满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



   I live in a city where jobs are difficult to get and finding well-paid jobs is even     . Many people have to walk a long way to work   _ they can’t even afford an old, used car.

Yesterday I    one of these people when I was driving home. A man was working down the road and trying to ask for a     from the passing cars. Two cars in front of me passed him by.   wanted to do the same but the sight of that poor man remained in my mind for quite a moment.    I drove back and give him a ride.

As I drove along, we had a conversation and I      that man was trying all his best to support his     while working a temporary(临时的)job. Every coin he had was going to     the house and the food.

But as we came close to the house he was living in, I saw his tired eyes grow     His little girl was playing in the front yard and   into her daddy’s arms as soon as he was out of the     . I was almost lost in that happy moment. I smiled, said     to them and wished them future happiness.Then I    .

That day, the journey home which used to seem so    became very short.

1.A. easier      B. harder          C.faster       D. greater

2.A. and        B. but          C. because        D. so

3.A. called      B. followed        C.saved         D. saw

4.A. ride      B. coin           C. job         D. map

5.A.He        B. I           C.They         D. We

6.A. Actually    B. Finally       C. Firstly        D. Similarly 

7.A. decided     B. hoped         C. learned       D. said

8.A. family      B. friends         C. relatives      D. partners

9.A. depend on   B. make up        C. pay for     D. take away

10.A. dry        B. small          C. dark       D. bright

11.A. climbed    B. fell             C. knocked      D. ran

12.A. bus      B.car             C. taxi         D. train

13.A. goodbye    B. hello         C. sorry       D. yes

14.A. drove off   B. sat down     C. stood up     D.walked away

15.A. boring    B. interesting     C. long          D. unusual


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.D 11.D 12.B 13.A 14.A 15.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述的是作者一天让一位临时工坐便车回家的故事。城市临时工的生活艰辛让他感到同情,而临时工回到家时,父女相见的情境令作者难以忘怀。 1. easier更容易;B. harder更难;C. faster更快;D. greater更棒。and表示并列与递进,根据语境,找工作难,找到薪酬高的工作更难,故选B。 2. and并且,表示并列;B. but但是,表示语义转折;C. because因为,表示原因;D. so因此,表示结果。根据句义表示原因,故选C。 3. followed 跟随;C. saved救;D. saw看见。我在回家路上看到了一位工作辛苦生活艰难的人。故选D。 4. A. ride便车;B. coin 硬币;C. job工作;D. map地图。根据短文大意,讲述工作十分艰苦,但是甚至连旧车都买不起的人,他们在路上搭坐便车。故选A。 5. 6. Actually事实上;B. Finally最后;C. Firstly首先;D. Similarly相似地。他的目光使我感触,最后我让他上了车。故选B。 7. decided决定;B. hoped希望;C. learned了解,学会;D. said说。从我们的交谈中我了解到。故选C。 8. family家,家庭;B. friends 朋友;C. relatives 亲戚;D. partners伙伴。从后面内容中,他所挣的所有的钱都花在房子和食物上,他在苦苦地支撑家庭的日常开销。故选A。 9. depend on依靠;B. make up组成;C. pay for支付;D. take away拿走。他所挣的钱都用于房子和食物,故选C。 10. dry干涩;B. small小;C. dark黑暗;D. bright明亮。从短文后面的内容可知,这个人看到了他的家人,感到幸福,眼睛也发亮了。故选D。 11. climbed爬,攀登;B. fell落下,跌倒;C. knocked敲;D. ran跑。小女儿见到爸爸,跑向爸爸的怀抱中。故选D。 12. bus公交车;B. car小轿车;C. taxi出租车;D. train火车。他从我的小车里出去。故选B。 13. goodbye再见;B. hello问候;C. sorry遗憾;D. yes同意。把他送到家后,我离开时对他们说再见。故选A。 14. drove off开走了;B. sat down坐下了;C. stoop up站起来了;D. walked away走开了。然后我就走了,开着小车走,故选A。 15. 考点:考查故事类短文。

— I’ ve made up my mind..   —_________, it’s not necessary to discuss it.

A. In that case   B. In total

C. What a pity      D. After all



—I find magazines ________.

—So do I. I don’t really buy magazines or look through them,

A. less and less interesting 

B. more and more interesting

C. the most interesting

D. the least interesting



Peter likes pop music,but _____ his father _______ his mother likes it.

A. both; and              B. not only; but also

C. neither; nor           D. either; or



When Jack arrived, he leaned Mary ________ for almost an hour.

A. had gone                  B. had left

C. had been away             D. has been away



The monkey was seen _______ the tall tree.

A. jump off      B. jumping off

C. jumped off    D. to jump off



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