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提示:1. 养宠物狗可给人带来快乐,消减孤独与烦恼,陪伴并帮助家人解决一些困难等。

2. 养宠物狗会占用很多时间。宠物狗有一定危险性,有时会伤害孩子。另外,它会给家人和邻居带来噪音,污染周围环境等。

注意:不要将上述所给的提示直接译成英文,要适当发挥或调整。 词数约80左右。(句首已给出的部分不计入总词数)

How Do You Like Pet Dogs?

Every morning, we can see many kinds of pet dogs led by the persons who walk around. Pet dogs have become a part of their lives. I think _________________________________________




How Do You Like Pet Dogs? Every morning, we can see many kinds of pet dogs led by the persons who walk around. Pet dogs have become a part of their lives. I think keeping pets brings joy to our life. Actually, it is good to keep pets because pets can play with the young and accompany the old. Research also shows that living with a pet helps to relieve people’s pressure and distress and even decreases the possibility of getting heart diseases. However, many are against living together with animals. They argue that pets are easily infected by diseases, which may pass on to humans.What’s more, the unpleasant smell and waste caused by pets are a resource of environmental pollution. So we avoid potential risks and troubles, we have to make sure that our pets are properly vaccinated and their behaviors are under control. 【解析】这是一篇提纲类作文,我们需要用正确的英语把给出的要点表达出来. 动笔前,一定要认真分析要点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题。本作文中给出的要点比较具体,故需要准确表达.写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。特别注意在选择句式时要赋予变化。平时除了加强词汇积累,写作联系以外,还可以适当记忆一些类似的范文,这样在考试中可以起到事半功倍的效果  

(A) 假设你叫LiHua,请你用英文给外教Mr.Smith发一封电子邮件,邀请他参加俱乐部活动。时间:下周五下午4点。地点:四年一班。活动内容:用英语讨论即将来临的野餐计划,并希望他能给同学们一些如何提高英语的建议。(30---40词)

Dear Mr.Smith,

    I’m Li Hua, one of the students in your spoken English class.__________________________




( B) Answer the questions according to the passage. (10分)(必须使用完整语句作答)

Everyone knows to be careful on the first day of April. There is nothing worse than falling for a joke and being the “fool” for the day.

When I was in high school, the teachers at my school decided to play an April Fools’ joke on the students.

On March 31, the headmaster announced that our school would hold a “Dress to Impress” day. This meant that the better you dressed at school, the higher your marks would be.Boys were encouraged to wear a suit jacket and tie, while formal (正式的) dresses and smart jackets for girls would be best. The teachers, we were told, would do the same.

On April Fools’ Day, many of the students came to school dressed in their best clothes. Hair was tidy and all our shoes were well cleaned.

At the morning assembly (集会), the headmaster spoke to the students. To everyone’s surprise, she was not dressed up at all. Instead she wore shorts, running shoes and a T-shirt—the normal student uniform.

“April Fools!” she said, with a big smile on her face. “We just wanted to remind you that teachers have a sense of humor too!” The teachers got the upper hand that day. All us students spent the rest of the day feeling very foolish indeed.

1.What is the worst thing on April Fool’s Day?


2.What would students get if they dressed better?


3.Did the head teacher dress her best clothes on April 1st?


4.Why did the head teacher play the joke on her students?


5.Who won that day?




Fill in each blank with a proper word with the help of the first letter.

Paper was first created about 2000 years ago in China. After its i1. ,people started to make books. As a result, there were many books, and they were expensive. So, lots of people had the c2. to learn to read.

Printing was invented in China during the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Later, developments in printing made it p3. to produce books more quickly and cheaply. Knowledge and ideas spread faster than ever before.

Although the Internet is still young, it is g4. very fast, and may become more powerful than printing. A much larger amount of information can be stored on the Internet than in books. Someone with an Internet connection can find information much more e5. than they can find in printed forms .



VI. Vocabulary (10分)Complete the sentences with proper forms of the words given

1.I can’t always express myself________(correct) in English.

2.Thank you for __________(show) us around the museum.

3.Nothing is _________(enjoy) than riding.

4.Would you mind__________(take) out the rubbish?

5.The actor and director_____(be) coming to give us a speech next week.

6.After so many ______(year) practice, she is a famous player.

7.Tomorrow is his _____ (forty) birthday.

8.When I got home, my pet dag_____ (lie) on the floor, dead.  .

9.We will keep it until she ______(change) her idea..

10.The children often have fun ______(play) games in the afternoon .



Dream culture is an important part of ancient Chinese culture. Dream interpreting(解释) is  popular in China,and the most famous reference(参考书) for dream interpreting is the book Duke of Zhou Interprets Dreams.(周公解梦)

1.Ancient Chinese people thought that dreams could suggest lucky and unlucky things.  Since different dreams have different meanings, people can get meanings of luck or bad luck by interpreting them. Actually, dream interpreting is not totally(完全)a superstition. It does have some scientific value.

    2.Dream is the reflection(反映) of the fact.  Many dreams are actually something about what happened in the daytime.  This kind of dream can be easily understood without dream interpreting.

3.Dream is the body's self-implication(自我暗示). Traditional Chinese medical science says that dreams are connected with the health condition of human's bodies.  When Yin and Yang are imbalanced(失调的),dreams come into being. If someone dreamt that he or she was roasted(烤) by a big fire,it shows he or she might easily get angry or nervous.

  Dreams are usually different from the facts. It means that things will develop in the  opposite direction when they become worse.

To some degree, Duke of Zhou Interprets Dreams is scientifically reasonable(合理的). Over thousands of years has passed,the book still has many secrets waiting for us to explore. 46.

1.According to the passage, dream culture           .

A. is important in ancient Chinese culture    B. is unimportant in foreign culture

C. has no scientific value    D. is something about God

2.In the old days Chinese people thought that dreams          .

A. could suggest lucky and unlucky things    B. couldn't be interpreted

C. were always different from the fact    D. were very popular

3.What does the underlined word “superstition” mean in Chinese?

A. 科学    B. 预兆    C. 迷信    D. 梦魇

4.Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?

A. Duke of Zhou Interprets Dreams is a book about dream interpreting.

B. When Yin and Yang are not balanced,you dream easily.

C. Dreams sometimes are the opposite of the fact.

D. There are no secrets in the book Duke o f Zhou Interprets Dreams.

5.What’s the title for the passage?

A. Interpretation of Dream Culture.    B. Duke of Zhou Interprets Dreams

C. Dream in Ancient Times    D. How do you feel when you are in a dream



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