满分5 > 初中英语试题 >


小明的妈妈近期发现放在家门口的垃圾经常不翼而飞,不知道是谁帮忙拿走的。主动拿走垃圾的是小明,是一些动物,还是清洁工?请你以“Where is the trash?”为题,写一篇推理文章。词数120左右。

参考词汇:neighborhood小区;take out the trash倒垃圾;disappear without any trace不翼而飞


Where is the trash? Xiao Ming's mother always put the trash in front of the door.But these days,the trash disappeared without any trace.Who takes it away?Here are some inferences. At first,she thought it could be some animals taking it away.But there are not footsteps around the house and she didn't hear strange noises at night.So she guesses it can't be animals.Then what is could be?Could it be the cleaner?However,why the cleaner didn't take away the trash in front of her nextdoor neighbor's house at the same time?So it can't be the cleaner.Might it be aliens?They are interested in the earth.They are also interested in people's trash.But people are still not sure whether there is such thing.She also thought it might Xiao Ming or Xiao Ming's dad.But they are too lazy to help around at home.Then,who might do it except them? The next day,she especially gets up early to solve the mystery.To her surprise,she sees Xiao Ming putting the trash into the dustbin.She realizes her boy has really grown up. 【解析】推理文章是比较难写的文章,而短文所提供的材料比较笼统,需要发挥的地方较多,写作前,考生要列出写作提纲,认真构思,自己去设置场景,线索,然后做出推理判断,但要注意推理文章必须符合逻辑关系,有说服力。根据所提供的材料可知,写作的人称为第三人称,时态以一般现在时态为主,参考词汇必须用上,还要用到一些情态动词表推测的用法。如:might, could, can’t , must, may 等。同时应选用合适的连接词或过渡词,使文章具有一定的连贯性。要求语句通顺、意思连贯。文章结构紧凑、行文连贯、表达清楚。  



Crop circles(麦田怪圈)are patterns in fields that appear overnight.At first they were just some simple 76.1.,now the patterns have become very complicated(复杂的).From a plane crop circles can look like a work of art 77.2.

Since the first crop circles were found in Britain in 1978,it has become a great 78.3..How these crop circles are made?Who makes them?What is the 79.4. of making them?

Some scientists think that some of the crop circles 80.5. be man­made.They believe that thanks to modern technology,it is possible to create such complicated patterns in a short time.

However,others think that crop circles might be the work of some 81.6..Because they often apper in areas shortly after there have been UFOs to be 82.7..They also think that the circles are so complicated that nobody on earth is 83.8. to make a true crop circle.

Although different opinions about these crop circles have been 84.9.,one thing everybody agrees on.That is these crop circles are 85.10. to the local economy(经济).Thousands of visitors come here to see crop circles every year.



Music is an art that almost everyone enjoys.Everyone can make sounds by singing.All over the world,many kinds of music developed as people found out how to make sounds in different ways.There are so many kinds of music to hear that you can soon find a kind that you like.People can get all kinds of feelings by listening to music.Music can make you dance,and it can make you feel happy or sad.

More than other arts,music can affect your feelings.This is why music is so popular.

Every country has its own kind of music and many people like music in their own national style.But there are also people who enjoy classical music and pop music.With the help of the recorders and radios,music is spread all over the world.However,there are still great differences between the music of the West and that of the East.Many of the instruments are very different.


The reason that you can find your favorite music


The role(作用) of music




Spreading ways


The reason of popularity(流行)







1.You must believe in yourself.That's one of the________(secret) of success.

2.It's a________(pleased) for me to go shopping with you.

3.—How do you like your English teacher's________(pronounce)?

—Pretty good.You may think she is a native English speaker.

4.The two villages are________(connect) by a bridge.

5.Mary often helps me with my homework.She is very________(help).




1.You are not allowed to drive a car without a________(执照).

2.There is a man________(举起) a big stone.

3.He came to this school for his English________(课程).

4.Do you know why I want to________(采访) you?

5.If you want to know the way,ask one of the________当地的) people.



We know music is very important in our daily life.Do you notice music playing at any of those places when you go somewhere?Today most stores,stations,restaurants and other places play music.You might even hear music in an office or on a farm.

Scientists believe that music influences the way people behave.They think that the sound of Western classical music makes people feel richer.When a restaurant plays classical music,people spend more money on food and drinks.When the restaurant plays modern music,people spend less money.Without music,people spend even less.

Scientists also believe that loud,fast music makes people eat faster.Some restaurants play fast music during their hours.This makes people eat faster and leave quickly.Restaurants can make more money in this way.

Some scientists think that music makes you think and learn better.They say that music helps students to be more active.It is true that people learn better when they are relaxed.And listening to music can help you relax.

The next time you hear music somewhere,be careful,it might influence the way you do things.

1.According to the passage,scientists believe that music can______.

A. create different feelings for us

B. help us to develop good habits

C. develop our interest in money

D. influence natural environments

2.Western classical music is often considered to be ________.

A. a sign of being slower    B. something about manners

C. a sign of being richer    D. something with new styles

3.Which type of music below can make people work faster?

A. Light music.    B. Rock music.

C. Sweet music.    D. Soft music.

4.The habit of listening to music can make a student ________.

A. slow in action    B. care about manners

C. fresh in mind    D. worry about studies

5.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. Music in Restaurants    B. Good and Bad Music

C. Types of Music    D. Music and Behavior



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