满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Have you cooked supper_______? —Yes, I ...

—Have you cooked supper_______? —Yes, I have _______ finished it.

A. yet; just B. yet; ever

C. already; yet D. already; just


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-你做晚饭了吗?-是的,我刚做好。Already已经,常用于肯定句中;yet还,常用语否定句或疑问句中;ever曾经;just刚刚。所以选A。 考点:考查副词。  

If you read a lot, your life will be full           pleasure.

A.by         B. of        C. for         D. With



Who listens ______ , Tom, Jack or Bill?

A. the most carefully    B. more carefully

C. the most careful    D. more careful




1.Jim can’t go to the party because of __________(ill).

2.It made people think about the ________(beautiful) of the nature.

3.–What is the secret of your ________(succeed)?    -Working hard.

4.Our English teacher often encourages us ________(study) hard.

5.I think the computer is one of the most useful ___________(invent).




1.Although it was midnight, he was still a________.

2.This road is very w_________ now, but it was very narrow(狭窄的)ten years ago.

3.My father likes c__________ stamps. He has many stamps now.

4.The chairs and desks in the classroom b_________ to our school.

5.When you are waiting for the bus, you should wait in l__________.



    当前不少文学作品被改编成电影、有人选择看电影,有人则喜欢读原著。请你以“Film or book, which do you like best?”为题,按照下列提示写一篇英语短文。

提示:1. 看电影:省时、有趣、易懂

      2. 读原著:细节更多、语言优美

      3. 我的看法及理由

注意:1. 根据提示可适当增加细节,以使行文流畅;

      2. 词数100左右,文章题目和开头已给出(不计入总词数);

      3. 参考词汇:original work 或book in the original (原著)。

                   Film or book, which do you like best?

How to read the book in the original? Different people have different opinions. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



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