满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The Greens were from Russia. They visit...


The Greens were from Russia. They visitedNew York last month. It was the first time forthem to come to New York. They wanted to take awalk and see the _____. But they couldn't speakany English.

_____ they went out of their hotel, they got tothe first street crossing and looked at the names ofthe two streets. They _____ down the two namescarefully _____ their notebook. They thought thatthe names could help them find the _____ back ifthey were lost.

They walked for hours through the city. Suddenly they _____ that they lost their way. Theysaw a policeman and asked for_____, but the policeman didn't understand their language.

Later, they found a person who knew their_____ They showed the man the names in the_____. The man began to ______. The words were"STOP" and "ONE WAY STREET".

1.A. school    B. country    C. city    D. town

2.A. Before    B. After    C. So    D. Because

3.A. wrote    B. read    C. looked    D. picked

4.A. in    B. under    C. at    D. on

5.A. street    B. way    C. road    D. name

6.A. saw    B. found    C. looked at    D. looked for

7.A. help    B. money    C. bus    D. taxi

8.A. names    B. city    C. say    D. language

9.A. hotel    B. notebook    C. street    D. road

10.A. talk    B. cry    C. laugh    D. read


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.C 【解析】格林夫妇来自俄罗斯,上个月去纽约旅行。他们不会讲英语,为了防止迷路,他们在笔记本上记下两个街道的名字,当他们真的迷路向警察出示笔记本上的名字的时候,警察也忍不住笑了,因为上面写的是“停止”,“单行道”。 1.C 句意:他们想散散步,看看城市的风景。A. school学校;B. country国家;C. city城市;D. town城镇。根据上文中的句子“It was the first time for them to come to New York.”,纽约是个大城市,故答案为C。 2.B 句意:他们走出旅馆后,来到第一个十字路口。A. Before在……之前;B. After在……之后;C. So因此;D. Because因为。根据动作的先后顺序,先从旅馆出来,再来到一个十字路口,故答案为B。 3.A 句意:他们在笔记本上仔细记下这两个名字。A. wrote写;B. read读;C. looked 看,D. picked挑选,采,摘。write down写下,记下。结合句意可知,答案为A。 4.A 句意:他们在笔记本上仔细记下这两个名字。在书本上,笔记本上以及报纸上等用介词in,故答案为A。 5.B 句意:他们认为如果他们迷路了,这些名字可以帮助他们找到回去的路。A. street 街道;B. way方法,道路;C. road道路,公路;D. name 名字。本题答案主要在B,C中产生,road意为“路”,“道路”,指供车辆或行人通过的大道,way意为“道路”,指street, road或任何可以通行的路,还有表示路途不表具体的路,如“去……的路”,含义较抽象。故答案为B。 6.B 句意:突然他们发现他们迷路了。A. saw看见;B. found发现;C. looked at 看一看;D. looked for寻找。结合句意可知,答案为B。 7.A 句意:他们看见一个警察,并向他请求帮助。A. help帮助;B. money钱;C. bus公共汽车;D. taxi出租车。ask for help寻求帮助,根据上文内容,迷路应该向警察寻求帮助,答案为A。 8.D 句意:后来,他们发现一个懂得他们语言的人。A. names名字;B. city 城市;C. say说;D. language语言。前文提到他们是俄罗斯人,不会说英语,纽约当地的警察也不懂他们的语言,故答案为D。 9.B 句意:他们给那个人看笔记本上的名字。A. hotel 旅馆;B. notebook 笔记本;C. street街道;D. road道路。前文中提到格林夫妇在笔记本上曾记下街道的名称,现在拿出来给警察看,故答案为B。 10.C 句意:那名男子开始大笑起来。A. talk谈论;B. cry哭;C. laugh笑;D. read读。笔记本上记下的所谓的街道的名称让警察发笑,故答案为C。 点睛:这篇短文内容比较简单,理解不难。各小题与上下文联系比较紧密,答题中一定要注意联系上下文。答完后多读几遍,看看是否符合逻辑,适当修改。第1, 第5, 第9小题是考查名词辨析,如果仔细阅读上下文,不难找到答案;第2小题是考查连词的用法,学生选错答案的原因是没有理清楚动作的先后顺序,关键点是从旅馆出来,只有出来后,才能到达大街上,故答案选B。

—I'm going to London for summer holiday.


A. Guess what?

B. I'm sorry to hear that.

C. Have a good time!

D. You're welcome.



—________ will you stay in Shanghai?

—Abouta week.

A. How many    B. How much

C. How often    D. How long



Mr Smith drove us________ his house yesterday.

A. to    B. in    C. at    D. on



There are ________ many nice things in themarket.

A. such    B. so    C. such a    D. so a



They ________ the Great Wall yesterday, andthis is their first________ the Great Wall.

A. visited; visit to    B. visit; visit

C. visit; visit to    D. visited; visit



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