满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

A Several months ago, my husband and I w...



Several months ago, my husband and I were on an island for a long weekend with our five-year-old twin daughters. As we went back and forth about what to do next, our girls jumped in and told us exactly what they wanted to do. “We want to go to the butterfly museum,” said Emily and Hanna.

As soon as we walked into the main area of the museum, we saw thousands of beautiful butterflies. They all flapped their colorful wings.

My girls were jumping up and down, and I knew we had made the right decision to come to the museum. They were having so much fun.

I turned to our museum tour guide because I was curious (好奇的), and asked, “How long do butterflies live?”

She said: “About ten days.”

“What can butterflies do in ten days?” I asked.

The guide stopped, looked at me, and said, “They make the world a more beautiful place.”

“Wow,” I said, “I never thought about butterflies like that. Thank you.”

After we said goodbye, I couldn’t stop thinking about what the guide had said. She was right. We all have something to offer the world with the time we have. When we focus our gifts on taking care of each other every day, we can make a difference.

Appreciate (欣赏) the impact you can have on your family, friends, co-workers and neighbors. Like a butterfly, you have your own way of making the world more beautiful for everyone.

1.There are ________ people in the writer’s family.

A. 5    B. 4    C. 3    D. 2

2.Where did the family finally decide to go?

A. To a butterfly museum.    B. To another island.

C. To visit friends at the museum.    D. Back to their home.

3.How long does a butterfly live on average?

A. A few weeks.    B. A month.    C. About ten days.    D. One day.

4.What did the guide think of butterflies?

A. She thought butterflies could do nothing for the world.

B. She was surprised to know the long lives of butterflies.

C. She felt sorry for the butterflies that live such a short life.

D. She really appreciated what the butterflies do for the world.

5.From the story, the writer tries to ________.

A. advise people to visit the butterfly museum

B. introduce us something surprising about life

C. encourage people to make a difference in the world

D. tell us about a wonderful experience with her family


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C 【解析】试题分析:此文叙述了作者和丈夫带这两个双胞胎女儿游览蝴蝶博物馆的经历。 1.B细节理解题。根据“Several months ago, my husband and I were on an island for a long weekend with our five-year-old twin daughters.”和全文可知,作者家有四口人,分别是作者和她的丈夫,以及他们的一对双胞胎女儿。故选B。 2.A细节理解题。根据“We want to go to the butterfly museum,” said Emily and Hanna.可知,最后一天他们去了butterfly museum。故选A。 3.C细节理解题。根据I turned to our museum tour guide because I was curious (好奇的), and asked, “How long do butterflies live?” She said: “About ten days.”可知蝴蝶能活10天。故选C。 4.D细节理解题。根据The guide stopped, looked at me, and said, “They make the world a more beautiful place.”可知导游对蝴蝶是欣赏的。故选D。 5.C细节理解题。根据When we focus our gifts on taking care of each other every day, we can make a difference可知。故选C。 点晴:此类题的解题步骤是:一,初读全文,掌握大意。二,再读全文,加深对文章的整体把握及对各段中心句的理解。三,细读试答,答题原则是先易后难。四,复读核查,逐一核对。如1题根据文中叙述,可知作者家中有四个人,可直接得出答案。3题根据导游的回答,蝴蝶能活10天,故选C。


“I will think of it.”It is easy to say this; but do you know what great things have come from

______? We can not see our own thoughts, or hear, or taste, or feel them; but we do feel the ______

our thoughts have!

Sir Isaac Newton was seated in his garden ______ a summer’s evening. He was thinking about something else when he saw ______ fall from a tree. He began to think. In trying to understand why the apple fell, he ______ how the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars were kept in their places.

A boy named James Watt sat quietly by the fireplace, watching the lid (盖子) of the tea kettle as it moved up and down. He began to think; he wanted to ______ why the steam in the kettle moved the heavy lid. From that time he went on thinking and thinking; and when he became a man, he

______ the steam engine successfully. From then on it could do the work of many horses ______.

Next time when you see a steam boat or a steam mill, remember that it would ______ have been built without the hard thinking of someone.

Boys, when you have a ______ lesson to learn, don’t feel discouraged, and help yourselves before asking someone to help you. Think, and by thinking you will learn how to think to some purpose.

1.A. saying    B. thinking    C. writing    D. reading

2.A. power    B. method    C. pressure    D. reason

3.A. in    B. at    C. on    D. for

4.A. a lid    B. an orange    C. an apple    D. a leaf

5.A. described    B. invented    C. complained    D. discovered

6.A. look out    B. take out    C. find out    D. turn out

7.A. increased    B. improved    C. repaired    D. influenced

8.A. hardly    B. busily    C. heavily    D. easily

9.A. never    B. ever    C. still    D. yet

10.A. possible    B. difficult    C. simple    D. useful



Could you tell me ________? My watch doesn’t work.

A. what time it is    B. when it was mended

C. where he is from    D. how far it is from here



We’d better learn English well. It ________ in many countries around the world.

A. speaks    B. is spoken    C. was spoken    D. spoke



I’m busy now. I ________ to your home after supper.

A. go    B. went    C. have gone    D. will go



The teacher raised his voice so that we could hear him ________.

A. clearly    B. quietly    C. slowly    D. quickly



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