满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--Why not try that? -- Do you think I ca...

--Why not try that?    

     --            Do you think I can beat Mike?

A. Don’t mention it.    B. What’s the matter?

C. It’s hard to say.    D. Are you joking?


D 【解析】句意:--为什么不尝试一下?--你在开玩笑吗?你认为我能打败迈克?A. Don’t mention it. 不用谢,没关系。用于答复对方的感谢; B. What’s the matter?你怎么啦?看见对方不舒服或有什么麻烦的事时,给对方的问候语;C. It’s hard to say. 很难说,对于没有把握的事情的回答; D. Are you joking?你在开玩笑吗?当对方建议去做自己感觉没有把握的事情时,给对方的回答。根据Do you think I can beat Mike?可知,打败迈克自己感觉不可能。故选D。  

--Could you tell us ___________?

    --Sometimes,if I have time.

A. how long you play computer games

B. how often you go to the park

C. how soon you will see a film

D. how much time you spend on homework every day



China Dream is a great way to gather people together and          the fast development of our country.

A. push for    B. fit for    C. deal with    D. cheer for



—Is Kate coming to the party this evening?

—No, she _________ be at the party. She________ to the UK.

A. mustn't; has gone    B. mustn't; has been

C. can't; has gone    D. can't; has been



—My bike ________. May I go ________?

—No problem!

A. broke, by yours    B. broke down, on yours

C. was broken down, on yours    D. is broken, on yourself



--How wonderful these paintings are! Which one do you think           the artist?   

    -- Perhaps he __________ the one hanging on the wall.

A. satisfying; satisfies    B. satisfies with ; satisfies    C. satisfies ; is satisfied with    D. satisfied with; is satisfied with



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