满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



Some students cheat(作弊) ______ they’re busy or lazy and they want to get good grades without ______ the time studying. Other students might feel that they can’t ______ the test without cheating. Even when there seems to be a “good reason” for cheating, it isn’t a good ______.

A student who thinks cheating is the only way to pass a test ______ to talk with the teacher and his or her parents so they can find some better ways together. Talking about these problems and _______ them out will help feel better than cheating.

If a student gets caught(被抓) cheating, the teacher may give a “_______” on the test, send him or her to the head teacher’s ______, and call his or her parents. Worse than the ______ grade may be the feeling of having disappointed (使失望)those people, ______ parents and teachers. A parent may worry that you are not an ______ person and a teacher might watch you more _____ the next time you’re taking a test.

There are lots of reasons why a kid shouldn’t cheat, but some students have already cheated. If that’s you, it’s _____too late to stop cheating. Cheating can become a _______, but a student is always _____ to act better and make better decisions. It might help to talk the problem over with a parent, teacher, or friend. 

1.A.because        B.so                C.but             D.Although

2.A.taking         B.spending         C.costing          D.using

3.A.write          B.exercise            C.pass            D.expect

4.A.idea           B.result             C.information      D.news

5.A.decides        B.hopes             C.refuses          D.needs

6.A.breaking       B.dreaming          C.missing          D.working

7.A.prize          B.hundred           C.zero             D.treat

8.A.office       B.school            C.seat             D.conversation

9.A.impossible     B.dangerous        C.good             D.terrible

10.A.and           B.besides          C.like             D.for example

11.A.good          B.hard-working      C.interesting         D.honest

12.A.closely        B.bravely           C.comfortably        D.hardly

13.A.always        B.never            C.once             D.still

14.A.hobby         B.medicine          C.habit              D.game

15.A.able          B.ready            C.unable             D.unready


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.A 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:一些学生作弊因为他们忙碌或懒惰,他们想不花时间学习取得好成绩。认为作弊是通过考试的唯一方法的学生需要跟老师和他或她的父母交谈,以便他们一起能找到些更好的方法。 1. 2.,后跟动词-ing搭配;C.costing花费,主语为物;D.using使用,后不跟动词-ing搭配。故选B。 3.考查动词及语境理解。句意:其他学生可能觉得不作弊就不能通过考试.。A.write写;B.exercise 锻炼;C.pass通过;D.expect期待。故选C。 4.句意:即使作弊似乎有一个“好理由”时,但这也不是一个好想法。A.idea想法;B.result 结果;C.information 信息;D.news新闻。故选A。 5.认为作弊是通过考试的唯一方法的学生,需要跟老师和他或她的父母谈谈,以便他们一起能找到些更好的方法A. decides决定,B. hopes希望,C. refuses拒绝,D. needs需要。故选D。 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.,做介词;D.for example例如。故选C。 11. 12. 13.考查副词及语境的理解。句意:如果那是你,停止作弊从不太晚。A. always总是;B. never从不;C. once一次;D. still仍然。故选B。 14. 15. 考点:考查教育类短文。


A. Let them in your life

B. Do more jobs around the house

C. Have fun together

D. Express your love

E. Say more “yes”

F. Show your kindness and respect

Here is some advice for you to get on well with your parents.


Tell them how things are going for you even if it’s a small thing. You can share something about your school and friends every day with them. You can also talk to them about your troubles. They may have advice.


Find things you all enjoy and do them together. You’d better leave your computer games and spend more time with them.


Always respect your parents even when you disagree with them. Don’t be angry or shout to them.


You probably want your parents to do that too. Parents are more likely to agree with you and say “yes” when kids are cooperative.(配合的)


Consider doing something special for your parents on their birthdays. You can tell them you love them by trying a hug a note a kiss or a simple thank-you.



Your mom tells you to put on your hat and gloves. But as the cold winter season gets closer it’s so cold that even mom’s advice does not work.

That means it’s time to put on your qiuku! This is a kind of “thermal underwear(保暖内衣)” or long underpants that keep people warm in the coldest months of the year.

In Western countries qiuku is usually known as long johns but they aren’t popular. Long johns in the US are usually two pieces a long-sleeved(长袖的) shirt and long pants worn under other clothing or sometimes even used as pajamas(睡衣).

Long johns first appeared in England during the 17th century. We call them long johns because the US boxer John L. Sullivan wore them while he boxed. But this is not a historical fact.

In the US it gets quite cold and snowy in many places. And while parents often push kids to wear more clothes and long underwear it’s very special when young people actually(实际上) put them on.

Part of the reason might be because it’s not very fashionable(时尚的) and another reason might be because people don’t spend much time outside during the cold months. So they just deal with the freezing(冰冻的) temperatures when they have to leave the warm building. But in their parents’ eyes staying warm is more important than looking nice.

1. People wear qiuku to be __________.

A. fashionable       B. popular        C. friendly          D. Warm

2. What is part of long johns in the US?

A. Socks             B. T-shirts        C. Long pants        D. Coats

3.Which one is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Long johns first appeared in the US in the 17th century.

B. Long johns got its name from the boxer John L. Sullivan.

C. We can read about long johns and Sullivan in history books.

D. Long johns in Western countries are as popular as qiuku in China.

4.What does the underlined sentence mean?

A. Few young people wear long johns.

B. Many young people wear long johns.

C. Young people like special long johns.

D. Young people dislike special long johns.

5.The last paragraph tells us that ___________.

A. young people care more about staying warm

B. young people think long johns are not fashionable

C. in winter people need to stay outside for a long time

D. long johns are fashionable but can’t keep people warm



Tuesday Jan. 6 950 p.m.

    We were sitting in our warm living room. The TV was on and everything was peaceful. Suddenly the light went on and off for a few times and then went out completely. Then the rain started and everything went black. We found the flashlight and some candles and went to bed.

    Wednesday Jan. 7 730 a.m.

    My first thought after waking up was that it was pretty cold in my bedroom. Clearly the power (电力供应) didn’t come back. After I looked out of the window I felt even sadder it was still raining heavily. The room was becoming colder and colder. We had no idea when the power would come back so my wife started a fire in the fireplace.

    Thursday Jan. 8 1230 p.m.

    The snow started. The poor trees now had to carry the heavy snow. The storm seemed to last (持续) and we had nothing to do but stay at home.

    Friday Jan. 9 600 p.m.

    Still no power. Even though we lit (点燃) a few candles it was still difficult to do anything in their weak light. I was sitting near several candles but I had trouble reading.

    Saturday Jan. 10 100 p.m.

    The storm stopped this morning and I drove my car to look for an open store. The trees along the roads were broken. I only bought the most necessary things bread some fruit more drinking water and batteries (电池) for the flashlight. On my way home the power came back and people were very happy.

1. How did the writer feel when he found it was still raining heavily?

A. Angry.         B. Sad.          C. Scared.         D. Shocked.

2.Why did the writer say it was hard to do anything during the storm?

A. It was too cold in the room.    

B. The flashlight had no batteries.

C. The light kept going on and off.

D. The light of candles was too weak.

3. What did the writer NOT buy when he drove out?

A. Newspapers.    B. Water.       C. Batteries.        D. Food.

4.How long did the storm last?

A. Two days.               B. Three days.

C. Less than two days.      D. More than three days.

5.The material is probably from a _______.

A. guidebook       B. diary

C. notice          D. science magazine



  Mike is 15 years old and Rose is 13 years old. One day they went to see the doctor. Because they had bad colds and coughed terribly. After checking, the doctor gave them two bottles of medicine to take. There are the words on the mark of the bottles:


1.Shake well before use.

2.Take three times daily after meals.

3.Dose(用量):adults(成人)and children over l5      2 teaspoonfuls

               children 8-14       1 teaspoonful

               children 3-7        1/2 teaspoonful

4.Not for children below the age of 3.

5.Store in a cold place.

6.Use before December.2011

1. Rose should take_______a day. Mike should take _______a day.

A. 1 teaspoonful; 2 teaspoonfuls

B. 2 teaspoonfuls; 1 teaspoonful

C. 3 teaspoonfuls; 6 teaspoonfuls

D. 4 teaspoonfuls; 2 teaspoonfuls

2.The medicine should be kept in  _________.

A. the sun    B. any place      C. hot water     D. a fridge

3.Rose should ________before she takes some.

A. shake the medicine well

B. eat nothing

C. not shake the medicine

D. drink something

4. People aged ________ can not take this medicine.

A. 2       B. 25         C. 13         D. 15

5. The medicine left should be __________ after December, 2011.

A. eaten in a month

B. thrown away

C. kept in a cold place

D. kept in a warm place



随着绿色生活的理念深入人心,南京很多社区里出现了衣服回收箱 (clothes recycling bin)。人们把用过的旧衣服清洁后放入回收箱,一部分衣服捐给有需要的人们,一部分由工厂回收再利用。


1. “衣服回收箱”的使用情况;

2. “衣服回收”行动的目的以及你的建议。





Dear Lady/Gentleman,

It has been a lifestyle for people to go green in communities.                              







Li Ke



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