满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Could you tell me ________? My watch doe...

Could you tell me ________? My watch doesn’t work.

A. what time it is    B. when it was mended

C. where he is from    D. how far it is from here


A 【解析】试题分析:句意:-你可以告诉我几点了吗?-我的表不工作了。A. what time it is几点钟了;B. when it was mended它是什么时间修好的;C. where he is from他来自哪儿;D. how far it is from here它离这儿多远。由后句:我的表不工作了,说明自己不知道时间。所以问:几点了。故选A。 考点:考查宾语从句。  

We’d better learn English well. It ________ in many countries around the world.

A. speaks    B. is spoken    C. was spoken    D. spoke



I’m busy now. I ________ to your home after supper.

A. go    B. went    C. have gone    D. will go



The teacher raised his voice so that we could hear him ________.

A. clearly    B. quietly    C. slowly    D. quickly



Billthere are so many books on the floor. Why don’t you ________ your things?

A. put on    B. put out    C. put away    D. put down



Look at the picture in my room! My father ________ it in England.

A. takes    B. took    C. will take    D. is taking



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