets listen to an animal heart They 8. (检查)its ear, eyes, mouth and blood, They  9.(做手术) on animals when they need to. They may give the animals shots(注射)and tell the pets’10.(主人) what food is best.





success   grow   chat    bad     twelve


1.You shouldn’t spend much time _ _______with your friends on the Internet..

2.Don’t give up, you know hard work leads to________.

3.Yesterday was my daughter’s__________birthday.

4.Hope for the best and prepare for the ________.

5.What he did proves that he has________ up.



Every year on my birthday, from the time I turned 12, a white gardenia (栀子花) was delivered to my house. No card or note came with it. I was delighted by the beauty and perfume (香味) of the flower. But I never stopped imagining who the giver might be. My mother helped me to imagine. She’d ask me if I had been kind to someone. Perhaps the neighbor I’d helped carry the groceries for. As a teenager, though, I had more fun thinking that it might be a boy I loved.

When I was 17, a boy broke my heart. The night he called for me the last time, I cried myself to sleep. When I woke up in the morning, there was a message on my mirror in red lipstick: “Heartily know, / when half-gods go, / the gods arrive.” I thought about those words from Emerson for a long time. When I finally went to get the glass cleaner, my mother knew everything was all right again. She did understand me.

One month before my high-school graduation, my father died of a heart attack. I lost all my interest in graduation, the senior-class play and the prom (毕业舞会). But my mother would not hear of my skipping (略过) any of those things. She wanted her children to feel loved and lovable, imaginative, believing that there was a magic in the world and beauty in the face of hard times. Actually she wanted her children to see themselves much like the gardenia – loveable, strong and perfect. My mother died 10 days after I was married. I was 22. That was the year the gardenias stopped coming.

1.After the writer turned 12, she began to receive_____ on her birthday every year.

A. a birthday card    B. a birthday cake    C. a white gardenia    D. a beautiful book

2.When the writer was 17, _____ .

A. her father died of a heart attack    B. she lost her mother

C. a boy sent her some flowers    D. a boy broke up with her

3.What do we know from the story?

A. The writer didn’t like the white gardenia.    B. The writer’s father didn’t love her.

C. The writer’s mother was very wise.    D. The writer sent a gardenia to her mother every year.

4.Finally, the writer found that _____ was the flower giver.

A. her father    B. her mother

C. the neighbor she lent a hand to    D. a boy she fell in love with

5.Which do you think is the best title?

A. Life without Father    B. High school graduation

C. Mystery of the white gardenia    D. A girl’s growing pain



A young man entered the last interview of a company. The director found that the young man’s academic grades were very good.

“Did you get any scholarships in school?” the director asked. “None.” the young man answered.

“Was it your father who paid for your school fees?” the director asked.

“My father passed away when I was one year old, so it was my mother who paid for my school fees,” the young man answered.

“Where did your mother work?” the director asked. “My mother cleaned clothes,” the young man said. The director looked at the young man’s hands. He had a pair of smooth and perfect hands.

“Have you ever helped your mother wash the clothes before?” the director asked.

“Never,” the young man answered.

“I have a request,” the director said. “When you go back today, go and clean your mother’s hands, and then see me tomorrow morning.”

The young man felt that his chance of getting the job was high. When he went back, he happily asked his mother to let him clean her hands. His mother felt strange; happy but with mixed feelings. She showed her hands to the kid. The young man cleaned his mother’s hands slowly. His tears fell as he did that. It was the first time he had noticed that his mother’s hands were so wrinkled. He realized it was this pair of hands that helped him pay the fees. The next morning, the young man went to the director’s office. “I cleaned my mother’s hands, and I know that without my mother, I would not be the person I am today,” he said.“This is what I am looking for in my manager,” the director said. “I want a person who can appreciate the help of others to get things done. You are hired.”

1.The young man’s mother       to pay for his school fee.

A. made clothes    B. washed clothes    C. cleaned rooms    D. sold phones

2.What did the director ask the young man to do?

A. To write a thank-you note to his mother.    B. To help his mother do chores.

C. To wash his mother’s hands.    D. To clean the company’s floor.

3.How did the young man’s mother feel when he washed her hands?

A. She felt surprised.    B. She had mixed feelings.

C. She felt sad.    D. She was filled with happiness.

4.The director hired the young man because _____.

A. he cleaned his mother’s hands.    B. he had good academic grades.

C. he could appreciate others’ help.    D. he knew how to thank his mother.



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