满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Choose the sentences from the box to com...

Choose the sentences from the box to complete the dialogue.( There are two extra sentences)

1.May I ask you who’s calling?

2.Don’t forget to lock the door when you leave the classroom.

3.Do you mind my smoking here?

4.What about going out for a picnic this weekend?

5.What a lovely day!


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.F 【解析】请在此填写整体分析! 1.根据上文May I ask you who’s calling?可知下文是这是杰克,故选C。 2.根据上文Don’t forget to lock the door when you leave the classroom. 离开教室时别忘了锁门。可知下文是No,I won’t不,我不会的。根据题意,故选A。 3.根据上文Do you mind my smoking here?你介意在这儿吸烟吗?下文是You’d better not表示你最好不要。根据题意,故选D。 4.根据上文What about going out for a picnic this weekend?这周出去购物怎么样?可知下文是That’s a good idea.那是一个好主意。故选B。 5.根据上文What a lovely day!多么美好的一天呀!可知下文是So it is!确实如此。故选F。 点睛:正确掌握谈话的对象和场合,使用的语言要得体。首先要能听懂别人所讲的日常交际用语,并做出正确应答。要能自如地应付各种形式的测试。更重要的还是日常生活中的运用。

Choose the best answer to complete the passage.

When I was 14, I began an after-school job to work for a newspaper.  Though the work was very hard, I was  _____ it .

    It was a challenge because people______ a stranger knocking on their doors. Once a man closed his door in front of my face heavily and shouted,“I don't want any______.”I made myself knock again and was able to tell him how great the paper was. I ended up_____ him a subscription(订单).I was soon among the top subscription sellers and, like other______salesmen, taught newcomers.

    Around this time I started playing the guitar. Soon I was playing in a band. When I turned 18, I tried to become a professional(专业的___.I never lost sight of this dream.  I’m sure it came from ________ I learned from knocking on strangers' doors.

    That experience _______me in many ways.  Early in my music career(事业) I got into trouble with a former manager. He made me back off but I_______ .

    Having all those doors closed in my face as a kid gave me the strength(力量)to stand up to this man.  _______ this time there was one difference: I was the one saying no.  And I won.

1.A. tired of    B. afraid of    C. thankful for    D. afraid of

2.A. disliked    B. kept    C. saw    D. loved

3.A. book    B. letter    C. picture    D. paper

4.A. sending    B. selling    C. buying    D. giving

5.A. successful    B. useful    C. careful    D. crowded

6.A. seller    B. musician    C. teacher    D. writer

7.A. that    B. this    C. what    D. where

8.A. helped    B. harmed    C. made    D. hurt

9.A. agreed    B. promised    C. accepted    D. refused

10.A. For    B. But    C. Or    D. And



We should do what we can _____ the homeless people.

A. help    B. helping    C. to help    D. helped



Look! That teacher is explaining something to her students again and again!

        _______teacher she is!

      A. How patient   B. What patient   C. How a patient      D. What a patient



The ___ show on Zhejiang TV, Running Man, makes lots of people____.

A. interesting, relaxing    B. interesting,relaxed    C. insterested,relaxed    D. interested, relaxing



____ of the students in Class 2 ____ lunch at school.

A. Two fifth; have    B. One thirds; have    C. Three fifths; have    D. Three quarters; has



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