满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

This is a picture of something I did at...


This is a picture of something I did at my school last year. I wrote out 1,986 notes. Each said, “You’re beautiful,” and I stuck one to every locker in my school.

It was almost unbearable (难以忍受的) to listen to people put themselves down every day. They would say things like, “I’m ugly” or “No one likes me”. To me, that wasn’t the     . For at least one day, I wanted everyone to know that someone     _____ they were beautiful.

It took me over 6 hours to write all of the notes, and an hour to stick them with the help of one other friend. It wasn’t my original (最初的)    to tell people that I had done it, but words got out after I had been called to the Dean’s office. They found me through the school’s video surveillance system.

After I     everything that had happened, there was talk of a possible 3-day suspension from school (暂时停学). When I went back to my classroom, my teacher   me what they said, and I told her. This is how the rest of the students found out. Throughout the whole day, words of the possible suspension circulated (流传), and a group of students came together and formed a petition (请愿书). They passed the petition     school.

In the end, it had over 600 signatures (签名), from both students and faculty.

It amazed me that people would do that for me. For one day, I truly felt     . And for one day, I managed to make every other kid in my school feel beautiful as well.

A few days later, after the incident (事件) was not     , a complete stranger approached me. What she said to me was shocking.

“That day, I was planning on killing myself. I had given up completely on society, but because of you, I didn’t. You gave me     . Thank you.”

What’s more    than that is the fact that today she has become one of my best friends.

1.A. task   B. testC. truthD. treat

2.A. agreed B. complained  C. reportedD. thought

3.A. advice B. plan  C. problem D. worry

4.A. accepted   B. believedC. explained  D. changed

5.A. asked  B. encouraged  C. introduced  D. promised

6.A. from  B. aroundC. throughD. during

7.A. awfulB. beautiful C. terribleD. ugly

8.A. new   B. tiny   C. true D. usual

9.A. hopeB. luck C. progressD. success

10.A. friendly   B. dangerous   C. amazing   D. useful


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.C 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:本文介绍了一则学校事件,作者在每一个更衣室的门上贴上了“你是美的”,学校找到他,打算让作者停学三天,其他的学生知道后,联名请愿,作者感觉很“美”,同时无意中拯救了一位想自杀的同学。 1.根据第一段可知作者在每一个更衣室的门上贴上“你是美的”,因为他不能忍受人们说自己丑,所以他认为那不是事实,故选C。 2. 3.考查名词和对语境的理解。句意:把我所做的事情告诉别人,这不是我最初的计划,但我被召到主任的办公室后,话传了出去。A. advice 建议;B. plan 计划;C. problem 问题;D. worry 烦恼。故选B。 4.根据上文作者被召到主任办公室,他要对此事进行解释,故选C。 5.根据下文I told her,可知老师是问作者发生了什么事,故选A。 6.……期间。根据下文In the end, it had over 600 signatures (签名)可知他们是在整个学校传递请愿书,所以选B。 7.有了学校这么多人的支持,我的感觉应该是很“美”的,故选B。 8. 9.根据女孩的描述可知,她没有自杀,故选A。 10.根据前文可知,本身这个事件就是很令人惊讶的事情,根据句意此处故选C。 考点:故事类阅读。

What do you think of your trip to Mt. Niushou last weekend?

_______. There’s no doubt that spring is the best time to visit there.

A. Our guide took us there

B. It was really fantastic  

C. We went there by coach 

D. It was not far away from our hotel



Should I buy an iPhone SE, a 6s Plus, or wait for the next one?

Oh, _______. You’ve just bought one recently. There’s no need to change it.

A. of course  B. come on

C. no problem   D. with pleasure



Excuse me. Can you tell me ______?

Go along this street and take the second turning on the right.

A. where is Laomendong

B. when Laomendong was built

C. how I can get to Laomendong

D. which way can I take to Laomendong



It was so cold last winter.

Yeah, ______ was even a lot of snow in the south.

A. it   B. this    C. that   D. there



Millions of people felt ______ amazed at the news that Steven Hawking joined Sina Weibo.

A. almost    B. quite    C. enough   D. already



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