满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Lobbyists: Washington`s best bargain Wa...




best bargain

Water Wars:

India`s holy,

toxic river


The World

Cup bounce


Carlos Acosta`s

next steps


The Only Child Myth

They`re supposed to be selfish spoiled and lonely

In fact, they`re just fine-and on the rise





1.The above material is most likely taken from    .

A. an advertisement    B. a picture book

C. a poster of a movie    D. a magazine

2.Bryar Moore is    .

A. 8 years old    B. 9 years old    C. 10 years old    D. 11 years old

3.It`s clear that “The Only Child Myth” is written by    .

A. Lauren Sandler    B. Bryar    C. Myth    D. Time

4.If one wants to know something about sports, he can read    .

A. Lobbyists    B. Water Wars    C. Africa    D. Dance

5.According to the material, we can learn that    .

A. the magazine came out in spring

B. one can check “www.time.cn” for more information

C. the only child is selfish, spoiled and lonely

D. Carlos Acosta may be a dancer


1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D 【解析】这是一篇图表信息题,列举了一本杂志上的几篇文章的标题以及相关内容。 1.D 主旨大意题。题干是询问这些材料的来源。A. an advertisement 广告; B. a picture book图画书;C. a poster of a movie 电影海报;D. a magazine杂志。图表信息涉及到5个方面的主题,内容毫不相关,因此最有可能的来源是杂志,答案为D。 2.B 细节理解题。根据图片的右下角文字内容可知,Bryar Moore今年9岁了,故答案为B。 3.A 细节理解题。根据“The Only Child Myth They`re supposed to be selfish spoiled and lonely In fact, they`re just fine-and on the rise BY LAUREN SANDLER”可知,The Only Child Myth是Lauren Sandler写的,答案为A。 4.C 细节理解题。根据信息“Africa: The World Cup bounce”判断。Africa是有关世界杯的,与体育运动项目有关,故答案选C。 5.D 细节判断题。图表信息并没有显示杂志的出版日期,A答案不对;网址应该是www.time.com,B答案不对;根据“They`re supposed to be selfish spoiled and lonely In fact, they`re just fine-and on the rise”可知,独生子女并不自私、被宠坏和孤僻,C描述不对;根据信息“Dance: Carlos Acosta`s”判断,Carlos Acosta可能是一个舞蹈演员是正确的,故答案为D。 点睛:在英语阅读中,我们能够看到愈来愈多地采用图表、广告这类题型,如何做好这类题目呢?在解答这类阅读理解题时,基本没有时间或空间顺序,但往往要求我们阅读得非常仔细,因为图表给我们的信息比较零散,不完全在主题上。在解题时,不要被繁杂的形式和词汇困扰住,我们应先对图表有一个大概的印象,弄清楚是哪一方面的内容。有时文章的标题就是很重要的信息。可以抓住一下解题要领:1、快速浏览,提高阅读效率;2、抓住中心,解决主要问题;3、关注生词,学会猜测词意;4、细致再读,攻击细节问题;5、复读全文,核对全部答案。

The sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly before the deadly disaster of the

Typhoon(台风). Bernadette Tenegra , a 44-year-old high school teacher, was in her ____ which

was on the bank of a river. The Tenegra family stayed together in their shelter to ___ the storm. They thought that the powerful storm would ___ soon as it did in the past .So they were just hanging on there.

But things didn`t happen as they had thought, the water ___ with a frightening speed

and their wooden house fell down, ____ away the occupants (居住者), including Tenegra’s husband and her other daughter. They were able to struggle to ___ , but the 6-year-old Tenegra

was ____ against the strong wind and water, along with sharp deadly debris(残骸).

Bernadette ___ her way to the child and was holding her and kept telling her to keep on.

“I crawled(爬) over to her, and I tried to pull her up. But she was too ____ and wasn’t able to make it. It seemed she had already  ___ , ” Tenegra said,  crying. “I screamed but it didn’t


The mother said ____ that she would never forget the last words of her daughter before

___ , “Ma, just let go, just let go. Save _____. I love you forever.

“Yolanda” , the super typhoon destroyed a great number of houses and buildings. The

6-year- old  ___Tenegra lost her life. She has just seen a small part of this wonderful world

___ that short lifetime, while the whole world witnessed all the beauty of her.

1.A. family    B. Home    C. building    D. School

2.A. leave    B. stop    C. avoid    D. keep

3.A. lost    B. produce    C. complete    D. disappear

4.A. raised    B. rose    C. lifted    D. kept

5.A. sweeping    B. putting    C. hiding    D. keeping

6.A. safety    B. warmth    C. strength    D. difficulty

7.A. touching    B. beating    C. fighting    D. preventing

8.A. turned    B. made    C. got    D. created

9.A. sleepy    B. weak    C. impatient    D. careless

10.A. given hack    B. given away    C. given up    D. given off

11.A. excitedly    B. sadly    C. angrily    D. confidently

12.A. arrival    B. break    C. choice    D. death

13.A. myself    B. himself    C. yourself    D. herself

14.A. alive    B. lazy    C. live    D. lively

15.A. above    B. below    C. during    D. beyond.



–What did your teacher say to you just now? -He asked me  .

A. why I am late for school    B. when did I go to the library

C. if I had done my homework    D. what was the fork made of



—Obey the traffic rules and protect yourself . ______ is more important than your life

---OK, I will.

A. Nothing    B. Something    C. Anything    D. Everything



--My daughter doesn’t know what to ______ at the university. She can’t make up her mind about her future.

--You should give  her some suggestions.

A. take up    B. take on    C. take in    D. take over



–What do you think of the new medicine?

-It has good results in the treatment of cancer.

A. taken    B. invented    C. produced    D. spread



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