满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空 先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入...



Sometimes, I doubt(怀疑) whether there is any love between my parents. Every day they are busy trying to    money. They don’t act in the romantic(浪漫的) ways that I read in books or I see on TV. They never say, “I love you”. My father has a bad temper(性情, 脾气), and it is      for him to be angry in his daily life.

One day, my mother was sewing a quilt (缝被子). I sat down beside her.

“Mom, I have a question to ask you.” I said after a while.

   “What?” she asked, still working.

   “Is there   between you and Dad?” I asked her     a very low voice.

My mother stopped her work and   her head with surprise in her eyes. She didn’t answer immediately. Then she bowed(低下) her head and went on sewing(缝).

I thought I had hurt her. At last my mother said: “Susan, look at this thread(线). Sometimes it appears, but most of the time, it disappears in the quilt. It makes the quilt ___ . If life is a quilt, then love should be a thread. It can hardly be seen anywhere,    it’s really there.”

I listened carefully but I didn’t understand her    the next spring. My father suddenly got sick. My mother had to stay with him in the    for a month.

After they got back, she helped my father walk slowly down the road every day. My father had never been so weak. “Dad, how are you feeling now?” I asked him one day.

   “Susan, don’t worry about me.” he said gently. “I just like    with your mom.”

Once I thought love meant flowers, gifts and sweet kisses. Now, I know that love is the thread that holds a family together.  

1.A. have B. make C. put D. spend

2.A. the same B. difficult C. easy D. different

3.A. love B. money C. friendship  D. peace

4.A. with B. under C. in D. by

5.A. nodded B. shook C. lowered D. raised

6.A. big B. wide C. thick D. strong

7.A. and B. for C. but D. so

8.A. until B. because C. when D. unless

9.A. school B. home C. garden D. hospital

10.A. talking B. walking C. sitting D. living


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.B 【解析】 试题分析:有时我真怀疑父母之间是否有真爱。他们每天都忙着为了支付我和我哥哥的教育费用而赚钱。他们没有我在书中读到或在电视上看到的那种浪漫的方式。对他们来说,“我爱你”是很难说。甚至几乎没见过在一些特别的日子互相送花。我曾经认为爱情就是鲜花,礼物和甜蜜的吻。但是从这次经历中,我明白了,爱情就像是生活中被子里的一根线。爱情就在里面,使生活变得坚固而温暖。 1.have有;B. make使,制作;C. put放;D. spend花费。句意:每天他们忙于设法挣钱。短语make money表示挣钱。根据题意,故选B。 2.difficult困难的;C. easy容易的;D. different困难的。句意:对于他们来说在日常生活中生气是容易的。这里是说容易的。根据题意,故选C。 3.love喜欢;B. money金钱;C. friendship友情;D. peace和平。句意:在你和父亲之间有爱吗?这里是说爱。根据题意,故选A。 4.with带有;B. under在……下面;C. in在……里面;D. by通过。句意:我用微小的声音问她。这里是用……声音用介词in。故选C。 故选C。 5.nodded点头;B. shook震惊;C. lowered降低;D. raised抬起。句意:我的母亲停下他的工作眼里充满了惊讶地抬起了头。这里是抬头的意思。故选D。 6.big大的;B. wide宽广的;C. thick厚的;D. strong强壮的。句意:它使被子更强壮。这里是更强壮的意思。故选D。 7.and和,有;B. for为了;C. but但是;D. so因此;句意:但是,它真地在哪。这里表示转折关系。故选C。 8.until直到;B. because因为;C. when当……的时候;D. unless如果不。句意:我仔细地听,但是我不能理解她直到明年春天。短语not…until…表示直到……才。根据题意,故选A。 9. school学校;B. home家;C. garden花园;D. hospital医院;恐吓他上大学。句意:我的母亲不得和他在医院里待一个月。根据题意,故选D。 10.talking带去;B. walking走;C. sitting做;D. living居住。句意:我仅仅喜欢和母亲散步。根据前文的she helped my father walk slowly down the road every day.可知她的爸爸喜欢和她的妈妈一起散步,这是他们之间爱的表达。短语like doing sth.表示喜欢做某事。故选B。 考点:人生感悟类短文

How difficult this math problem is for me! Can you tell me _______?

A. how can I work it out

B. how I can work it out

C. how I can work out it

D. how can I work out it



Teachers should encourage students to practice ______ English as much as they can.

A.speaking        B. speak       C. spoke       D. to speak



My brother will go abroad, so I’ m going to the airport to      .

A. meet him                       B. see him off

C. meet him off                    D. see off him



I _______ my hometown for many years. I really miss it.

A. left                           B. went away from

C. has left                        D. has been away from



—When _____ you _____ for Japan?  

—Tomorrow morning.

A. do; leave                       B. are; leaving

C. will; leaving                    D. did; leave



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