满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Our teachers often ______ us ______ easi...

Our teachers often ______ us ______ easily no matter how difficult life is.

A. encourage; not to give up

B. experience; to quit

C. encourage; to give up

D. experiment; not to quit


A 【解析】句意:我们的老师经常鼓励我们不要轻易放弃,无论生活是多么困难。用语境法解题。根据no matter how difficult life is(无论生活多么困难)可知上文要表达的含义是“鼓励我们不要轻易放弃”。根据固定搭配:encourage sb not to do sth,鼓励某人不要做某事。故答案为A。  

Li Yifeng is now ______ by many young people, especially girls.

A. look up    B. admire

C. looked up to    D. looked up



Three years goes by. Great changes have ________ in my school.

A. happened    B. taken place

C. been taken place    D. been happened



The potato chips in KFC are especially ______.

A. sour    B. sweet    C. crispy    D. salt



A familiar face _____ in my mind. Yes, it's the boy who has ever helped me in the train station.

A. appears    B. disappears

C. show up    D. distance



______that she has been married for a year. But no one knows who her husband is.

A. It is said    B. It says

C. It believed    D. It believes



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