满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Could you tell me ________? —I went to ...

—Could you tell me ________?

   —I went to many interesting places around the country with my friends.

A. where you went on vacation    B. how was your vacation

C. where are your friends from    D. what did you do last week


A 【解析】句意:-你能告诉我你去哪里度假了吗?-我和我的朋友们一起去了这个国家很多有趣的地方。where you went on vacation你去哪里度假了;how was your vacation你的假期怎么样,语序不对,应该用陈述语序;where are your friends from你的朋友们来自哪里,这个也是疑问语序,应该用陈述语序;what did you do last week你上周做什么了,也是疑问语序。这个题目考查宾语从句,从句中应使用陈述语序,即主语在前,动词在后,B、C和D三个选项都是疑问语序,故应选A。  

—Lisa speaks very good Chinese.

   —Yes. She has ________ China for quite a few years.

A. got to    B. been to    C. stayed in    D. arrived in



Molly went to the countryside last week. The fresh air made her ________ very good.

A. feel    B. feels    C. feeling    D. to feel



—Are ________ any good restaurants on this street?

—Yes. I often go to the one next to the post office. It serves delicious dishes.

A. their    B. these    C. those    D. there



—I talk to those old people and play games with them.

   —________ interesting work!

A. How    B. What    C. What a    D. What an



You don’t have to take your dictionary to school. You may ________ it at home.

A. miss    B. lose    C. leave    D. forget



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