满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Do you like children(孩子)? Do you have fr...

Do you like children(孩子)? Do you have free time in the afternoon? We need a babysitter(保姆)for our son. My son is five years old. The working time is from Monday to Friday, 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 

We need help with: Looking after(照顾) our son; Reading to him; Playing with him.

You must work at our home. We live in Changchun, near the Culture Square(文化广场). Please call Mr Miller at 5638-2949.

1.From Monday to Friday, the babysitter can work for ____________ a day.

A. one hour    B. two hours    C. five hours    D. six hours

2.Which is NOT the work that the babysitter needs to do?

A. Washing clothes for the child.    B. Playing with the child.

C. Reading books to the child.    D. Looking after the child.

3.The babysitter must work ______________.

A. at the babysitter’s home    B. at Miss Miller’s school

C. at Mr Miller’s home    D. at the Culture Square

4.Mr Miller has a ______________ son.

A. 15 -month-old    B. 15- year-old    C. 5-month-old    D. 5-year-old

5.If(如果) ______________ , you can get(得到) the job.

A. you like children, but you have no time in the afternoon

B. you like children, but you don’t know how to play with them

C. you’re good with children and you’re free in the afternoon

D. you can play with children but you don’t know how to read


1.C 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C 【解析】Miller先生要为他的儿子找一个保姆,在短文中他给出了他要求的条件,保姆的工作时间、内容等。 1.细节理解题。根据短文第一段中The working time is from Monday to Friday, 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.可知,保姆的工作时间是从周一到周五,下午2点到7点,五个小时,故应选C。 2.细节理解题。根据短文第二段中We need help with: Looking after(照顾) our son; Reading to him; Playing with him可知,保姆的工作包括:照顾孩子、读书、和他玩。这里没有说洗衣服,故A不是。 3.细节理解题。根据短文You must work at our home可知,保姆必须在Miller先生的家里工作。故应选C。 4.细节理解题。根据短文第一段中My son is five years old.可知,Miller先生的儿子5岁了。故应选D。 5.细节理解题。根据文意Do you like children(孩子)? Do you have free time in the afternoon? We need a babysitter(保姆)for our son可知,Miller先生想找一个保姆照顾他的儿子,要求是喜欢孩子,下午有空闲时间。由此可知应选C。 点睛:这是一篇招聘保姆的广告,内容比较简单,学生比较容易理解。后面题目的设置都是细节理解题,题目的答案都可以在文章中找到。我们首先阅读题目,知道题目所问的内容,然后定位到原文相关的地方,仔细阅读,对比选项,得出答案。例如第2小题,短文第二段中作者说的是保姆需要做的工作,我们用排除法就可以得到答案。

第一节  根据短文内容,判断正误。正确“T”,错误“F”,并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)

My friend Eric is a schoolboy. He is an interesting boy and everyone likes him very much. He can speak Chinese, English and Japanese(日语). Why can he speak these languages(语言)? Because his father is American, his mother is Japanese and he was born(出生) and lives in China. He can play soccer and he can play it very well. He wants to be a soccer player like Beckham. He joins the soccer club, and he is the captain(队长)of the soccer team.

1.Eric can speak three languages.

2.His parents are not Chinese, but he grows up(成长) in China.

3.Eric can’t play soccer very well.

4.Eric wants to be the captain of the soccer team.

5.Eric wants to be a good soccer player.




Do you want to see animals? Well, the New Star Zoo is really a good _______for you. There are many kinds of animals in the zoo. Let’s see koalas _______. The koalas come from Australia. They are very quiet and smart. People _____them very much. The pandas from China are cute. Many people like these ______and white animals. They’re shy. So please be ______ when you see them. _______! There’s a tiger with her two sons in the zoo. They are from the USA. They’re quiet and interesting,_____ they are not friendly. The giraffes come from Africa. They’re beautiful. The lions are ______from Africa. They are really scary. Many people don’t like ______. They always sleep in the day. They are very lazy. You can also______many other kinds of animals in the zoo. Have a good time there!

1.A. rule    B. symbol    C. place    D. station

2.A. really    B. last    C. late    D. first

3.A. want    B. like    C. help    D. remember

4.A. yellow    B. blue    C. black    D. green

5.A. quiet    B. noisy    C. bad    D. happy

6.A. Look at    B. Look    C. See    D. Watch

7.A. and    B. so    C. but    D. because

8.A. always    B. too    C. also    D. either

9.A. it    B. him    C. them    D. us

10.A. buy    B. keep    C. save    D. see



—_________ is it from your home to the train station? 

—About twenty minutes’ walk.

A. How many    B. How old    C. How long    D. How far



Do you usually go to school _______bus or _______foot?

A. by; in    B. on; by    C. in; on    D. by; on



—Does Bob like to read books?  

—_________. He likes reading a lot.

A. Yes, he is    B. No, he doesn’t    C. Yes, he does    D. No, he isn’t



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