满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Our earth has a long history of about 4,...

Our earth has a long history of about 4,600 million years.  Man only lived on the earth for 3,500 years. But we' ve already changed our earth a lot.  Some of the changes are good while some are _for the earth.

In the past hundreds of years, people have cut down too many trees.  So more beautiful animals and plants____out. Cars and buses have polluted the air. Factories have also polluted the land and the water.

Many forests and farms became deserts(沙漠).The earth gets warmer and warmer. Because the surface of ocean(海平面)is rising, in the future some big cities will fall into the sea water.  How terrible it is! The problems are more and more serious.  So we must do something to stop people from polluting our earth.




2.  (l)It's known that China is a great country with a long____

(2) Could you be more____ this time? The competition is important to us.




4. What does the underlined word "rising" mean in Chinese?


5.What polluted the air?


1.① bad ②died 2. (l)history(2) serious 3.因此我们必须采取行动阻止人们污染(我们的)地球。 4.上升 5.Cars and buses. 【解析】 试题分析:本文叙述了自从地球上有人类以来,人们对环境的影响很大,一些森林和农场变成了沙漠,一些城市由于海平面的上升,变成了地下城市,由于车辆的增多,污染了空气,使环境变的很糟糕。 1.根据while可知,这里前后是对比关系,前面提到的是好的变化,所以后面应该是坏的变化。故第一空用bad;所以一些漂亮的动物和植物就灭绝了,短语die out灭绝。故第二空用out。① bad ②died 2.根据Our earth has a long history of about 4,600 million years.可知,地球上的中国有悠久的历史。故第一空填:history。根据The competition is important to us.可知,竞争很重要,所以要重视这件事。故填:serious。故答案为: (l)history(2) serious 3.短语do something采取措施;stop sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事。故答案为:因此我们必须采取行动阻止人们污染(我们的)地球。 4.根据in the future some big cities will fall into the sea water可知,一些城市因为海平面的上升,所以变成了地下城市。故答案为:上升 5.根据Cars and buses have polluted the air.可知,汽车和公交车污染了空气。故答案为:Cars and buses. 考点:任务型阅读。

Homework can be a headache for kids and teenagers as well as for their parents. The following are some tips to make homework time more effective(有效的).

No TV. Kids should not watch TV while doing homework.

The radio is OK. Some studies have shown that having the radio on teenagers' favorite music station can help kids learn better.

Make fixed(固定的)hours. There should be a fixed timetable for homework. In this way, the kids can plan their time and make sure they get their homework done every day.

Make telephone rules.  Don't let the kids use the telephone when they are doing their homework.However, sometimes it becomes necessary to use the telephone.  For example, they call the classmates up to make sure about homework and answer other questions about homework.

Find out a good study area. First, find out a right place for your children to do their homework,usually in their rooms.  And then make it convenient(方便的)for studying. Prepare enough studying tools, such as pencils, pens, paper and books.

How to better use the homework time

No TV.

Kids should not 1.____ when they do their homework.

The radio is OK.

Kids can 2.____ by having the radio on teenagers’ favorite music station.

Make fixed hours.

Kids can 3.___ and make sure they finish their homework on time.

Make4.____ .

Kids shouldn’t use the telephone unless it’s necessary.

Find out a good study area.

Do homework in 5.___.Prepare enough studying tools  .



Kindergartens(幼儿园) may teach you very important things you need to know.  Dancy, a 5 - year - old boy, saved his father' s life with the skills he learned.

The boy' s father became seriously ill on the way home.  He couldn't speak and could hardly move,but he tried hard to stop the car safely. At that point, Dancy used his father's phone to call his mother for help.  The 5 - year - old boy tried his best to give her mother the useful information, and he was able to tell where they were. Just as he had learned in the kindergarten, Dancy read the letters he saw on a nearby store sign:  " F,U,R,N,I,T,U,R,E. "  But that wasn' t enough for his mother to find them.  Then he added that they were near a bridge. Finally, his mother understood he was talking about a store called Fumiture 22 0n New Jersey's Route22. The mother called 911 and the father was saved in time.

“He just thought his dad needed help," Dancy's mother told the reporter. She also pointed out that her husband was a hero, too.“It is surprising for him to get off the highway(高速路)and get himself and his child to safety even when he was so sick," she said.

Shine,  head of the kindergarten, felt proud of his pupil.“Dancy's spelling skills helped him seize the moment," he said.  "And that's the real value(价值)of education.”

1.When the father became seriously ill, he and his son were____.

A. on the highway

B.at home

C.in a shopping center 

D.in a hospital

2.Dancy called____for help when his father couldn't speak.

A. ShineB.911C.his motherD.the reporter

3.The Chinese meaning of the word "seize" in this passage is probably“____”.


4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Dancy drove his father home.

B. The reporter was really a hero.

C. Shine sent Dancy's father to hospital.

D. Dancy saved his father with his spelling skills.

5.The writer writes this article in order to show____.

A. The boy's father was really a hero.

B. Kindergartens teach us more than middle schools.

C. It's important to use skills learned to get out of trouble.

D. It's surprising for the father to get off the highway.




I think I will be a doctor in eight years.  My father is a doctor and my mother

is a nurse. They are working in the same hospital. I think they are so great. They

always give a hand to sick people.

My hobby is singing. My dream is to be a popular singer like Ben once. I

think I will go to the USA and study music.  I hope I will have a chance to meet

her and get her autograph (亲笔签名 ).

I think I will be a teacher in five years. I have a deep love for children. Sta-

ying with them makes me excited and relaxed. I am outgoing and I am good with

children. I think I can be a good teacher.

I think I will be a farmer in the future.  Maybe it seems strange.  But I really

enjoy life in the countryside. My favorite game is Happy Farm. I have lots of fun

growing vegetables.

1. According to the passage, we can know Ben once is a     .

A. pianist B. dancer  C. singer  D. painter

2. What does the underlined phrase " give a hand"  mean in English?

A. help   B. raise C. lift  D. send

3.Who wants to be a teacher?

A. Ben.  B. Jenny.   C. Amy.   D. Davy.

4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Ben's parents are both doctors.

B. Jenny will go to Paris and study art.

C.  Amy doesn't like staying with children.

D.  Davy wants to be a farmer in some years.

5. What are the students talking about?

A. Their future life.

B. Their family.

C. Their favorite game. 

D. Their problems.




Joe wanted a computer. He asked his    for the money and they said he must get it himself. But how could he get it? He    about this when he walked home. Not many people wanted to ask children to work for them. Maybe he could take away     for the neighbors(邻居).But this was not winter.  He had to wait a long time.  He couldn't cut grass for their gardens _   he had no tools(工具)to do the work with.

Then he saw one of his     ,Dick, who sits next to him, delivering(送)newspaper. I could do that, he thought.     I could even get the computer right away. I could pay__   it a little each week. He ran quickly to catch up with Dick. Joe    him a lot of questions.  He learned that it was    to get twenty - five dollars each week.  He learned that the job    about three hours each night. Dick    him the phone number of the newspaper manager.

Joe almost flew home. After he had told his mother     hethought, she smiled    ,¨I think it is a     idea," she said, "I'll call the newspaper.

“Wait, mum," Joe said,  "I'll call.  After that,I'm going to be a  now.” Joe's mother was very happy.

1.A.teachers  B.parents  C.classmates   D.friends

2.A.said B.told C.thought D.spoke

3.A.rain B.stormC.snow  D.shower

4.A.because  B.whenC.while  D.after

5.A.students  B.classmatesC.teachers   D.brothers

6.A.May be   B.probablyC.Maybe D.Only

7.A.on B.to C.of   D.for

8.A.studied   B.asked   C.deletedD.got

9.A.friendly  B.kindC.possible   D.wrong

10.A.spentB.paidC.lost   D.took

11.A.taught   B.gaveC.made D.asked

12.A.that B.when   C.what  D.where

13.A.sadly   B.happily  C.politely D.angrily

14.A.big B.largeC.great  D.bad

15.A.teacher  B.painter  C.businessmanD.worker



-I think that we can swim in that lake.

--____. That's too dangerous.

A.I disagreeB.That's greatC.I think soD.Yes, please



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