满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

时间 2015年4月18日,星期天; 天气晴朗 目的地 山海关 抵达方式 乘公车...


2015年4月18日,星期天; 天气晴朗

















参考词汇:a school trip; Shanhaiguan; excited; sand; restaurant(餐馆); take photos



It was Sunday on April 18, 2015. It was sunny. We had a school trip to Shanhaiguan. We were very excited. We started on the school bus at 7:00 am. After two hours’ ride, we arrived there at nine. We played games on the sand and swam in the sea happily. After that, we had lunch in a restaurant. In the afternoon, we visited the science museum, and took many photos there. We were very happy. At half past five, we got home. 【解析】这是一篇给材料作文,介绍我们去山海关的一次旅行。结合所给材料,可知本文主要考查一般过去时,人称为第一人称,注意主谓一致问题,句子结构主要为系表结构和动宾结构,注意一些常见句式的应用,比如:It was……,We were……,We played games……,we had lunch……等句式的应用。写作中注意运用代词,注意多种句式交替运用。写作中注意叙述顺序,符合逻辑关系。 点睛:本文结构紧凑,语言简练。开头介绍了旅行的日期,天气和目的地,接下来介绍出发的时间,参加的活动,最后介绍返回的时间。此处have a school trip, play games, in the sea, have lunch, take photos, get home等这些词组的运用也让文章增色不少。  

One day, a 68-year-old woman wanted to go to London to see her daughter. She got up early and got to the small station at nine o'clock in the morning. Because this was her first trip to London, she didn't know the train time. At that moment(时刻), she saw a boy. She stopped him and asked him what time the train would arrive at the station and when it would leave for(出发去)London.

The boy looked at the woman and told her the time.

Information Card

Something about the woman



The place where the woman went


The time when she got to the small station


The vehicle(交通工具) the woman used


The reason(原因) why she didn't know the train time







1.我一点也不喜欢这份礼物.I ________ like the gift_______ ______.


I_____ some lovely gifts  _____ my parents.


The guide _______us how ______ _______ a model robot.


At the museum, I _____ _____ _____ about robots.


_____ _____ _____,it was an _____day.




1.--Alice, here are some g________ for your birthday.

--Thank you.

2.I g ________some flowers in my garden last year.

3.Don’t w________about me. I’m OK.

4.He run f _______in order to arrive on time.

5.I went to an art m________and saw some paintings.

6.The trip was e_________and I had a really good time.

7.Ann fell off her bike yesterday. _________(luck), she didn't hurt herself.

8.It’s d _______in the room, and I can’t find my keys.

9.We saw q _______a lot of animals in the zoo.

10.They went to a f_________and fed chickens last week..



Friday, August 10th

It was sunny today. My friend and I had some bread for breakfast. Then we went to Tian’an Men Square in the morning. It was great! In the afternoon, we went swimming. I taught some kids to swim. It was interesting.

Saturday, August 11th

It was cool today. We went to the Great Wall.It was very long and great. We were very tired and hungry in the evening. So we ate a lot of food. I ate a large bowl of noodles, chicken and ice—cream. The food was delicious.

Sunday, August 12th

It was rainy today, so we stayed in the hotel. At noon we ate hamburgers and some vegetables.for lunch, we watched a movie on TV. It was funny.

1.The writer and his friends visited.

A. Tianjin    B. Beijing    C. Nanjing    D. Shanghai

2.What was the weather like on Saturday?

A. Fine.    B. Cool.    C. Rainy.    D. Snowy.

3.What did the writer have for lunch on Sunday?

A. Hamburgers and some vegetables.

B. Some fruit and vegetables.

C. A bowl of noodles, chicken and icecream.

D. Some hamburgers and bread.

4.They visited the Great Wall on.

A. Thursday    B. Friday    C. Saturday    D. Sunday

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The writer didn’t go swimming on Friday afternoon.

B. The writer watched a funny movie on Friday evening.

C. It was fine on Sunday, but they still stayed in the hotel.

D. The writer and his friends were tired and hungry after they came back from the Great Wall.



Dear Diary,

I am an eleven-year-old boy. I am in Class 3, Grade 7.I like math very much. I went to the bookshop to buy a math book this afternoon. It was raining on my way to the bookshop. So I stopped. I ran to my school. My classmates were there, too. I was very happy. I saw my watch. It was a quarter past three. I wanted to play games. I played ping-pong with my classmates in school’s ping-pong room. At half past four, the rain stopped. I went to the bookshop.

Zhang Xin

1.Zhang Xin wanted to buy____________book.

A. a Chinese    B. a math    C. an English    D. a story

2.What was the weather like?

A. It was sunny.    B. It was windy.    C. It was snowy.    D. It was rainy.

3.Zhang Xin went to__________because it rained.

A. the post office    B. his school    C. his home    D. the shop

4.It was___________when Zhang Xin got to the school.

A. a quarter to three    B. a quarter past three

C. half past three    D. twenty past three

5.Zhang Xin played___________with his classmates.

A. chess    B. football    C. basketball    D. ping-pong



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