满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Some animals like sleep for a long time ...

Some animals like      sleep for a long time in cold winter.

A. rabbits    B. camels    C. snakes    D. lions


C 【解析】句意:一些动物如蛇在冬天睡很长的时间。A. rabbits兔子; B. camels骆驼; C. snakes蛇; D. lions狮子。根据常识可知蛇在冬天冬眠。故选C。  

Mrs Smith helps me a lot      my English. I often ask her      help when I have problems with English.

A. to; for    B. with; for    C. with; about    D. for; with



下列单词中“ed”发音与其他三项不同的一项是:      .

A. enjoyed    B. answered    C. danced    D. moved



—Look! There is      UFO over there.

  —Come on, dear! It's just      amazing model plane.

A. an; an    B. an; a    C. a; a    D. a; an



假如你是航天英雄杨利伟事迹报告团成员之一此次赴香港访问请你以报告团成 员的身份向香港各界人士介绍航天英雄杨利伟的有关情况词数80左右开头和结尾已经给 不计入总词数

要点:1. 杨利伟出生于辽宁省绥中县

2. 他有一个幸福的家庭;

3. 他是我国第一位邀游太空的宇航员

4. 他曾是一个具有1,350小时飞行经验的飞行员;

5. 他有一个梦想登上月球

6. 他是值得我们中国人自豪的航天英雄。

Ladies and gentlemen,

We are glad to have such a good chance to visit Hong Kong with our hero Yang Liwei.

That’s all. Thank you!





From far out in space, the Earth looks like a blue ball. Since water c1.three-fourths of the Earth’s surface, blue is the colour we see most. The Earth is shaped like a ball. It is 25,000 m2.around! It would take more than a year to walk around the whole planet. A s3.can fly around the widest part of the Earth in only 90 minutes.

Even though spacecraft have travelled to the Moon, people cannot visit the Moon without wearing special s4.. The Moon has no a5.or water. Plants and animals can’t live there either. American a6.first landed on the Moon in 1969. After that, there were more trips to the Moon. They brought back some Moon r7., which scientists are still studying.

The Sun is the closest star to our Earth. A star is a hot ball of burning gas. The Sun looks very big b8.it is so close. But in fact many of far-away stars are much b9.than our Sun. The burning gases from the Sun are so hot that they w10.the Earth from 93 million miles away!



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