满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— I think life ______ is a journey and e...

I think life ______ is a journey and every step we take moves us in some direction.

I can’t agree more.

A. itself   B. himself   C. herself   D. themselves


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-我认为生命本身就是一个旅程,我们走的每一步都朝着某个方向。-我很赞同。 itself反身代词,它自己,作life的同位语。所以选A。 考点:考查反身代词  

2016年江苏省初中英语听力口语自动化考试已经结束。假定你是初三学生Daniel, 你们学校学生会邀请你向全校同学进行经验介绍。请根据以下提纲准备一份英文发言稿:

1. 你是如何准备本次考试的;

2. 你从中获得怎样的收获与感受;

3. 你对提高英语听说能力的建议。

注意:1. 发言稿中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;

2. 语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;

3. 词数80左右,发言稿的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。

Good morning, everyone! I’m Daniel. It is my honor to be here to share with you my opinions. The listening and speaking test has been over.                                              





Thank you for listening!





Ray Tomlinson was born in New York State. He sent the world’s f  1.  email and let us have the use of the @ symbol in electronic communications. Tomlinson wrote a program in 1971 that a  2.  messages to be exchanged between different computers. Before that time, electronic messages had only been exchanged between people using the s  3.  main unit.

At the time of his invention, Tomlinson was researching possible uses for the ArpaNet—the US military (军方) network that formed the base of the Internet, and showed an i  4.  in improving the use of ArpaNet’s “mailbox(邮箱)”, which made users send messages to the mailboxes possible. In the past, people had to print out the message and p 5.  it in the mailbox. This achievement made a great difference in people’s life.

Tomlinson also came up with the i  6.  of using the “@” symbol to separate the name of the receiver from the name of the host, creating the standard still used today. Although it had a history of o  7.  forty years, Tomlinson said email had not changed much since its invention.

Tomlinson studied electrical engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic and t  8. got his masters (硕士学位) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He joined a company called Bolt, Beranek, and Newman in 1967, and stayed there the r 9.  of his life. He died at the age of 74. The company was later acquired (收购) by Raytheon.

“A true technology pioneer and his work changed the w  10. the world communicates.” Ratheon said. “It is with great sadness we know the passing of our friend.”



There are four million people with diabetes (糖尿病) in the UK—that’s one in every 16 people. There are two main types of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 is less common and is not preventable. In the UK, 90% of diabetes are Type 2. It has something to do with weight gain and a sedentary (久坐的) lifestyle, but there are other risk reasons. The good news is that around 80% of cases of Type 2 diabetes are preventable.

Are you at risk?

Type 2 diabetes can come on slowly. It may not be easy to find the signs. So it is important to understand the risk reasons. People with Type 2 diabetes can feel thirsty, tired and need to go to the toilet more often.

Tips on preventing Type 2

If you have Type 2 diabetes, it is very important to control your weight. If you are overweight, Type 2 diabetes can be avoided by reducing your weight.

Exercise is necessary for good health. It not only helps to keep a healthy weight, but can lower blood-sugar levels because it helps your body to use insulin (胰岛素) more effectively. To have high levels of everyday activities, including walking, housework, playing with children and hobbies—anything that gets you moving.

Also, a healthy diet will help you manage your weight. Vegetables and fruits are low in calories and are rich in vitamins, minerals (矿物质) and fiber (纤维). This is important for good digestion (消化) and slows down the sugars into the blood. However, some types of fruits are high in sugar, so getting most of your five-a-day from vegetables is better.

Whole grains are good for Type 2 diabetes because the husk (外壳) of the seed is kept. This is often the best part of the grain, with fiber and protein (蛋白). Protein is good for Type 2 diabetes. Fish, meats, eggs, nuts and many beans are rich in protein.

Foods high in both fat and sugar are very bad for your health and should be avoided. Water is the best because there aren’t any calories in it while many other drinks, such as soft drinks, energy drinks and milky coffees are really bad.

How to 1.  the risk of diabetes

General introduction

● Compared with Type 2, Type 1 is less   2.  and can’t be prevented.

Some Type 2 diabetes are   3.  by weight gain and a sedentary  lifestyle.

The conditions of Type 2 diabetes

The signs of Type 2 may not be found   4.  .

People can feel thirsty, tired and need to go to the toilet more often.

Tips on

  5.  Type 2  


Controlling your weight

  6.  Type 2 diabetes by losing weight.

Doing exercise

● Taking high levels of 7.  activities.

Having a healthy


● Eating more fruits and vegetables 8.  of vitamins, mineral and fiber.

● Choosing whole grains and water 9.  calories.

  10. away from those foods high in both fat and sugar.




A: What a wonderful dinner!

B: Thank you. I am   1.  that you enjoyed it.

A: The dishes you prepared were really tasty. Have you taken cooking lessons before?

B: No. My mother was a good cook in one of the biggest 2. in the city. I learnt cooking from her.

A: Did your father cook too?

B: Yes. My mother cooked almost   3.  during working hours in the restaurant. When she came home after work, she really didn’t want to cook. So it was my father who usually cooked at home.

A: I’d like to 4. cook, but I don’t know how. You know, my husband is very busy with his work, but I’ve got bored with the food.

B: Don’t worry. I can 5. you how to cook some simple dishes if you like.

A: That will be great, thank you!




1. May Day is coming, but I’m        (sure) where to go on holiday.

2. I had no difficulty       (make) myself understood on the chat show.

3. The police came and took the        (noise) men away from the cafe room.

4. All the       (visit) bags will be looked after by the guide during the game.

5. If you don’t know about this matter very well, you had better       (keep) quiet.



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