满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Tom has to sell his bike because he has ...

Tom has to sell his bike because he has ________ all his money.

A. ran out    B. ran out of    C. run out    D. run out of


D 【解析】句意:汤姆不得不卖掉他的自行车,因为他把钱都用完了。run out of用完,用光。从句是现在完成时态,缺少过去分词,run—ran—run,故答案为D。 点睛:run out是动副型动词短语,作不及物动词,表示“被用完,被耗尽”被动含义,其主语通常是时间、金钱、食物等无生命名词。而run out of则是及物短语,表示主动。如:His money soon ran out. 他的钱很快就花完了。He has run out of red ink. 他的红墨水用完了。  

I don’t know what to do. I didn’t ________ what you say just now.

A. change    B. understand    C. train    D. carry



I want to learn more about how ________ animals.

A. care for    B. to care for    C. cares for    D. cared for



He ________ his parents. Especially, he is like his mother.

A. takes after    B. looks after    C. runs after    D. takes off



The man works hard ________ much money for his son. He wants his son to get a good education.

A. make    B. to make    C. buy    D. to buy



Though he is_______ at home, he doesn't feel_______ for he has many things to do.

A. alone; lonely    B. lonely; alone

C. alone; alone    D. lonely; lonely



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