满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

初级写作 假如你是Angela,你想交一个说英语的朋友。请根据下面表格中的内容,...







Dear friend,

    I'm Angela.                                                                 



Yours ,



Dear friend, I’m Angela. I am 12 years old. My birthday is on January 3rd. I am a middle school student. My favorite color is red. I like eating rice, egg and beef. My favorite subject is English because it is very interesting and I can make many friends. I like Friday best because I can go to English Corner on Friday afternoon. I am good at playing volleyball and swimming. Yours, Angela 【解析】 试题分析:这篇作文要求我们以Angela的身份写一篇自我介绍,是一篇介绍自己的作文。这样题材的作文是学生们比较熟悉的,因此写起来比较得心应手。写作时,首先要注意将题目中所列出的要点都包括进去,不能有所遗漏;其次要选择正确的时态和人称,确定谓语动词的形式,还要注意be动词形式的变化;接下来还应注意写作时,使用一些短语和句型,在句子之间使用一些连词,使上下文的意思连贯、流畅。 写作亮点:这篇作文写得比较优秀,首先作文的内容非常完整,包含了题目中要求的所有内容,没有遗漏要点;其次短文中使用了正确的时态和人称,谓语动词形式和be动词的形式都非常准确;另外,短文中还用到了一些较好的短语,如my favorite color is…, like… best, because引导的原因状语从句, like doing sth., make friends, on Friday afternoon,be good at等。 考点:提纲类作文。  


1.A: What are these              English?

B:  They' re _        .

2.A:                  is the T - shirt

B: It's 9 _                                .

3. A:                               the book?

B:  It' s _           the chair.

4.A:         _ your mother have hamburgers for dinner?

5.A:  When is the       _ Day?

B: It's                                





you, watch, have, some, look, on, twelve

1. I have a blue jacket and my sister    a black one.

2. Science is my favorite subject. What about____?

3.December is the____    month of a year.

4.Let him____    TV on weekends.

5.The pair of shoes____   nice on you, you can take it home.




    Students need enough(足够的)sports. No. 12 Middle School hopes the students can be (1)

__    _.So it plans(计划)to let the students do more(更多的)sports at school.

   Han Lin,a 13 - year - old student from the middle school, likes the plan very much.  Han and her friends like playing ping - pong, but now they can only run(跑步)every morning at school. boring, think, they, is it,“We hope to do what we like," say Han and her friends. “Because of the plan, we can play tennis, basketball and many other ball games. And we can also do our favorite sport next term.”

    Mr. Huang,a P.E.  teacher from the middle school says, "The plan is good for the students' health. And it's good for their study, (2)___.”



(1)                         (2)                     



4.When can Han Lin and her friends do their favorite sport at school?

5.What subject does Mr. Huang teach?




    Mike's eleventh birthday is next Saturday. He wants to have a dinner party at his house. He asks some good friends to his party. David and Sally are two of them. Now they are discussing(讨论)what they will buy for Mike.

David: Hey, Mike's birthday dinner is next Saturday.  Let's think about the food.

Sally: Sure, does he like birthday cake?

David: No, he doesn't. He is tired of(对…厌烦) butter a lot.

Sally: Well, what does he like?

David: He likes burgers and fried chicken.

Sally: That's great. I like them too.  What about vegetable salad?

David: No, he doesn't. But he likes fruits.

Sally: What fruits?

David: l think his favorite fruits are apples and bananas.

Sally: OK.  Oh, don't forget ice - cream.  He likes it too.

Sally: All right.  Let's take all.


1.                                          birthday party




At his house

Who asked(被邀请)


How old


What to buy

5.                           , apples, bananas and ice—cream




阅读短文 ,根据其内容,选择最佳选项 o

    Jack sells books at a bookstore. He needs to sell books for 10 hours every day and 6 days every week. But Jack doesn't think it's a long time, because books are his favorite things.

    When Jack is not busy, he likes reading books at the bookstore. His favorite book is Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Every week Jack can take one book home and read it. Jack loves selling books also because he can meet book lovers there. Jack recommends(推荐) good books to them and they do the same to Jack.

     Jack gets about 300 dollars every two weeks. Now he has about 2, 400 dollars.  He wants to buy a car. After about 3 months, Jack can buy his first car.

1. Why does Jack love selling books?

He likes books.         His friends sells books.

He wants to buy a car. He can meet book lovers.

A.①②    B.②③    C.③④    D.①④

2. How many(多少) books can he take home every week?

A. One              B. Three             C. Six             D. Ten

3.The underlined part "do the same" refers to(指代的是)“____”.

A. sell books for long hours 

B. recommend good books

C. like Mark Twain's books 

D. take books home and read them

4. How much does Jack get every month?

A. 300 dollars.    B.600 dollars.

C.150 dollars.    D.1,200 dollars.

5.What does Jack want to have after 3 months?

A. Books.    B.A book lover.    C.A car.    D.A store.



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