满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

---Lily, will you go to Jenny’s birthday...

---Lily, will you go to Jenny’s birthday party this Saturday? 

---I’m not sure. Because she________ me so far.

A. hasn’t invited    B. wasn’t invited    C. isn’t invited    D. won’t invited


A 【解析】——Lily,这周六你将去参加Jenny的生日聚会吗?——我不能确定。因为至今她还没有邀请我。根据so far可判断使用现在完成时。故选A。  

--Driving less, walking more is good for our health.

         --So I’d rather_____ an hour’s walk to work than consider ______ a car.

A. take, drive B. take, to drive C. take, drivingD. taking, driving



--- Why did the car hit the boy?

--- Because the driver ______ on the phone at that time.

A.   talk            B. is talking

C. was talking       D. have talked



---How can I get some . ___________ about the sports meeting? 

---Why not search the Internet?

A. experence    B. practice    C. information    D. success



—It’s too noisy outside. I can’t fall asleep.

--- Neither can I. We have to _______ new ways to solve the problem.

A. come up with         B. end up wih

C. make up wih          D. catch up with



---Who will come to help us?  

---Nobody. We have to depend on ____________.

A. us    B. ourselves    C. we    D. ours



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