满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Did you ask them ______? A. when are the...

Did you ask them ______?

A. when are they going to set out

B. when they are going to set out

C. when were they going to set out

D. when they were going to set out


D 【解析】句意:你问过他们什么时候出发吗?这里考查的是宾语从句,其语序是陈述语序,故排除AC;因为主句的动词是过去时,所以从句的动词用过去时,故排除B;故选D。  

Teenagers under 19 years old _______ to visit this website according to the rules last year.

A. weren’t allowed    B. weren’t allowing

C. won’t be allowed    D. haven’t been allowed



______ exciting event the 2012 Shanghai F1 Race was!

A. What    B. How    C. What an    D. What a



She didnt go to see the film Lost in Thailand (《泰囧》) with us because she _____ it already.

A. sees    B. saw    C. has seen    D. had seen



I ______ the streets in our neighborhood this time yesterday when you called me.

A. was cleaning    B. have cleaned    C. am cleaning    D. would clean



China ______ its first successful landing of a fighter jet on the Liaoning (“辽宁号”航母) last year.

A. celebrates    B. celebrated    C. is celebrating    D. will celebrate



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