满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Do you like reading? Reading is a fun th...

Do you like reading? Reading is a fun thing to do_________your free time and is also a good way to ________ a better student.

You are learning large numbers of new _______ from reading. This can help you to have a bigger and richer vocabulary.________you read a lot, you will meet with many new words that you would not often use in everyday life. Reading often also helps ________ your writing because new words________ in your compositions.

Another good reason to read books is that the story can take your ________ to new places and help you become ________open-minded. Each story you read is _______. This gets your mind wide. When you read books you have to ________ the background and persons and think of new and exciting people and places.

1.A. on    B. by    C. in

2.A. become    B. get    C. make

3.A. sentences    B. words    C. knowledge

4.A. Though    B. If    C. Unless

5.A. grow    B. keep    C. improve

6.A. can be used    B. were used    C. used

7.A. body    B. mind    C. feeling

8.A. more    B. less    C. much

9.A. difficult    B. easy    C. different

10.A. think over    B. look out    C. work out


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.A 【解析】读书是一件非常有趣的事情。大量的阅读可以不断地丰富我们的词汇量,经常阅读有助于提高我们的写作水平,可以把所学的新的词汇在作文中加以使用。阅读还可以开阔我的眼界,拓展我们的思维。 1.C 句意:在你的空闲时间读书是一件有趣的事。in one’s spare time在某人的闲暇时间。结合句意可知,答案为C。 2.A 句意:也是成为一个更好学生的好的方法。A. become 变成;B. get得到;C. make制造。结合句意可知,答案为A。 3.B 句意:你从阅读中学习大量的新单词。A. sentences句子;B. words 单词;C. knowledge知识。根据后面的句子“This can help you to have a bigger and richer vocabulary.”可知,阅读可以增加词汇量,故答案为B。 4.B 句意:如果你读了很多书,你会遇到很多你日常生活中不常用到的生词。A. Though尽管;B. If如果;C. Unless除非。结合语境理解,此句是if引导的条件状语从句,答案为B。 5.C 句意:阅读还会经常有助于提高你的写作水平,因为新的词汇可以在你的作文中使用。A. grow 成长;B. keep保持;C. improve改善,提高。此句解释了阅读的另一个作用,有助于提高写作水平,故答案为C。 6.A 句意:阅读还会经常有助于提高你的写作水平,因为新的词汇可以在你的作文中使用。new words与动词use之间是被动的关系,此句运用的是含有情态动词的被动语态,故答案为A。 7.B 句意:阅读的另一个好的理由是,书中的故事可以带领你的思维进入新的境地。A. body身体;B. mind思维,智慧;C. feeling感受。结合下面的句子“…open-minded.”,可知,答案为B。 8.A 句意:而且使你的思维变得更加的开阔。more/less可以构成比较级,much只能修饰比较级,结合句意可知,答案为A。 9.C 句意:你阅读的每一个故事都不一样。A. difficult困难的;B. easy容易的;C. different不同的。书中的每一个故事肯定是不同的,故答案为C。 10.A 句意:当你阅读书籍时,你必须认真思考故事的背景和人物。A. think over认真思考; B. look out 当心;C. work out算出。结合句意可知,答案为A。

Someone says, “Time is money.” But I think time is even _______than money. Why? Because when money is ______, we can get it back. However, when time is ______, it’ll never return. That’s why we ________waste time.

It goes without ________that the time is usually limited. Even a second is very important. We should make full use of our time to do________ useful.

But it is a pity that there ________ a lot of people who do not know the importance of time. They spent their limited time ______, drinking and playing. They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own _______.

In a word, we should save time. We shouldn’t ________today’s work for tomorrow. Remember we have no time to lose.

1.A. more important    B. the most important    C. less important

2.A. spend    B. spent    C. used

3.A. cost    B. bought    C. gone

4.A. needn’t    B. mustn’t    C. because

5.A. saying    B. say    C. to say

6.A. everything    B. something    C. anything

7.A. will be    B. is    C. are

8.A. smoking    B. smokes    C. to smoke

9.A. time    B. money    C. lives

10.A. stop    B. leave    C. give



—Tomorrow will be sunny. How about going fishing ?

—_________ But I have to study for tomorrow’s exam.

A. That’s right.    B. I’d love to.    C. I’d like.



—How was the boy in the accident? —He      to a hospital at once and got saved.

A. was taken    B. had taken    C. is taken



—Diaoyu Island belongs to China. —Surely it does! We Chinese will never        it up.

A. cut    B. fix    C. give



Don’t     today’s work till tomorrow. Today’s work must be done today.

A. put off    B. put out    C. put on



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