满分5 > 初中英语试题 >




Pressure is a serious problem in today’s world. Most students in our class are under too much pressure. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

In a world, less pressure makes for a better life.


Pressure is a serious problem in today’s world. Most students in our class are under too much pressure. Some students can’t get on well with their classmates, while others may worry about their exams. I used to be under heavy pressure, too. My parents wanted me to be the top student in class. They made me study all day, and even sent me to all kinds of after-school classes on weekends. I had a long talk with my parents. I told them that I tried my best and I didn’t feel well. Finally, they understood me. As a result, I was free from the heavy pressure. In a world, less pressure makes for a better life. 【解析】这篇作文要求我们就中学生现在普遍压力大这一现象,发表自己的看法,是一篇话题作文,题目中给出了写作的话题,但是具体的写作内容需要学生自己发挥想象力来完成,这也是这篇作文难度最大的地方。首先应先把中学生普遍压力大这一现象表述清楚;下面是确定自己的写作内容,对于压力自己的看法,也可以从自己的亲身经历或者亲身体会中来讲述。最后做一个总结。这篇短文应使用第一人称,根据表达需要使用正确的时态。写作时,应注意上下文的连贯,表达的流畅。要使用正确的语法结构和句型,不要写汉语式的英语,要符合英语的表达规范。 点睛:这是一篇优秀的作文,短文中作者按照题目的要求,介绍了自己对压力的看法。首先作者先讲明了现在中学生压力过大这一现象,接下来作者讲述了自己的经历,最后从压力中解脱了出来。用自己的亲身经历,告诉我们为了更好的生活,要释放压力。短文中使用了正确的人称和时态,第一段以一般现在时态为主;第二、三段以一般过去时态为主,最后的总结又回到一般现在时态。短文中有很多较好的句式,如My parents wanted me to be the top student in class.、 They made me study all day, and even sent me to all kinds of after-school classes on weekends.、I told them that I tried my best and I didn’t feel well. 、Finally, they understood me. As a result, I was free from the heavy pressure.等。  

The TV show “Where are we going, Dad?” on Hunan TV is a big hit . Five star-daddies brought their children to lots of different places and 1. care of them. The daddies, especially (尤其) famous star-daddies,how could they work out those problems 2.their wives(妻子)?This TV show makes us think of our childhood and love of father when we watch it because we were all kids at the beginning. For those parents, they will think about their responsibility (责任)understand their kids better. During the experience of living with fathers, these children grew up. They know how to help others . 3. the kids and their parents find that their hearts get closer.

It’s easy for such a TV show to move us, but in real life it is still 4.for fathers to spend time with their kids and try to understand each other. It is sometimes the same to mothers. In the family education, where are the parents? The program fully showed us a common 5. in China. And maybe it is the real reason why such kind of TV shows could get popular. In real life, young parents feel helpless because they are 6.  busy to spend time with their children under the pressure of work and life. It is difficult for them to find the balance (平衡)between their jobs and family. And in traditional Chinese family, it is often the old who take care of a child. If a child wants to grow up healthily and 7., it is very important for his parents to be his first teachers. The truth is that children will go where their parents go, and society (社会)will go 8.the children go.





AI’ll be there on time.

BWhy not make it a little earlier?

CThat’s too late.

DI’ve no idea.

ESure, I’d love to.

FI’ll be busy then.

GWhat a good idea!


A: Hi, Tom. What are you going to do for Dragon Boat Festival(端午节)?


A: We are going hiking in Gele Mountain. Would you like to come along?

B:2.Should we take some food and drinks with us?


B: What time shall we start?

A: How about 9:00 on Friday morning?

B: There must be many cars on the road at that time.4.

A: That would be all right. So 7:30 at the school gate.

B: How are we going there?

A: It’s only 10 kilometers away. Let’s walk there. By the way, don’t be late.

B: Well,5. See you then.

A: See you.




1.We students should give some books away to the poor students.(改为否定句)

We students_________ give _________ books away to the poor students.

2.I was writing a letter when my mother got home. (对划线部分提问)

___________ ___________ you doing when your mother got home?

3.To keep healthy, you’d better stop smoking at once. (改为同义句)

To keep healthy, you’d better ___________ ________ smoking at once.  .


If you think you are sick, you should not _______ ________going to the doctor.



Earth Hour started in Sydney on March 31st, 2007. It calls on families and buildings to turn off the lights from 20:30 to 21:30 on the last Saturday night of March. In 2007 more than 2.2 million homes and businesses turned off their lights.

A year later, on March 29, Earth Hour 2008 became a global activity and was supported by 50 million people from thirty-five countries. On March 28, 2010 over 2100 cities in another eight countries took part in it. Earth Hour came to China on that day, too.

In 2012 in China, there were many cities taking part in his activity, especially some large cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai…. Many people consciously(有意识的) turned off lights in the hour. And without lights, they could also enjoy themselves. In colleges some students held some activities to make all the students leave their dormitories.

It was 20:30, Beijing time. Some people in Beijing were having a nice talk with their friends. In Shanghai some people were taking a walk with their families or friends. And in Ningbo some young people were holding a party in a park, singing and dancing. The people from the three cities felt very relaxed.

1.Did Earth Hour first start in Australia?


2.When did Earth Hour come to China?


3.What were people in Shanghai doing during Earth Hour?




A little knowledge can make a difference at a time of life or death. Do you know what to do if you find yourself in an earthquake?

If you are inside:

Quickly move under a strong desk, a strong table or along a wall. You can also go into a small room like the bathroom. This will protect you from falling things. Do not get into a lift.

Don’t stand near windows, large mirrors, heavy furniture(家具) or fireplaces.

If you’re outside:

Move away from buildings and streetlights. These could fall on you.

Squat(蹲下) and protect your head until the shaking stops.

After the earthquake:

Check, take care of injuries(伤员)and help make sure people around you are all right.

Watch out for aftershocks

Protect yourself by wearing long pants, a long-sleeved(长袖的) shirt and strong shoes.

Listen to the radio for the latest information.

1.If you are in a tall building when an earthquake happens, you’d better _______

A. run into a lift    B. not stay in the bathroom    C. stand near large mirrors    D. not stand near windows

2.After the earthquake, you should _______

A. look after injuries    B. not help the others around you

C. protect yourself without wearing shoes    D. not listen to the radio for the latest information

3.The underlined word “aftershocks” in the passage means “_____” in Chinese.

A. 震撼    B. 震源    C. 余震    D. 防震

4.The passage is mainly about _______

A. what to do before an earthquake takes place

B. what to do if you are in an earthquake

C. how to escape from an earthquake when you’re at home

D. how to predict an earthquake in the open air



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