满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Mary worked hard at school,because she d...

Mary worked hard at schoolbecause she didnt want to let her parents down

A. make...happy    B. make…sad

C. make…angry    D. make…disappointed


D 【解析】句意:玛丽在学校学习很刻苦,因为她不想让父母失望。A. make sb happy使某人高兴;B. make sb sad使某人伤心; C. make sb angry使某人生气;D. make sb disappointed使某人失望。let sb down“让某人失望”,相当于make sb disappointed。故选D。  

Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topicto be a responsible student(以“做一个有担当的学生”为题写一篇不少于60词的短文,标点符号不占格。)




Answer the question.

Pop princess Britney Spears would be very happy (or sad, maybe) if she knew what her songs can do for some German farmers. 

Recently, some farmers in Germany have been playing Britney’s songs very often on their farms. Not that they like her songs a lot, but that her songs can drive away the troublesome wild boars! 

As the boars are an endangered species(物种) in Germany, people can’t shoot or kill them. Farmers there tried to stop the boars from destroying their crops but failed. 

One day, one of the German farmers noticed that all the boars were scared away when he started to play one of Britney’s songs! 

The farmer was delighted and then he tried some other singers’ songs on the boars. Madonna’s and Robbie Williams’ songs didn’t work at all. Only Britney’s songs seemed to have the magical power. Every time her songs were played on his farm, the boars would go running away in a rush.  

It’s reported quite a number of German farmers are using Britney’s magic songs to protect their vegetables and fruits. 

Notes: boar  n. wild pig    scare- v. frighten    troublesome-adj. full of worries delighted- adj. happy 

Answer the questions:

1.Did some farmers in Germany invite Britney Spears to sing for them not long ago_____________________________________________________________

2.Madonna’s and Robbie Williams’ songs can’t drive away the boars, can they? 


3.Why must we protect pandas from shooting or killing? 


4.How many good ways did the German farmers have to protect their vegetables and fruits before they knew the magic of Britney’s songs? 


5.what did the boars do when they heard Britney singing ? 


6.What can pop princess Britney Spears’ songs do for some German farmers? 

They ________ from the troublesome wild boars.



Reading the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.

The private automobile(私家车)has long played an important role in the United States. In fact, it has become a necessary and important part of the American way of life. In 1986, sixty-nine percent of American families owned at least one car, and thirty-eight percent had more than one. By giving workers rapid transportation, the automobile has freed them from having to live near their place of work. This has e1. the growth of the cities, but it has also led to traffic problems.

For farm families the automobile is very helpful. It has made it possible for them to travel to town very often for business and for pleasure, and also to t2. their children to distant schools.

Family life has been a3.in various ways, The car helps to keep families together when it is used for picnics, outings, and other shared experiences. However, when teenage children have the use of the car, their parents can't keep an eye on them. There is a great danger if the driver has been drinking alcohol or taking drugs, or showing off by s4. or breaking down traffic laws. Mothers of victims(受害者)of such accidents have f5. an organization called MADD(Mothers Against Drunk Driving. These women want to prevent further tragedies(悲剧). They have worked to encourage the government to limit the youngest drinking age, Students have formed a similar organization, SADD(Students Against Drunk Driving)and are spreading the same message among their friends.

For many Americans the automobile is a necessity. But for some, it is also a m6. of social position and for young people, a sign of becoming an a7.. Altogether, cars mean very much to Americans.



Jo Berry’s father was a member of the British Parliament. He was killed by an IRA bomb in 1984. Jo was 27 years old at the time. Jo remembers knowing that she did not want to blame and become bitter. She knew that she wanted to find a way to bring something ____ out of the death of her beloved father.

Berry tells that she started a journey with no map but with a trust that step by step she would find her way. In November 2000 she met Patrick Magee, the man____  her father's death. He had been released from prison as part of the Good Friday Peace Agreement.

When Jo looks back on that day, she remembers being____. Would she regret meeting him? Then the door opened, Patrick arrived and they sat and talked together for three hours. This visit had a sense of strength that Jo had never felt before. Finally Patrick said, "I have never met anyone like you before. I don’t know what to say. I want to hear your ____  Although there were many difficulties, Jo and Patrick continued their meetings and became friends. This made a deep change in both of them. Jo came to realize that if she had lived Patrick's life, she might have done what he did. Patrick came to realize how many innocent victims were created by his ____.

This friendship has been healing for both Jo and Patrick. They now travel the world telling their stories. A play. The Bomb, has been written about them. Jo often does workshops after the play is shown, especially for young people.

Jo and Patrick now work together for____. They speak for The Forgiveness Project They have spoken in Spain, Austria, South Africa and Israel.

1.A. painful    B. positive    C. interesting    D. meaningless

2.A. responsible for    B. related to    C. keen on    D. guilty about

3.A. amazed    B. delighted    C. ashamed    D. scared

4.A. pain    B. story    C. excuse    D. apology

5.A. innocence    B. diligence    C. reference    D. violence

6.A. peace    B. charity    C. profit    D. fame



Bananas, always the fashion victims of the produce section, are wearing another new label this spring.Bananas with “Fair Trade Certified” stickers have been available in the United States since October.They represent the new front of an international effort to help first-world consumers improve the living standards of the third-world farmers who grow much of their food.

  By expanding its reach to the produce section, Fair Trade is now trying to reach the American supermarket shopper.Fair Trade deals directly with farmer cooperatives (合作社).It helps organize, avoiding brokers (代理人) and middlemen.It guarantees higher prices for the farmers' goods and helps them set up schools and health clinics.

  The Fair Trade movement took root in Europe in the 1990's as a way of supporting coffee farmers as prices were collapsing.Since Fair Trade began, more than a million coffee growers and other farmers have joined cooperatives that sell their products through Fair Trade channels instead of directly to a commercial producer.

  Not everyone is greeting the Fair Trade label with open arms.Several American coffee importers recently pulled out of Fair Trade, saying TransFair's “corporate friendly” policies that allow large companies to use the Fair Trade logo in their marketing even if only a small amount of the company's overall purchases are Fair Trade certified.

  Edmund LaMacchia, the national produce coordinator(协调员) for Whole Foods, said Fair Trade is only one of many consumer choices.“Whole Foods has its own team of inspectors and has no plans to carry Fair Trade products”, Mr.LaMacchia said.“Our standards are higher than Fair Trade's, actually.” Fair Trade is only one of several labels your bananas might be wearing this year.Another is that of the Rainforest Alliance, which certifies the use of sustainable(可持续发展) agriculture methods.

 So far, though, Fair Trade is the biggest.A Fair Trade label by itself does not guarantee an organic product, but most Fair Trade bananas are also organic, Ms.Bourque said, because pesticides are usually too costly for the small farmers who grow them.If the bananas are organic, they will be labeled as such, and will probably be wearing a sticker to prove it.

1.Why are bananas wearing “Fair Trade Certified” stickers?

A. It represents an international effort to help the third-world farmers.

B. It means bananas have got a new label.

C. It means bananas with these stickers are available in the United States.

D. It means bananas are the fashion victims of the produce section.

2.What does Fair Trade do?

A. It appoints brokers and middlemen to deal with farmer cooperatives.

B. It brings down the price of farmers' goods.

C. It sets up schools and health clinics for American farmers.

D. It helps farmers sell their products for a higher profit.

3.What was the original purpose of the Fair trade movement?

A) To cooperate with coffee growers and other farmers.

B) To help coffee farmers as prices were collapsing.

C) To prevent farmers from selling their products to commercial producers.

D) To sell products through coffee growers and other farmers.

4.What can we infer from this passage?

A. American coffee importers will never buy their products through Fair Trade channels.

B. Fair Trade is the only label that bananas might be wearing this year.

C. Not every consumer considers Fair Trade products the only choice.

D. Whole Foods and the Rainforest Alliance are more influential than Fair Trade.

5.What is the best title for this passage?

A. Consumers Face More Choices

B. Fair Trade - the Best Sticker

C. The Fair Trade Movement

D. Helping the Third World:One Banana at a Time



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